Q1 Flashcards
What is a near miss?
A near miss is a situation when two aircraft fly too close to each other. And there is a danger of collision in the air but it doesn’t happen.
Also, most of all aircraft are equipped with TCAS. It is decoded as Traffic Collision Avoidance System. There is a system which provides special guidance to avoid collision in case of near miss.
What equipment prevents an aircraft from an impact into terrain?
There is a special system of aircraft which prevents an aircraft from an impact into terrain. It is called as GPWS which means Ground Proximity Warning System. In case of situations when aircraft flies towards terrain this system provides guidance for pilots to avoid impact. If pilots follow system’s commands, aircraft becomes clear of terrain.
Why do pilots practice a belly-landing on simulators?
Pilots practice a belly-landing on simulators to receive some knowledges about this procedures and avoid mistakes in case of Belly-landing in real life. In my point of view, there is a high threat of structural damage and fire after this landing. So, pilots must be ready to perform successful evacuation in time.
As usual, landing without gears is performed in case of LDG gear extension failure.
Why is bird activity dangerous for flights?
Bird activity is very dangerous for flights. There are a lot of situations when aircraft receive damage of skin by bird. It is called as a bird strike. Also, bird ingestion by engine can lead to engine failure, loss of engine thrust or engine fire. It can lead to terrible consequences during critical stages of flight such as take off and landing.
Why is it effective to analyze aviation incident reports?
It is effective to analyze aviation incident reports because it helps to prevent the same incidents in the future. It seriously improves safety level in aviation.
What goods are classified as dangerous?
Dangerous goods are goods or items that danger for passengers and crew when transported by aircraft. Dangerous goods include such items as weapons, flammable liquids, toxic items, radioactive items, explosive materials and so on. There are some rules and procedures to transport this goods. But I have poor knowledges in this question because it is responsibility of ground staff.
What does “an aviation accident” means?
An Aviation accident means a situation when at list one passenger on board of aircraft is injured or died during the flight. So, an aviation incident is the same like accident but without injured or dead passengers.
What is the difference between a runway incursion or a runway excursion?
A runway incursion is an event when aircraft, vehicle or person occupies the RW without ATC permission. In my opinion, it can lead to terrible consequences such as collision and deaths.
And runway excursion is an event when aircraft skids of or overruns the RW. Skidding of the aircraft can happen due to poor RW condition or aircraft failure. Overrunning of aircraft can happen due to rejected TO after V1, aircraft failure and poor RW condition too.
What medical problems need a request for an ambulance?
There are such health problems need for an ambulance request as heart attack, childbirth on board, serious stomachache or headache, bleeding and injured passenger. In all cases crew must be sure that it is serious and urgent.
What weather phenomena can not be incentivized by in-flight weather radar?
There are some weather phenomena which cannot be identified by aircraft weather radar such as hail, CAT, volcanic ash and jet stream. All of them can be indentified by PIREP or weather charts.
How do weather condition affect aircraft endurance?
There are some weather conditions that may have affect aircraft endurance such as icing, turbulence, high temperature. If we are talking about icing, an aircraft weight and drug increase in this condition. When aircraft gets into turbulence its drug increases too. Also high temperature at flight level reduces thrust of engines so pilots need to apply more power to continue level flight. All of these increase fuel consumption.
In what situations shall a pilot override the autopilot?
A pilot must override the autopilot in case of unscheduled deviation of the aircraft from the flight path, airspeed loss, terrain closing, loss of aircraft control and so on.
What does a flight plan contain ?
Flight plan contains such information about flight as departure, alternate and destination airports, estimated cruising level, airspeed, estimated departure and arrival time, route, equipment of aircraft and so on.
How does jet lag influence passenger and pilot behavior?
Jet lag seriously influences passenger and pilot behavior. Jet lag is a feeling of tiredness due to crossing a lot of time zones. It can cause of disorientation in space, sleeping and eating problems, loss of concentration. It is important to reduce influence of jet lag and do some exercises, take regular holidays, avoid hard workload and stress, keep fit, keep healthy diet, lead a healthy lifestyle.
What does re-routing mean?
Re-routing is a situation when route is changed during the flight. Re-routing May be performed due to thunderstorm, turbulence, military activities, wind by pilot request or ATC intention.
What is a slot-time?
A slot-time is an estimated time of departure. This time we can find in flight plan.
Why is diplomatic entry required by some countries?
Diplomatic entry is required by some countries due to bad and unstable political situation or bad international relationships between countries. For example, between India and Pakistan.
What factors may impact on aircraft performance?
There are some factors that may have impact on aircraft performance such as technical problems, weather conditions and so on. For example, icing conditions increase drug and reduce lift of aircraft. High temperature for take off reduces maximum acceptable take off weight. Also, high temperature reduces engine performances.
What do you do to avoid communication problems in English?
First of all, I try to learn and repeat english rules and words. Also, time to time, I watch films in English and listen real English radio-communication between pilots and ATCs.
Why should pilots discuss airport layout during initial briefing?
In my point of view, it is important to discuss airport layout, especially unfamiliar airport layout, during initial briefing because it helps to prevent disorientation and avoid runway incursion.
Why is de-icing procedure sometimes necessary?
De-icing procedure is performed in case of ice and snow accumulations on aircraft surfaces. It is very important to keep surfaces clear because accumulations increase drug and reduce lift so it can lead to terrible consequences during take off and landing.
How do landmarks help perform flights under VFR (Visual Flight Rules)?
Landmarks help to perform flights under VFR because pilots can identify aircraft location by them. Also, landmarks help to evaluate aircraft deviation from flight path.
Do you like operating the current type of aircraft?
My current type of aircraft is Boeing 777. I like to operate it because this aircraft is very comfortable for passengers and crew, well-equipped, modern and automatic. Also, in my point of view, this aircraft is the biggest and safest twin-engine aircraft in the world.
What are the requirements for pilot’s qualification?
A pilot must meet certain requirements such as not lower then the 4th icao English level, flight experience, good knowledge of aerodynamic, navigation, meteorology, psychology and so on.
What may influence effective radiotelephony communications?
In my view, poor English skills, bad knowledges of the aviation terminology, using of plain language, local accent may reduce efficiency of radiotelephony communications.