PurpleBelt Flashcards
Broken Staff : Attack: Side shoulder grab
Defense: From a natural stance, pin opponent’s hand with your left as you step forward to eleven o’clock with left. Right outward knifehand to neck. Step back with left to nine o’clock to a horse stance as you wrap around opponent’s arm to break it. Right corkscrew punch to back of opponent’s neck. Right upward knifehand to throat. Cover out,
Arching Blades : Attack: Right roundhouse punch
Defense: From natural stance, right front kick to groin with a right inward block. to check his punch (keep in mind the front kick is the block) . After the kick is completed, land your right foot into opponent while you do a right downward knifehand to collar bone from a neutral bow stance. Quickly pivot on left foot to a forward bow stance as you do a left downward knifehand to the same collar bone. Left hand checks opponent ‘s right arm as you do a right upward elbow pivoting to a neutral bow stance. Right downward palm claw to face. Cover out.
Kung Fu Cross : Attack: Straight left punch
Defense: From natural stance, step hack with right to neutral bow stance as you do a left upward block as you then counter grab opponent’s wrist. Step through with right foot to neutral bow stance as you do a right upward lifting forearm break to opponent’s elbow. Right hammer fist to groin. Cover out.
Darkness : Attack: Right side punch
Defense: From natural stance, step to nine o’clock with left to a forward bow stance as you do a left inward parry block. Step to three o’clock with left to neutral bow stance as you do a right outward parry block to the back of opponent’s elbow. Right eye rake with a left palm heel to ribs. Right backfist to temple. Right side kick to opponent’s left knee, land between opponent’s legs. Right inward elbow smash to face. Right rear scoop kick to groin. Cover out
Sweeping Arm Hook :
Defense: From natural stance, step back with right foot to a forward bow stance as you do double downward shape of the crane blocks. Right front kick to groin, land in between opponent’s legs. Left hand checks opponent’s right arm as you do a right µpward elbow to chin. Right downward palm claw to face. Cover out.
Gift : Attack: Handshake
Defense: From natural stance with right hand out in hand shake position, in opponent’s hand with your left like shaking your own hand. Step forward with your left to a side horse stance as you rotat your left elbow into opponent s elbow to break it. Right foot steps behind left to a twisted stance. Pivot out of twisted stance as you force opponent to ground. Right back leg round house kick to face. Cover out.
Returning Viper: Attack.: Straight right punch
Defense: From natural stance, step forard with your left into a neutral bow stance as you do a left inward parry block to the back of opponent’s elbow. Pivot right foot into a forward bow stance as you come under your own arm to counter grab opponent’s wrist. Right back-leg roundhouse kick to stomach land in the feet together position with your back facing opponent still holding arm. Right back kick to ribs as you pull in for more power. Cover out
Crossing Guard : Attack: Aggressive move to the side
Defense: From natural stance, cross left foot in front of right to a twisted stance a you cross right hand in front of left. Step to three o’clock with right to a neutral bow stance as you do a right backfist to chest then grab opponent’s shirt with right. Pull in with right hand as you pivot your left foot to a forward bow stance to do a left inward elbow to face. Cover out.
- Eagle Pin : Attack: Right roundhouse punch with a rear bear hug, arms free
Defense: From natural stance, do a right front kick to groin with a right inward block (remember the kick is the block) . After kick, land right foot to three o’clock in horse stance as you breakdown with your elbows to release hold around your waist. Left hammerfist to groin. Left tiger claw to groin. Step with .your left foot behind opponent’s right foot to buckle his knee into a neutral bow stance. Do a left obscure elbow to chin as you pivot on your right foot into a forward bow stance while you do a right hammerfist to groin to make opponent fall to ground. Cover out.
Sticks of Satan : Attack: Overhead club
Defense: From natural stance, step forward with left into a neutral bow stance as yoµ do an upward X block with right hand over left. Counter grab with right hand as you swing arms down to hit opponents right knee as you step through with right leg. Right outward elbow to ribs. Step through with right in reverse back to original position. Right roundhouse kick to groin. Cover out
Crouching Falcon : Attack: Front two handed push
Defense: From natural stance, step foreward with right into a half of a horse stance as you do two upward parry blocks to deflect the push upward. Grab wrist with your left as you circle your right arm down pinning opponent’s arm against his body. Right upward elbow to chin as you pivot to a side horse stance. Righ downward palm claw to face. Cover out.
Dart : Attack: Straight left punch
Defense: From natural stance, step back with left to side horse as you do a right ricocheting parry block. Right two finger eye poke. Cover out.
Drawbridge A. : Attack: Right roundhouse punch
Defense: A. From natural, stance, step forward with left to a neutral bow stance as you do a left upward block which then grabs opponent’s wrist. Simultaneously pivot on right foot to a forward bow stance as you do a right vertical punch to ribs. Righ hand now grabs opponent’s right shoulder as you do a right step through behind opponent’s right leg. Pivot to a reverse bow stance as you take your opponent to ground. Right vertical punch to chest as you kneel on opponent’s stomach with right knee. Cover out.
Drawbridge B. : Attack: Right roundhouse punch
Defense: B. From natural stance, step forward with left to a neutral bow stance as you do a left upward block which then grabs opponent’s wrist. Simultaneously pivot on right foot to a forward bow sance as you do a right vertical punch to ribs. Right hand grabs opponent’s right shoulder as you do a right sweep to take opponent to ground. Right hand now grabs wrist with left hand. Lift up on opponen ‘s arm as you do a right front stomp to ribs, place right foot on ground to nine o’clock as you drop to your right knee. Brea k opponent’s arm over your bent left leg. Cover out
Circling Serpent : Attack: Straight right punch
Defense: From natural stance, step forward with your left into a neutral bow stance as you do a left inward parry block to the back of opponent’ s elbow Pivot right foot into a forward bow sance as you come under your own arm to counter grab opponent’s wrist, Right back-leg roundhouse kick to stomach land back in original position. Pull own opponent. with right arm. Right ax kick to back of opponent’s neck. Cover out.