Purim Torah Flashcards


'’lekayem es yemei hapurim haale bizmaneyhm’’
(megilla2)- ‘‘bizmaneyhem’’ -plural purim 14 and 15
r’leff-purim achdus megila together ,seuda friends ,packages money food friends
wouldn’t make sense for chachmim to make purim in both places on the same day ? achdus?


if everyone acts the same way on the same day in identical fashion you can say the reason they feel united is b/c they happen to be doing the same thing on same day
true achdus is when one jew is able to see another conducting himself differently and realize its avodas h’
mishloach manos is i prepare food from my own kitchen my own customs and you accept it

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(megila17)-if you read the megilla backward youre not yatza

r’ostrov-why would s/o read it backwards ?


when read the story 1st time you might see the rise of evil haman might wanna flip to the end and see how it ends like hollywood taught us happily ever after
after seeing how haman and his 10 sons are hung you turn to the front and see how the story played out
everones lives are full of challenges the message of the megilla
a jew must face his challeges with conviction that h’ loves him and is taking care of every prat
if only willing to live the hardships after you assured of a happy ending no yatza
have to believe h’ there when its dark caring and looking out

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Chasam Sofer - How To Get Drunk on Purim


The gemara says (Megila 7b) that on Purim we need to get drunk until we don’t know the difference between Arur Haman and Boruch Mordechai. What does this mean?

He explains as follows. The Meforshim ask why was Paroh punished for enslaving the Jews if that was Hashem’s decree? They answer that Paroh in his cruelty went far beyond what Hashem decreed, and for that he was punished. If so asks the Chasam Sofer, Haman only tried to carry out Hashem’s decree of wiping out Bnei Yisroel r”l, why was he punished? The Chasam Sofer answers that had he done it to fulfill the mitzva of Hashem he would not have been punished. However he did it for his own pleasure and for that he was killed.

If so, says the Chasam Sofer, the only difference between Haman and Mordechai was the intent. Each one carried out their mission but Haman’s error was that he did it for his pleasure. Therefore, says the Chasam Sofer, on Purim we become intoxicated in a way that would have left no difference between Haman and Mordechai, L’Shem Shamayim. Just like Haman would have done Tzivui Hashem by killing the Jews had he done it Lishma, so too we must get drunk on Purim for the sake of fulfilling our obligation and not for our own pleasure. Or else there is an obviously vast difference between Haman and Mordechai, and we haven’t become shikorim K’halacha.

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Rav Isaac Sher - Why Do We Get Drunk On Purim?


Rav Isaac Sher the Rosh Yeshiva of Slabodka in Leket Sichos Mussar offers his explanation to this age old question. He says that according to Rav Shimon Bar Yochai the aveira of the Yehudim was that they bowed down to Nevuchadnetzar’s idol. Even though it technically wasn’t Avodah Zara they should have been Moser Nefesh like Chanania, Mishael, and Azarya. Their tshuva was to serve Hashem until the point of dying Al Kiddush Hashem which they did after Haman’s decree was signed.

Similarly our avodah on Purim is to imagine ourselves willing to die Al Kiddush Hashem. The gemara says in Sanhedrin (43a) that when someone is sentenced to death by Bais Din, on their way to their execution they are given wine in order that they should be intoxicated and not feel pain. So too us since we are prepared to literally give up our lives we drink wine to ease our pain.

This explains why after getting drunk Raba slaughtered Rav Zeira. Since they both had in their minds that they were dying, Raba got a little carried away as the line between reality and fiction blurred to the point where he carried out his holy Kavanos.

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