Q4-Alignment and Occlusion Flashcards
______ ______ forces are acting on the teeth before and after eruption
complex multidirectional
What type of forces direct the teeth lingually
muscles lips cheeks
What type of forces direct the teeth labially
What type of forces affect the position of teeth via exercising part of the body that is not what it is intended to do
parafunctional forces (pipe, musical instrument, sucking thumb, bruxism, etc.)
Functional response of the alveolar bone and gingival fibers surrounding the teeth cause what
mesial drifting of teeth toward the midline
During mastication there is a slight buccolingual and vertical movement of the teeth which causes what
wear of proximal contacts
This helps maintain the contact between teeth
mesial drifting of teeth tower the midline
All mandibular teeth are inclined which way
Posterior mandibular teeth are inclined which way
Anterior maxillary teeth are inclined which way
Posterior maxillary teeth are inclined which ways
distally buccally
This curve is along the plane of occlusion from antero-posterior

curve of Spee
This curve in the plane of occlusion is from buccal to lingual

curve of Wilson
What are the 3 things that make up posterior teeth
cusps, gooves, and sulci
This is the area of a posterior tooth between the obuccal and lingul cusps
occlusal table
The occlusal table respresents approximately what percentge of the total buccal to lingul dimension
This is a place for the opposing cusp and a place to hold food during mastication
Which arch is slightly smaller than the other
mandibular is smaller
These are the supporting or centric cusps
maxillary lingual
mandibular buccal
This is caused by skeletal arch size or eruption discrepancies
posterior crossbite
In posterior crossbite, these are the supporting or centric cusps
maxillary buccal
mandibular lingual
This is responsible for maintaining the vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO) and trituate food during mastication
centric cusp
This maintains the bolus of food on the occlusal table during mastication, assist in shearing food, and minimize tissue impingement
noncentric cusps
This is the distance between the nose and the chin when the teeth are occluding
vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO)
This is the occlusal relationship of the maxillary and mandibular teeth when the cusps are fully interposed
maximun intercuspation position (ICP)
What are the two types of contact during maximun intercuspation position
cusp to marginal ridge
cusp to fossa
In which cuspal contact is the force through the long axis of the tooth
cusp - fossa occlusion
buccal cusps of mandibular teeth occlude where
in the central fossae of the maxillary teeth
The lingual cusps of the maxillary teeth occlude where
in the central fossa of the mandibular teeth
In a class I, the mesialbuccal cusp of the mandibular first molar occludes where
in the embrasure space between the maxillary 2nd premolar and 1st molar
In a class I, the mesialbuccal cusp of the maxillary 1st molar is aligned directly over what
The buccal groove of the mandibular 1st molar
In a class I, the mesiolingual cusp of the maxillary 1st molar is situated in where
The central fossa area of the mandibular first molar
In a class II, the mesial-buccal cusp of the mandibular 1st molar occludes where
In the central fossa area of the maxillary first molar
In a class II, the mesial-buccal cusp of the mandibular 1st molar is aligned with what
The buccal groove of the maxillary first molar
In a class II, the distolingual cusp of the maxillary first molar occludes where
In the central fossa areas of the mandibular first molar
In a class III, the distobuccal cusp of the mandibular 1st molar is situated where
In the embrasure space between the maxillary 2nd premolar and 1st molar
In a class III, the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary 1st molar is situated where
over the embrasurespace betwwen the mandibular 1st and 2nd molar
In a class III, the mesiolingual cusp of the maxillary 1st molar is situatued where
in the mesial pit of the mandibular 2nd molar