Pumper/Operator Chapters Flashcards
The circle, or walk around, method involves starting at the driver’s door on the cab and working around the apparatus in a clockwise pattern.
- As the apparatus is circled, important areas are checked on the way.
- The final step involves a Driver/Operator getting in the cab, starting the apparatus, and performing a functional check on the systems.
Chapter 3
Introduction to Apparatus Inspection and Maintenance.
Appropriate hearing protection should be worn if any personnel will be exposed to noise levels in excess of 90 dB.
Chapter 3
Introduction to Apparatus Inspection and Maintenance.
In general, steering wheel play should be no more than about 10° in either direction.
-On a steering wheel that has a 20 inch diameter, this will mean a play of about 2 inches in either direction.
Chapter 3
Introduction to Apparatus Inspection and Maintenance.
An NFPA 1901 Braking Test requires that NEW apparatus he brought to a complete stop from the speed of 20 mph in a distance not to exceed 35 feet.
-The standard also requires the parking brake to hold the apparatus in place on a grade of 20%.
Chapter 3
Introduction to Apparatus Inspection and Maintenance.
On apparatus equipped with air brakes the standard requires the air pressure to build to a sufficient level to allow the vehicle operations within 60 seconds starting.
Chapter 3
Introduction to Apparatus Inspection and Maintenance.
Apparatus with air brakes are to be equipped with an air pressure protection valve prevents the airhorn from being operated when the pressure in the air reservoir drops below 80 psi.
Chapter 3
Introduction to Apparatus Inspection and Maintenance.
To test the road brakes, allow the apparatus to move forward at about 5 mph, then push down on the brake pedal firmly. The apparatus should come to a stop within about 20 feet.
Chapter 3
Introduction to Apparatus Inspection and Maintenance.
The first goal of the Driver/Operator is to get the apparatus and it’s crew to the scene in an expedient, yet safe manner.
Chapter 4
Operating Emergency Vehicles.
Statistics compiled annually by NIOSH historically show that 20 to 25% of all firefighter injuries and deaths in the United States are caused by vehicle collisions while responding to or returning from emergency calls.
Chapter 4
Operating Emergency Vehicles.
Statistics by NIOSH combined with other organizations put the annual death toll to as many as 25 firefighter deaths per year caused by vehicle collisions and rollovers.
Chapter 4
Operating Emergency Vehicles.
Large percentage of collisions occur while backing the vehicle.
Chapter 4
Operating Emergency Vehicles.
1 gallon of water weighs 8.33 pounds.
Chapter 4
Operating Emergency Vehicles.
Lugging occurs when the throttle is applied whilel the transmission is in too high a gear for a given set of conditions.
Chapter 4
Operating Emergency Vehicles.
Long idling periods can result in the use of 1/2 gallon of fuel per hour, the build up of carbon in injectors, valves, pistons, and valve seats, misfirings as a result of injector carboning, and damage to the turbocharger shaft seals.
Chapter 4
Operating Emergency Vehicles.
At speeds above 50 miles per hour an emergency vehicle may “out run” the effective range of an audible warning device.
Chapter 4
Operating Emergency Vehicles.
A siren operating on an emergency vehicle moving at 40 mph can project 300 feet in front of the vehicle.
At 60 mph however, the siren is only audible 12 feet or less in front of the vehicle.
Chapter 4
Operating Emergency Vehicles.
The primary function of the fire department pumper on the fire ground is to provide water for firefighting operations.
Chapter 4
Operating Emergency Vehicles.
If the apparatus arrives at a location where no fire is evident (investigation mode), it is generally advisable to stop near the best access point into the occupancy, often the main entrance.
-Driver/Operator should remain with the vehicle and prepared to make connections to the water supply or sprinkler/standpipe fire department connection, or pull attack hose lines if the need arises.
Chapter 5
Positioning Apparatus
Pumpers providing water for elevated stream operations should position as close to the aerial apparatus as possible.
-friction and elevation loss are major considerations when supporting elevated master streams, and pumping apparatus driver operators must be aware of these losses.
Chapter 5
Positioning Apparatus
Many departments have standard operating procedures that require the first do pumper to proceed directly to the FDC.
