Q/A Flashcards
Why does throglossal fistula develop?
Due to incomplete cyst removal
In which condition is a prophylactic thyroidectomy indicated?
Medullary Carcinoma
Which condition is associated with sardonic grin?
Which nerves supply mucosa of larynx?
Internal laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal
Which vertebrae does the larynx extend to and from?
Which part of the mandibular is the temporomandibular ligament attached to?
Lateral aspect of the tmj
Which substance is not given in bleeding cases in hemophiliac patients?
Platelet factor
Half-life of TGF-ß
3-5 mins
Haptoglobin Levels in hemolytic anemia are?
What is the only oncogenic retrovirus?
Which nerves are involved in swallowing?
Trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, vagus
Which hormone best used to evaluate ovulation during menstrual cycle?
Drug of choice for prophylaxis during deep vein thrombosis?
Low molecular weight heparin
Drug of choice for patients suffering from nephrotic syndrome or glomerulonephritis
Corticosteroids such as prednisolone
Which group of anesthetic cannot be given to patients suffering from poor liver function?
How big is inorganic component percentage of bone?
Which is the only larynx muscle to be situated outside of the larynx?
Which muscle is responsible for tensing and lengthening of vocal chords?
Which type of antagonism is present between acetylcholine and atropine?
A patient who shows yellow sclera, dark colored urine and clay colored stool after a blood transfusion is an example of which kind of jaundice?
Obstructive jaundice
Which enzyme of gluconeogenesis is rich in mitochondria?
Pyruvate carboxylase
Propionyl Co A is formed by beta oxidation of
Odd chain fatty acid
Behavior of auriculotemporal nerve on the sweat glands and parotid glands
Sweat glands: sympathetic
Parotid: parasympathetic
Which blood vessel carries deoxygenated blood back to placenta
Umbilical artery
Which nerve causes gag reflex
Which vitamin is especially given to improve nervous system function?
Which type does the denar articulator belong to?
How many episodes of apnoea per hour to be recognized as severe?
> 30/hour
Effect of high calcium and magnesium in tap water on alginate setting time
Acceleration of setting time
When is the best time of dentition to modify growth?
Late mixed dentition
Which acute infection is represented by the symptoms of pseudomembrane on tonsils and gland enlargement?
Space between implant and teeth
1.5 mm
Space between adjacent implants
3 mm
Loss off color in self cure resins is due to what?
Oxidation of amines
Which bioceramic is resorbable?
Calcium phosphate
Verruca vulgaris is caused by which microorganism?
Half life of methyl methacrylate in blood
24 mins
Half life of methyl methacrylate in blood
24 mins
To be well visualized by scintigraphy, tumor size must be larger than
5 mm
Treatment of intruded tooth
< 3mm allow tooth to reerupt
>7mm surgical repositioning + splinting 4-8 weeks + endo
Indication for open, mesh and bead constructions
Open: multiple teeth
Mesh: multiple teeth, but open preferred
Bead: short, tooth supported constructions
What type of TMJ issue is managed by Leclerc procedure?
Ideal crown height space for fixed implant prosthesis
8-12 mm
In gypsum bonded investments, pickling is done using
50% HCl
When was ICDAS established?
Which bodies are usually found along infected extracted tooth?
Russell bodies
A tumor occurring mostly in females between the maxillary lateral incisor and canine
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor
How long before procedure should custom tray fabricated with PMMA be made?
8 hours
Respiratory distress after thyroidectomy is due to which nerve damage?
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
In which part of an implant are microthreads placed?
At which factor 8 concentration can surgery be performed on a hemophilic patient?
Growth of teeth except for last molar are complete by which age?
When does enamel completion take place in primary cuspid?
9 months after birth
Water content in enamel by volume
Which cephalosporin is not active against pseudomonas?
Which cephalosporin is active against pseudomonas?
What does cyclosporine inhibit?
Which nucleus controls salivation of parotid gland?
Inferior salivatory nucleus
Safest site for intramuscular injection in children
Vastus lateralis
Candida infection in HIV patient resistent to fluconazole is given
Amphotericin B
Skin wound strength after 3 weeks compared to normal
Vomiting center is found in which part of the brain
Most accurate non invasive test for gastric cancer
Urea breath test
At what age intrauterine does TMJ development occur
10 weeks
Gonial angle at birth
% of free monomer in heat cured acrylic resin is
Angle of gingival bevel in class 2 preparation
35 degrees
How many champy’s osteosynthesis lines exist behind and in front of the mental foramen?
