Q3: Lesson 1, 2, 3 | Disaster, Risk, Hazard Flashcards
sudden calamitous event that seriously disrupts the functioning of a community or society and causes human, material, and economic or environmental losses
refers to which is affected by natural disasters, such as people and property
a condition which increases the susceptibility of a community to the impact of a hazard
potential damage of man and his environment that is caused by natural events
the probability of harmful consequences or expected loss of lives and damages to environment due to hazards
the process of estimating, for defined areas, the probabilities of the occurrence of potentially damaging phenomenon
hazard assessment
this approach uses mathematical functions or equations relating the hazard variables used are formulated or adopted to quantify the hazard
quantitative approach
instead of representing with numbers, this method uses expert opinion in ranking the intensity or probability of occurrence of a hazard event
qualitative approach
it provides an objective estimate of the probability of each hazard affecting an area or region by considering past record of events
probabilistic approahc
this is a more subjective approach of estimating probability. a past event of a given intensity or magnitude is selected and the consequences at certain intensities are described
deterministic approach
is the process of identifying the spatial variation of hazard events or physical conditions (e.g. potential ground shaking, steep slopes, flood plains, and hazardous material sites)
hazard mapping