Q&D Audio B767 (Not finished) Flashcards
B767 A/C 580-598 F/A 1 Land
30 Second Review
AFT Facing 1L Door
Door is to the Right of J/S
Wall in front
Hands flat on either end of big window when assessing
EELS is above left shoulder
Door control handle is FWD of door and horizontal handle
Jam up and let go
Pull manual inflation handle while holding on to jump seat
“Stand back, leave everything”
Prompt “Slide inflating, good slide”, “ You, you stay at the bottom, pull people off”
Prompt “Slide still good”, “Come this way jump”
B767 A/C 580-598 F/A 1 Ditching
30 Second Review
AFT Facing 1L Door
Door is to the Right of J/S
Wall in front
Hands flat on either end of big window when assessing
EELS is above left shoulder
“We’re in the water. Grab life vest. Put it on”
Life vest is under seat
Door control handle is FWD of door and horizontal
Jam up and let go
Pull manual inflation handle while holding on to jump seat
“Stand back, leave everything”
Prompt “Good raft”, “Come this way inflate vest baord raft”
B767 A/C 580-582 F/A 2 Land
30 Second Review
FWD Facing 2L Door
Door is to the left & PAX are behind
Hands flat on either side of big window when assessing
Door control handle is AFT of door & handle is horizontal
Jam up & let go
Hold onto J/S harness to pull red manual inflation handle
PAX are AFT of door
B767 A/C 583-586 F/A 2 Land
30 Second Review
AFT Facing 2L Door
Door is on the right & PAX are in front
Hands flat on either end of big window when assesing
Horizontal dooor control handle is AFT of door
Hold onto J/S when pulling red manual inflation handle
J/S is facing PAXs
B767 A/C 583-586 F/A 2 Ditching
30 Second Review
AFT Facing 2L Door
Door is on the right & PAX are infront
Hands flat on either end of big window when assesing
Life vest is under seat
Horizontal dooor control handle is AFT of door
Hold onto J/S when pulling red manual inflation handle
J/S is facing PAXs
‘Come this way. Inflate vest board raft”
B767 A/C 587-592 F/A 2 Land
30 Second Review
FWD Facing MID galley J/S A/C L
Galley in fron of J/S
Door is to the left of J/S infront of AB
PAX are parallel to J/S and facing FWD
“Release seat belts, get out. You check for fire and debris”
Hands on either side of small window
“If clear, open window, turn, place on seat”
Facing AFT using asile hand open window place on seat
Pull manual infation handle located upper AFT corner
“Stand back leave everything”
Instruct helper PAX with bulkhead at back
“You, you. Stay at the bottom, pull people off”
Protect postion is in galley
Call AFT then FWD
“Come this way, step out jump”
B767 A/C 587-592 F/A 2 Ditching
30 Second Review
FWD Facing MID galley J/S A/C L
Galley in front of J/S
Door is to the left of J/S infront of AB
PAX are parallel to J/S and facing FWD
“Release seat belts get out. We’re in the water, grab life vest put it on”
Life vest under J/S
“You check for water level, fire & debris”
Hands on either side of small window
“If clear, open window, turn, place on seat”
Facing AFT using asile hand open window place on seat
Pull manual infation handle located upper AFT corner
PAX 25 A
“Stay here until the raft inflates. Then step out, inflate vest, board raft”
Instruct helper PAXs with bulkhead at back
Move to PAX 24 A
“You stay here until I return. Then step out, inflate vest. Attach the clip to the bracket on the wing and help people out”
PAX 25 B
“You help me get the raft”
Walk to OHB 25AB pull raft to 24 A and secure to seat belt
PAX 25 & 24 B
“You, you. Take the raft out side & infalte vest. Throw raft into the water & stand clear until raft inflates. Hold the raft close to the A/C and help people on. Cut yourself free when the raft is full”
Pull on mooring line until raft inflates jerking rope over sholder
Protect postion is in galley
Call AFT then FWD
“Come this way. Step out inflate vest board raft”
B767 A/C 594-598 F/A 2 Land
30 Second Review
AFT Facing MID galley J/S A/C L
Galley in fron of J/S
Door is to the right of J/S infront of AB
PAX are parallel to J/S and facing FWD
Hands on either side of small window
Facing AFT using asile hand open window place on seat
Pull manual infation handle located upper AFT corner
Instruct helper PAX with bulkhead at back
Protect postion is in galley
Call AFT then FWD
Step out jump
B767 A/C 580-583 F/A 3 Land
30 Second Review
AFT Facing 3L Door
Door is on the right & tall bustle with small window on top
Door contorl handle is AFT and a long stick
PAX are infront and facing you
Assess from small high viewing window hands flat on either side
Open door by holding on to horizontal frame assist with right hand and using left hand lift and push door out
Protect postion left hand in jumpseat with right hand pull manual inflation
“Come this way step out jump”
B767 A/C 580-583 F/A 3 Ditching
30 Second Review
AFT Facing 3L Door
Door is on the right & tall bustle with small window on top
Door contorl handle is AFT and a long stick
PAX are infront and facing you
Assess from small high viewing window hands flat on either side
“Release seat belts get out. We’re in the water. Grab life vest put it on”
Life vest under seat
Assess then block exit, rasing international stop sign with asile hand
“This exit blocked”
Walk to C and check 4L
Direct traffic flow to 4L then stop and check FWD for good flow then back to directing AFT
“Go that way, Go that way, Go that way”
B767 A/C 584-598 F/A 3 Land
30 Second Review
AFT Facing FWD center J/S A/C L
After A/C stops go directly to row 11
“Stand back leave everything”
Wait for “Evacuate, evcuate”
“Release seat belts get out” then step on to 11 C
Assess 1L
Looking AFT direct PAX FWD stop check flow then continue directing
“Go that way, Go that way, Go that way”
B767 A/C 584-598 F/A 3 Ditching
30 Second Review
AFT Facing FWD center J/S A/C L
After A/C stops go directly to row 1 asses
Wait for “Evacuate, evcuate”
“Release seat belts get out. We’re in the water, grab life vest, put it on”
Life vest is under seat
Walk directly into 11C
“Stand back leave everything”
Step up
Assess 1L
Looking AFT direct PAX FWD stop check flow then continue directing
“Go that way, Go that way, Go that way”
B767 A/C 580-598 F/A 4 Land
30 Second Review
FWD Facing 4L door
Door is on the left & PAX are in front
Door control handle is AFT
Assess with hands flat on either end of big window
Using left hand jam up and let go
Left hand on J/S & right hand pulls manual inflation handle
Protect postion Left hand remains on J/S and right hand goes into stop sign
B767 A/C 580-598 F/A 4 Ditching
30 Second Review
FWD Facing 4L door
Door is on the left & PAX are in front
Door control handle is AFT
Assess with hands flat on either end of big window
Life vest under seat
Using left hand jam up and let go
Left hand on J/S & right hand pulls manual inflation handle
Protect postion left hand stays on J/S and right hand raises international stop sign
Inflate vest board raft
B767 A/C 580-598 F/A 5 Land
30 Second Review
FWD Facing 4R door
Door is on the right & PAX are in front
Door control handle is AFT
Assess with hands flat on either end of big window
Using right hand jam up and let go
Right hand on J/S & left hand pull manual inflation handle
Protect postion right hand remains on J/S and left hand rasies internatal stop sign