2 ahead, 1 behind
Time required for Progression of incipient to cavitated caries on smooth surface?
18 months
Checkpoint for stability of fixation of ZMC fracture
Zygomaticomaxillary buttress
Time between curing and finishing of composite restoration
15 minutes
Which vitamin deficiency is present amongst alcoholics?
Which anticoagulant is taken when blood sample is taken for glucose analysis?
Kilian’s Dehiscence is present in which structure?
What does unilateral paralysis of recurrent laryngeal nerve lead to?
Hoarseness of voice
Enamel hypocalcification and tooth hypomaturation is seen in which condition?
Tricho-dento-osseous syndrome
Role of Palladium in addition sillicone?
Increase surface details in gypsum
Distance between maxillary major connector and gingival margin
6 mm
What does a full set mouth radiograph consist of?
17 periapicals and 4 Bitewings
Brushing technique in orthodontic patients
Charters’ method
What kind of suture for wounds with different depths and irregular margins?
Vertical mattress
Minimum length of abutment for screw retained prosthesis and for cement retained prosthesis
Screw: 4 mm
Cement: 5 mm
Chance of recurrence of multicystic ameloblastoma after enucleation
What kind of material is osseoquest?
Resorbable & synthethic
For which density of bone is bone tapping necessary before implant placement?
Which organ produces albumin?
How deep is the initial pilot drill for implant placement?
2 mm
Representation of orthodontic arch form mathematically is done by which curve?
Fluoride quantity in breast milk
Width of connective tissue around implant
1-2 mm
Hand torque required for placing implant
20-30 N/cm^2
Where is the schatzki ring situated?
Lower oesophagus
In which condition would one find gottron papules?
Which RNA type floats freely in cytoplasm?
Oral foci of Miller’s are histologically seen in which condition?
Dental Caries
Which hormones undergo changes in menopause?
Gonadotropins increase
Estrogen decrease
Branches of external carotid artery
Superior thyroid
Ascending pharyngeal
Posterior Auricular
Superficial temporal
Ameloblastoma histologically resembles which other condition?
Which microorganism shows positive catalase test?
What is Willis’ guide?
Distance b/w eye and mouth corner = Distance b/w nasal spine and mandible border
What is Niswonger’s method?
Vertical dimension at rest (Dimension at occlusion + Freeway space)
Antidote for poisoning caused by anticholinergs, such as insectide
Which impression technique is used in archs with flabby tissue?
Polyvinylsiloxane in window technique
Where is the foramen/canal of scarpa found?
According to WHO, what % of sugar should be restricted to in an adult diet?
When do taste buds appear during pregnancy?
10th week IU
When does complementary feeding in infants begin?
At 6 months
Which histological tooth tissue shows high levels of albumin?
Stellate reticulum
First evidence of calcification of permanent teeth IU
14th week
How long after root completion in primary tooth does the root start to resorb?
3 years (Anteriors = immediate)
Calcified dentinal tubule wall has an inner lining termed as
Lamina limitans
Thin delicate membrane covering the entire crown of newly erupted tooth is
Nasmyth’s membrane
Which type of capillaries is responsible for the transfer of metabolites in pulp?
Fenestrated capillaries
Which enzyme is seen in stratum intermedium?
Alkaline phosphatase
Where is aminopeptidase found during tooth development?
Stratum intermedium
How are the Tomes process in the outer enamel shaped?
In which kind of teeth are dead tracts usually seen in?
Old permanent teeth
Types of collagen fibres in pulp
I and IV
Principal function of pulp
Type of cementum when cementum overlaps enamel
Acellular afibrillar
Which kind of teeth show thick layer of cementum
Non-functional teeth
Lines of demarcation in bone remodelling is called
Reversal line
Which component of saliva shows antibacterial properties?
Which type of collagen is present in dentin?
Main crystalline component of calculus
Which periodontal fibers take up maximum masticatory forces?
Oblique fibers
How long after periodontal surgery does hemidesmose attachment start to occur?
1 week
Difference b/w clinical and radiographic alveolar crest is
0 - 1.6 mm
To which complex does A. actinomycetemcomitans belong to?
Function of odland bodies?
Permeability barrier
What is an implant analogue used for?
Replicate implant in cast
Min. distance to be maintained b/w implant and mental foramen is
5 mm
Min. distance to be maintained b/w implant and inferior alv. nerve
2 mm
Minimum vertical and horizontal bone width required for implant placement
10 mm vertical, 6 mm horizontal
Which 2 bacteria are associated with ANUG?