Chapter 5
Positioning Apparatus
If the engine must be left idling for an extended period of time, set idle at 900 to 1100 RPM rather than low speeds.
Chapter 4
Operating Emergency Vehicles.
The two most common functions for wildland fire apparatus are providing structural protection and making a direct attack fire.
Chapter 5
Positioning Apparatus
Cascade systems on mobile fire apparatus typically range from a bank of 4 to 12 large cylinders.
Chapter 5
Positioning Apparatus
Generally, the officer of the Company to arrive at the staging area becomes the staging area manager.
- The Staging Manager communicates resources, availability, and resource needs to the planning section or the IC.
- Company officers should report to the staging area manager as they arrive.
Chapter 5
Positioning Apparatus
More than 60% of the calls to which fire departments respond are emergency medical incidents.
Chapter 5
Positioning Apparatus
Between 32° and 212°F, water exists in a liquid state.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
For fire protection purposes, ordinary freshwater is generally considered to weigh 62.5 lbs/ft3 or 8.33 pounds per gallon.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Water has the ability to extinguish fire in several ways.
- The primary way water extinguishes the fire is by cooling, or absorbing heat from the fire.
- Another way is by smothering (excluding Oxygen).
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Water can be used to smother fires in combustible liquids whose specific gravity is higher than 1.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Smothering also occurs to some extent when water converts to steam in a confined space.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
As an extinguishing agent, water depends on the following:
- Specific Heat
- Latent Heat of Vaporization
- Exposed Surface Area
- Specific Gravity
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Specific Heat and Latent Heat of Vaporization govern the heat absorbing ability of water.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
The amount of surface area of the water exposed to the heat dictates the amount of heat the water will absorb.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Specific Gravity determines whether water will float on the surface of another liquid or vice versa.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Specific Heat is the measure of the heat absorbing capacity of a substance.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
A BTU is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1°F.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
The Joule, also a unit of work, has taken the place of the calorie in the SI (International System of Units) heat measurement.
1 Calorie = 4.19 Joules
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
The Specific Heat of any substance is the ratio between the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of a specified quantity of a material and the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of an identical quantity of water by the same number of degrees.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Latent Heat of Vaporization is the quantity of heat absorbed by a substance when it changes from a liquid to a vapor.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Each pound of water requires approximately 970 BTU of additional heat to completely convert into steam.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
The Latent Heat of Vaporization is significant in firefighting because the temperature of the water is not increased beyond 212° F during the absorption of the 970 BTU for every pound of water.
-If the water from a 100 GPM Fog Nozzle is projected into a highly heated area, it can absorb approximately 934,600 BTU of heat per minute if all the water is converted to steam.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
The amount of heat a combustible object can produce depends on the material from which it is composed.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Another characteristic of water that is sometimes an aid to firefighting is its expansion capability when converting to steam.
-This expansion helps cool the fire area by driving heat and smoke from the area.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
At 212°F water expands approximately 1700 times its original volume.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Inside a burning building steam expansion is not gradual, but extremely rapid
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
The use of a fog stream in a direct or combination fire attack requires that adequate ventilation be provided ahead of the hose line, otherwise there is a high possibility of steam or even fire rolling back over and around the hose team.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Viscosity - is the tendency of the liquid to possess internal resistance to flow. Water has a low Viscosity. Molasses has a high Viscosity
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Specific Gravity - the density of liquids in relation to water.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Water has a Specific Gravity value of 1.
- Liquids with a specific gravity less than 1 are lighter than water and therefore float on water.
- Those with the specific gravity greater than 1 are heavier than water and sink to the bottom.
- If the other liquid is equal to 1, it mixes evenly with water.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Most flammable liquids have a specific gravity of less than 1. Therefore, if a firefighter is confronted with a flammable liquid fire flows water on it improperly, fire will float on top of water and ignite everything in its path.
-The use of foam can control this situation because it floats on the surface of the flammable liquid and smothers.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Water converted to steam occupies 1700 times its original volume.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Advantages of Water:
- Water has a greater heat absorbing capacity than other common extinguishing agents.
