Px Education And Assessment Flashcards
A CBE is a check of the breast by a qualified healthcare professional. A thorough clinical examination will
locate any lumps or suspicious areas and any changes
in the nipples or skin of the breast. The lymph nodes
under the armpit and above the collarbone will also be
checked for enlargement or firmness
Clinical Breast Examination
A BSE is a check of your breast. It involves
• Looking for changes in the breast
• Feeling for changes in the breast
Breast Self-Examination
The American Cancer Society (ACS) guidelines for
breast examination and routine mammography
screening are as follows:
• Women aged __ and older should perform
breast self-examination (BSE) every ___.
• Women between ages __-__ should have a
clinical breast examination (CBE) every ___.
• Women aged __ and older should have a___
and a __ every year.
20 month
20 and 39 3 years
40 screening mammogram CBE
Benefits and Risks of Mammography
Mortality Reduction
Risk from Radiation Exposure
Risk from Radiation Exposure
A mammogram delivers very low doses of radiation. In general, each projection in a screen-film
mammogram will give about 0.–0. rad average
glandular dose when a grid is used.
0.1–0.2 rad
Gender, Aging, genetic risk factors, family & personal history of breast cancer
Aging: A woman’s risk of developing breast
cancer increases with age. Seventy-seven percent of women are above __ when they are
diagnosed with breast cancer
___ history of breast cancer: Breast cancer risk
is higher among women whose close blood relatives have this disease. The risk is greater if
the breast cancer occurs in a relative before
age 50
Gender: The biggest risk factor for breast cancer
is gender (female). Although men can also get
breast cancer, the disease is about __ times
less common among men than among women.
: Genes known to be associated with breast cancer include the BRCA1 and
BRCA2 genes, which carry a high risk but are
rare in the general population. About 10% of
breast cancer cases are hereditary
Genetic risk factors
: A woman with
cancer in one breast has a greater risk of developing a new cancer in the other breast
Personal history of breast cancer
Moderate risk factors (relative risk ___-___) include:
• Having one first-degree relative with breast
• Atypical hyperplasia confirmed on biopsy
• High-radiation dose to the chest area—women
who have had chest area radiation from a previous cancer treatment are at increased risk
• High bone density after menopause
Minor risk factors (__-__ relative risk) are associated with hormonal changes in the woman’s body or
hormonal use that may slightly increase a woman’s
chance of developing breast cancer. These include:
• Not having children or having the first child
after age 30
• Not breast-feeding
• Early menarche (before age 12) or late menopause
(after age 55)
• Postmenopausal obesity
• Recent and long-term use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or oral contraceptive
• Alcohol consumption
• Obesity
Malignant Diseases
The two main classifications of breast cancer are _
ductal and lobular carcinoma
__ carcinoma is the most common, occurring in about 90% of all cases.
2 types of ductal carcinoma
Ductal carcinoma in situ
Invasive or infiltrating ductal carcinoma
This is commonly referred to as Stage 0
carcinoma. The cancer is confined to the duct and does not invade the duct
Ductal carcinoma in situ:
The cancer has spread from the ducts into the surrounding stromal tissue and may or may not extend into the pectoral fascia and muscle.
Invasive or infiltrating ductal carcinoma:
Lobular carcinoma accounts for _%–__% of all
breast cancers
Other Breast Carcinomas: IM, CC, TM, P
and other carcinomas account
for less than 10% of total breast cancer cases and
most have a better prognosis than infiltrating
ductal or lobular cancers.
Infiltrating medullary, colloid comedo, tubular,
mucinous, papillary,