Prevotella and Spirochetes
At which stage of gingivits are PMNs present?
Stage 1
What is cyclic neutropenia associated with in the mouth?
Periodontitis and bone loss
Inhibition of calculus formation can be done by which component of toothpaste?
After how long does a CHX chip degrade?
7-10 days
What is merin classification used for?
Patient recall
Which AB is active against all strains of A. actinomycetemcomitanis?
Which kind of graft is obtained using the trapdoor technique?
Connective tissue graft
What do the markings on the WHO probe indicate?
3.5, 5.5, 8.5, 11.5
Which does of doxycycline is sub-antimicrobial? What is the recommended dose?
20 mg
Recommended: 200 mg 1st day, afterwards 100 mg.
Which type of suture and filament is preferred after periodontal surgery?
Vertical mattres with monofilament
Which bone density best matches Ti implant in E module?
Most common trichomonas species in the mouth?
Which other oral condition is desquamative gingivitis related to?
Lichen planus
Which condition shows hypocalcified dentin, pulp horns reaching the CEJ and absence of lamina dura?
Vitamin D resistant rickets
Which condition shows target-like RBCs?
Which microorganism is most likely to form on heart valve implants?
Strep. Viridans
Dose for Amoxicilin for children based on weight
50 mg/kg
Which organism is most commonly associated with urinary tract infection in health care facilities?
Which virus causes herpangina?
Coxsackie virus
Which 2 microorganisms are most likely to lead to food poisoning from street food incl. diarrhoea and bloody stool?
E. coli and Shigella
Which microorganism causes gas gangrene?
Clostridium perfringens
Which immune cells does HIV attack?
CD4 helper cells
Most common benign tumor in oral cavity?
Secondary syphillis occurs after how long?
6 weeks
Which condition refers to rootless teeth?
Dentin dysplasia
Treatment of choice for kawasaki disease
Immunoglobulin and Aspirin
Which vitamin deficiency will cause abnormal keratinization of the skin?
Vitamin A
Where are tuberculous ulcers most commonly situated?
Which disease shows abnormal remodelling of bone?
Paget’s disease
Which oral lesions show intra-epidermal split?
Pemphigus vulgaris
Reaction to cosmetic fillers in the oral cavity manifest as
DD of osteogenesis imperfecta and amelogenesis imperfecta and dentinogenesis imperfecta
Osteogenesis: Greying of teeth, obliteration of pulp chamber, enamel chipped
Amelogenesis: generalized thinning of enamel and yellow teeth
Dentinogenesis: Rootless teeth, pulp chamber enlarged/obliterated
Which cells increase in number in salivary glands with age?
Which viral infection would cause a young boy to lose sense of hearing?
What is greenspan lesion
Hairy Leukoplakia
Which condition shows hair-on-end appearance in skull ct?
Drug used to treat crohn’s disease
Radiographic appearance of hypophosphatasia
Shell teeth
Max exposure for non-occupationally exposed individuals should not exceed
100 micrograys/week
Purpose of intensifying screen in x-rays
Reduce the dose of radiation
How long before radiotherapy do teeth need to be extracted?
2 weeks
What to do with patients who take long term steroids before extraction?
More steroids
Max dose of lignocaine w/o epinephrine and with
w/o: 4.4mg/kg
w: 7 mg/kg
Most common site of manidbular fracture
Most commonly used scalpel blade in oral cavity
Angulation of needle when suturing
90 degrees
Clarke’s technique
Labial vestibuloplasty
Which muscle causes medial dislocation of condyle when fractured?
Lateral pterygoid
Most common mandibular surgery for correcting mandibular retrognathy
Inverted L Osteotomy
Purpose of nitrogen in anaesthetic cartridge?
Preservation of vasoconstrictor
Which condition shows ground glass appearance in x-ray? Therapy?
Fibrous dysplasia
Surgical cosmetic recontouring
First step for management of unresponsive patient on the chair
Ammonia inhalation
Guerin’s sign in which fracture?
Le Fort I
Best and short duration LA for children
Which LA causes vasoconstriction?
Where does metastasis in oro-maxillofacial region mostly occur to?
Which vasoconstrictor is specifically contraindicated in pregnant women? Why?
Oxytoic action
Which muscle can cause spreading of maxillary tooth infection to the infraorbital region?
Levator anguli oris
Gow gates and Akinosi Technique regions
Gow: Condyle
Akinosi: Pterygomandibular space
Most commonly injured branch of facial nerve during treatment of subcondylar fracture
Buccal nerve