- A relatively large amount of heat is required to change water into steam. This means that more heat is absorbed from the fire.
- Water converted into steam occupies 1700 times its original volume.
- Water is plentiful, relatively inexpensive, and readily available in most jurisdictions.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Disadvantages of Water:
- Water has a high surface tension that makes it more difficult to soak into dense materials.
- Water may be reactive with certain fuels such as combustible metals.
- Water has low levels of opacity and reflectively that allow radiant heat to easily pass through it.
- Water freezes at 32°F, which is a problem interesting jurisdictions that frequently experience freezing temperatures.
- Water readily conducts electricity, which can be hazardous to firefighters working around energized electrical equipment.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
The weight of 1 ft.³ of water is approximately 62.5 pounds.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
The speed at which fluid travels through hose or pipe is referred to as VELOCITY.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
There are six basic principles that determine the action of pressure upon fluids.
First Principle: Fluid pressure is perpendicular to any surface on which it acts. The pressure exerted by the weight of water is perpendicular to the walls of the container.
Second Principle: Fluid pressure at a point in a fluid at rest is the same intensity in all directions. This principle is used in hydrostatic testing.
Third Principle: pressure applied to a confined fluid from without is transmitted equally in all directions.
Fourth Principle: The pressure of the liquid in an open vessel is proportional to its depths.
Fifth Principle: the pressure of the liquid in an open vessel is proportional to the density of the liquid.
Sixth Principle: The pressure of a liquid on the bottom of the vessel is independent of the shape of the vessel.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
At sea level, the atmosphere exerts a pressure of 14.7 psi, which is considered standard atmospheric pressure.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Any pressure less than atmospheric pressure is called a vacuum.
Absolute zero is called a perfect vacuum.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Head Pressure: Head in the fire service refers to the height of a water supply about the discharge oriface.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Static Pressure: The water flow definition of static pressure is stored potential energy available to force water through pipe, fittings, firehose, and adapters.
- if water is not moving pressure is static.
- the pressure in a water system before water flows from a hydrant is considered static pressure.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Normal Operating Pressure: A pressure that is found in a water distribution system during normal consumption demands.
-The difference between static pressure in normal operating pressure is the friction caused by water flowing through various pipes, valves, and fittings in the system.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Residual Pressure: That part of the total available pressure not used to overcome friction loss or gravity while forcing water through pipe, fittings, firehose, and adapters.
-Residual means the remainder of what’s left.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Flow Pressure: That forward velocity pressure at a discharge while water is flowing.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Above sea level atmospheric pressure decreases approximately .5 psi for every 1000 feet.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
The fire service definition of FRICTION LOSS is that part of total pressure lost while forcing water through the pipe, fittings, firehose, and adapters.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
In a firehose, the following cause friction loss:
- Movement of water molecules against each other.
- Lining of the firehose.
- Couplings
- Sharp Bends
- Change in hose size or oriface by adapters.
- Improper gasket size.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
The friction loss an old hose may be as much as 50% greater than that new hose.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Friction loss can be measured by inserting in-line gauges in a hose or pipe.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Principles of Friction Loss:
First Principle- If all other conditions are the same, friction loss varies directly with the length of hose or pipe.
*This principle can be illustrated by one hose that is 100 feet long and another that is 200 feet long.
A constant flow of 200 GPM is flowed through both hoses. There is 10 psi of friction loss in the 100 foot hose. There is 20 psi of friction loss in the 200 foot section.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Principles of Friction Loss:
Second Principle- When hoses are the same size, friction loss varies approximately with the square of the increase in the velocity of the flow.
* Friction loss increases much faster than flow.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Principles of Friction Loss:
Third Principle- For the same discharge, friction loss varies inversely as the fifth power of the diameter of the hose.
