Q400 Speeds & Operating Limitations Flashcards
Max Ramp Weight
65,400 pounds
Max Take-Off Weight
65,200 pounds
Max Landing Weight
62,000 pounds
Max Zero Fuel Weight
58,000 pounds
Max Cargo Compartment #1
Max Cargo Compartment #2
Max Cargo Compartment #1 & #2
2,800 pounds
1,000 pounds
2,800 pounds
Max Forward Cargo Compartment #3
Max Wardrobe
910 pounds
160 pounds
Max Operating Altitude
Max Take-off / Landing Altitude
25,000 feet
10,000 feet
Max altitude with gear and/or flap extended
Max altitude for airstart
15,000 feet
20,000 feet
Max runway slope for take-off or landing
Plus/minus 2%
Max tailwind for take-off and landing dry/wet/contaminated without any of the 12restrictions
10 kts
*Takeoff and/or landing with tailwinds between 10 to 20 KIAS maximum may be conducted provided:
- Nosewheel steering is operative
- Antiskid is operative
- Flight Spoilers are operative in ground and flight modes
- Bleed air is selected OFF prior to takeoff or landing
- Runways are not contaminated
- Takeoff are conducted with Flaps 10 or 15
- NTOP takeoff power rating is used
- Takeoff is not conducted in icing conditions
- Appropriate takeoff performance is provided in the Takeoff Landing Report (TLR)
- Appropriate landing performance is provided in the TLR
- Landings are conducted with Flaps 35° with propellers at 1020/max (850 rpm is not approved)
- CAT II operations are not authorized
Max Temperature Limits - Flight & Ground
Max 50C or ISA+35C
Min -54C
Can you fire up if plane has been shut down for greater than 3 hours at -15C?
Nope. Ramp Servicing Manual PSM 1-84-2S must be observed prior to starting.
Max crosswind for take-off and Landing on a dry or wet runway including gust factor is…
32 KTS, and wind gusts are included
CAT II Crosswind limitations for dry or wet runway is…
18 KTS, and wind gusts are included