Q4 Direct Marketing Flashcards
Growth of direct marketing (6)
1) consumer credit cards
2) expertise/direct marketing specialists
3) technological advances
4) changing structure of society
5) miscellaneous factors
6) demand by marketers for greater accountability
- direct marketing
- direct response media
1) direct marketing - a system of marketing by which an organisation communicates directly with customers to generate a response or transaction
2) direct response media - media used to seek a direct response from the consumer, including direct mail, telemarketing and the like.
Direct combines with .. (6)
1) advertising
2) public relations
3) sales promotion
4) personal selling
5) support media
6) Internet
- advertising (1)
- public relations (1)
- sales promotion (1)
1) advertising
- direct marketing is in itself a form of advertising, whether though mail, print or TV, the direct response offer is the message itself.
2) public relations
- activities that often employ direct response techniques.
3) sales promotions
- company’s using direct marketing tools to inform customers of sales promotions.
- support media (2)
- personal selling (1)
1) support media
- to successfully implement direct marketing programs, companies must make a number of decisions. They must determine:
> what the programs objectives will be
> what markets to target
> what direct marketing strategies to use
> how to evaluate the effectiveness of the program
2) personal selling
- telemarketing and direct selling are two methods of personal selling used to generate sales.
Direct marketing objectives
- behavioural outcomes (8)
1) induce sales/receive orders
2) receive enquiries
3) get customers to sales point/test drive
4) launch event registrations
5) encourage website visits
6) expressions of interest
7) entries into competitions
8) donations/votes
Developing a data base (7 steps)
1) the product
2) into the data base MAW e.g. Filling in warranty card
3) digesting the data
4) an ideal consumer e.g. Clusters with common characteristics
5) using the knowledge e.g. Develop new products
6) sharing the data with retailers e.g. Fine tuning shelf displays
7) refining the database e.g. Continually update
Objectives of data base marketing (4)
1) improve selection of market segments
2) stimulate repeat purchase
3) cross-selling other products
4) customer relationship management
Improve selection of market segments (1)
Stimulate repeat purchases (1)
1) improve the selection of market segments
- some consumers are more likely to be potential customers than others.
2) stimulate repeat purchase
- once a purchase has been made, the customers name and other information are entered into the data parse. These preorder are proven direct market users, who offer high potential for repurchase.
Cross-sell (1)
Customer relationship management (2)
1) cross sell
- customers who demonstrate a specific interest also constitute strong potential for other products of the same nature.
2) customer relationship management
- the aim of CRM is to establish a relationship with ones customers through a more personalised communisations and better target product or service offerings.
- for CRM to work effectively, a comprehensive data base is required along with specialised CRM software.
A comprehensive data base (5)
1) name
2) gender
3) occupation
4) income
5) age
Sources of database information (4)
1) the ABS
2) Australian post
3) service providers
4) associations for data driven marketing and advertising
Negative perceptions of data base marketing (5)
1) privacy concerns
2) nuisance
3) overload/clutter
4) intrusive/interruptions
5) distrust
Directing marketing media strategies
- 2 definitions
1) one step approach
- a direct marketing strategy in which the medium is used directly to obtain an order.
2) two step approach
- a direct marketing strategy in which the first effort is designed to screen or qualify potential buyers, while the second effort has the responsibility of generating the response.
Directing marketing and strategies (7)
1) direct mail
2) catalogues
3) broadcast media
4) infomercials
5) home shopping
6) print media
7) telemarketing and SMS