PUSH factors- internal migration Flashcards
Potato Blight/Famine
between 1846 and 1858, the potato blight wiped out the potato crop on the west coast and highland areas of scotland, leaving 150,000 people at risk of starvation.
This forced Scots to migrate for food and a better chance at survival
Decline of the Fishing Industry
the russian revolution in 1917 brought an end to the east european export trade in herring, so many men and women lost their jobs and income.
this forced Scots to migrate because families could not support themselves on the coast any longer
22 workdays were required to farm one acre of land in 1840, but in 1914 it took just 12 days done by newly invented machines to do the job and therefore fewer workers were needed on farms as a result.
this forced scots to move to another part of scotland in search of work
lack of land
it was difficult for scots to own the land they worked on due to high prices and rapid population growth which pit a strain on the amount of available land
this forced Scots to migrate as they tried to escape the oppressive landlords and search for an alternative way to make a living
there was a lack of schools in rural scotland, and many schools were too far from childrens homes and was also difficult to recruit teachers to these areas
this pushed Scots to move and take advantage of the 1872 education act and receive better education elsewhere
lack of social life
the highlands and rural areas were socially isolated, with little access to social activities or events
this pushed scots to migrate to end their social isolation in search for a better quality of life
highland housing
many highlanders lived in blackhouses. these houses had no chimney for the smoke from the fire to escape and were often shared between people and livestock
this forced scots to migrate to another part of scotland in search of better healthier conditions
low wages
in agriculture there was many more workers than jobs due to a population boom in the lowlands, meaning workers entirely depended on the needs of local farmers who may only need workers at certain times in the year
this pushed scots to migrate as they wanted to escape this instability
highland/lowland clearances
crofters were evicted from their homes as it became more profitable for landlords to keep sheep on the land.
this forced scots to migrate to another part of scotland because they had been displaced without homes or an income