PVS Flashcards
Transverse depressions of the nail plates, usually bilateral, resulting from temporary disruption of the proximal nail growth
beaus line - peripheral ischemia
a. Painless separation if the whitened opaque nail plate from the pinker translucent nail bed
b. Local causes: trauma, psoriasis, fungal infection, allergic rxn
c. Systemic causes: peripheral ischemia, anemia, DM, hyperthyroid, syphilis
onycholysis - raynauds
smooth and rounded contour +2
normal pulse
small and weak +1
decreased CO
pulsus parvus
weak and delayed pulse
aortic stenosis
pulsus parvus et tardus
increased pulse pressure, rapid,brief peak +3, increase SV, AR, bradycardia, AV fistulas
bounding pulse
alternate beats due to changing systolic pressure
pulsus alternans
two beats occurring in rapid succession, followed by a pause (normal beating alternating with a premature contraction)
pulsus bigeminus
two palpable peaks (1 beat with 2 peaks)
hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
bisferiens pulse
- exaggeration of the normal variation in the pulse during inspiration
a. Decreased systolic > 10 on quiet inspiration
COPD exacerbations, cardiac tamponade, constrictive pericarditis, sleep apnea
pulsus paradoxus
Pt makes tight fist, compress radial and ulnar arteries, pt opens hand, palm is pale, release ulnar artery, palm flushes in 3-5 sec
Allens test
smaller, red, purple, blue vessels < 1mm, non palpable – central dilated arteriole surrounded by small veins carrying away the free flowing blood
cyanotic discoloration – blue toe syndrome – impending necrosis
dependent rubor, thin, shiny, atrophic skin; loss of hair over foot and toes; nails thickened
arterial disorder
stasis dermatitis; thickening of skin brown discoloration; ulcer
venous disorder
i. Episodic m. ischemia induced by exercise d/t obstruction of lg or med sized artery by atherosclerosis
ii. Usually calf, butt, hip, thigh, foot
iii. Brief, pain forces pt to rest, severe crampy pain
iv. Agg by exercise, alleviated with rest and pain stops in 1-3 minutes
v. Local fatigue, numbness, diminished pulses, signs of insufficient
intermittent claudication -atherosclerosis
i. Severe continuous ache in butt, thigh, calf, foot
ii. Relieved by hanging affected leg off side of bed
iii. Pallor, coldness, fatigue, numbness, ulcers
rest pain - atherosclerosis