OrangeBelt Flashcards
Scimitar : Attack: Straight Right Punch
Defense: From natural stance, step forward with left into a neutral bow stance as you do a left inward block to the back of opponent’s elbow (at the same time raise your right hand behind your head chambered like an inward block but in half fist position). Pivot on your right foot into a forward bow stance as you do a right half fist palm up to opponent’s nose. Return right hand doing a back fist to opponent’s temple. Cover out.
Kimono Grab : Attack: Two hand lapel grab.
Defense: From natural stance. pin opponent’s hands on your chest with your left arm as you step back with your left into a neutral bow stance. Do a right upward block to break opponent’s elbow then circle right arm down to do a right inward block to knock off opponent’s arms, Do a right outward knifehand to nec. Step drag as you do a right inward elbow smash to jaw. Pivot to a soft bow stance with your right leg as you doa right hammer fist to groin. Right back kick to stomach. Cover out.
Reverse Hammerlock : Attack: Rear Arm Lock
Defense: From natural stance, countergrab
opponent’s wrist with your right hand. Step back with your left into a neutral bow stance as you do a left backward elbow to stomach which opponent blocks. Do a left downward hammer fist to groin. Then do a left backfist to temple. Cover out.
Spreading the Leaves : Attack: Full nelson
Defense: From natural stance, step forward with left to a neutral bow as you do a left pin to your ribs with a right elbow to face. Pivot left elbow to face, pivot right elbow to face, Cover out.
Driving Elbows : Attack: Rear bear hug
Defense: From natural stance, step forward with left to a neutral bow stance as you do a left straight thrust punch with a right backward elbow to opponent’s ribs. Right straight thrust punch with a left backward elbow to ribs. Left straight thrust punch with a right backward elbow to ribs. Right back kick to opponent’s stomach. Cover out.
Raising the Staff : Attack: Straight wrist grab
Defense: From natural stance, open your
right hand into a web hand as you step forward with right to neutral bow stance while you raise opponent’s arm over your head on a diagonal line. Do a right dipping elbow to opponent’s ribs as you protect your face with your left hand. Cover out.
Crashing Elbows : Attack: Straight right punch
Defense: From natural stance, step forward with left to neutral bow stance as you do a left inward block to the back of opponent’s elbow. Step drag in as you do a right inward elbow to ribs from a forward bow stance. Right backfist to kidney. Cover out.
Locking Arm : Attack: Rear arm lock
Defense: From natural stance, countergrab
opponent’s wrist with your right hand. Step back with left foot to a neutral bow stance as you do a left backward elbow to stomach which misses because opponent side stepped the strike, Left arm wrap’s around to break opponent’s elbow as you pivot on your left foot to a forward bow stance. Step back with right foot in preparation for a knee. Do a right knee to face with a right palm to the back of opponent’s neck. Cover out.
Bridge : Attack: Rear extended choke hold
Defense: From natural stance, step to right in horse stance as you counter grab opponent’s wrists. Step with your right foot behind your left to ten o’clock into a forward bow stance to face opponent. Right front snap kick to opponent’s stomach, as you land forward with right foot to a horse stance. Release the hold with right hand as you do a right inward block to break opponent’s elbow, Do a right outward elbow to ribs. Do a right hammerfist to groin, Cover out.
Dancer : Attack: Rear extended choke hold
Defense: From natural stance, step to nine o’clock with right foot behind left to a twisted stance as you do a right downward knife-hand to groin. Pivot to face opponent as you duck your head low to release the choke hold while you do a left ridge-hand to groin, Step back with left to a neutral bow stance, Do a right crossing side kick to opponent’s knee, Cover out.
Full Nelson : Attack: Full nelson
Defense: From natural stance, step with
right to horse stance as you pin opponent’s arms to your ribs, Do a left hammer fist to groin then a left tiger claw to groin. Step with your left foot behind opponent’s right foot to buckle his knee into a neutral bow stance, Do a left obscure elbow to chin as you pivot on your right foot into a forward bow stance while you do a right hammer fist to groin to make opponent fall to ground. Cover out.
Lever A. B. : Attack: A. Stiff arm side shoulder grab
Defense: From natural stance, step to three with right into a horse stance as you do a right inward block to knock opponent’s arm off your shoulder. Do a right outward knifehand to opponent’s nose as you block your face with your left hand. Cover out.
Lever A. B. : Attack: B. Bent arm side shoulder grab
Defense: From natural stance, step to the left in a horse stance while you pin with left hand as you do a right inward block to break opponent’s elbow, Hook opponent’s elbow with a right shape of the crane strike to bend opponent’s arm. Do a right inward elbow smash to jaw. Cover out.
Eagle Beak A. B. C. : Attack: A. Stiff arm side shoulder grab
Defense: A, From natural stance, pin opponent’s hand with your left as you step to a right horse stance. Do a right middle knuckle uppercut to opponent’s under arm. Cover out.
Eagle Beak A. B. C. : Attack: B. Bent arm side shoulder grab
Defense: B. From natural stance, pin
opponent’s hand with your left as you then step to a left horse stance. Do a right middle knuckle vertical punch to opponent’s ribs. Cover out.