* This principle readily proves the advantages of larger size hose and can be illustrated by one hose that is 2 1/2 inches and another that is 3 inches.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
A pressure of 30,000 PSI is required to reduce the volume of water by 1%.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Friction loss in a system increases as the length of the hose for piping increase.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Flow pressure will always be greatest near the supply source and lowest at the farthest point in the system.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
If the velocity is increased beyond practical limits friction becomes so great that the entire stream is agitated by resistance. This is called CRITICAL VELOCITY.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Realistically, hose larger than 3 inches in diameter cannot be used for hand lines.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
The principal function of the water department is to provide potable water.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Means of Moving Water:
- Direct Pumping System
- Gravity System
- Combination System
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Most communities use a combination of the direct pumping and gravity systems.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
A fire hydrant that receives water from only one direction is known as a dead-end hydrant.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
When a fire hydrant receives water from two or more directions, it is said to have a circulating feed or a looped line.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
A distribution system that provides a circulating feed from several mains constitutes a grid system.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
A Grid System should consist of the following components:
-Primary Feeders - Large pipes (Mains), with relatively widespread spacing, that convey large quantities of water to various points of the system for local distribution to the smaller mains.
-Secondary Feeders - Network of intermediate sized pipes that reinforce the grid within the various loops of the primary feeder system and aid the concentration of the required flow at any point.
Distributors - Grid arrangement of smaller mains serving individual fire hydrants and blocks of consumers.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
In residential areas, the recommended size for fire hydrant supply mains is at least 6 inches in diameter.
-There should be 8 inch cross connecting mains at intervals of not more than 600 feet.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
In the business and industrial districts, the minimum recommended size is 8 inch mains with cross connecting mains every 600 feet.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
12 inch mains maybe used on principal streets and in long mains not cross connected at frequent intervals.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Water mains as large as 48 inches maybe found in major cities.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
The function of a VALVE in a water distribution systems to provide a means of controlling the flow of water through the distribution piping.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
The Average Daily Consumption (ADC) is the average of the total amount of water used any water distribution system over the period of one year.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
The Maximum Daily Consumption is the maximum total amount of water that was used during a 24-hour interval within a three-year period.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
The Peak Hourly Consumption it’s normally 1 1/2 times the average daily consumption.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
Private water systems are most commonly found on large commercial, industrial, or institutional properties, but may also be found in some residential developments.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
It requires 152 BTU to raise each pound of water 212° Fahrenheit.
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
The roughness of the inside of the pipe or hose is called the COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION
Chapter 6
What is water and where does it come from?
During the time a stream of water or extinguishing agent passes through space, it is influenced by velocity, gravity, wind, and friction in the open air.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
Operating pressures, nozzle design, nozzle adjustment, and the condition of the nozzle orifice influence the condition of the stream when it leaves the nozzle.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
A solid stream is a fire stream produced from a fixed orifice, smoothbore nozzle.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
Solid stream has the ability to reach areas other streams might not reach.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
Solid stream nozzles are designed so that the shape of the water in the nozzle is gradually reduced until it reaches a point a short distance from the outlet. At this point, the nozzle becomes A cylindrical bore whose length is 1 to 1 1/2 times its diameter.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
When a solid stream nozzle is used on a hand line it should be operated at 50 PSI nozzle pressure.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
A solid stream master stream device should be operated at 80 PSI.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
To determine the amount of water that is being discharged from a solid stream nozzle the following formula maybe used:
GPM = 29.7 x d2 x √NP
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
The pump must be capable of being supplied by water sources that are external to the apparatus.
-These sources maybe pressurized are static sources.
–The pump must be primed when drafting from a static water supply source.
-This involves removing all or most of the air from the pump thus lowering the atmospheric pressure within the pump casing.
-The primer is tapped into the pump at a high point on the suction side or the impeller eye and a valve (priming valve) is used.
-Any air trapped in the pump during that time and operation can prevent a successful drafting operation.
-For this reason, all intake lines to a centrifugal
pump are normally located below the eye of the impeller, and no part of the pumping is above this point.
-The single exception to this may be the tank-to-pump line where the water is moving under the natural pressure of gravity.
Chapter 10
Fire Pump Theory
The ability to safely control and maneuver fire apparatus is one of the most critical aspects of the driver/operators responsibilities.
Chapter 4
Operating Emergency Vehicles
Quite simply stated, the first goal of the Driver/Operator is to get the apparatus and his crew to the scene in an expedient, get safe manner.
Chapter 4
Operating Emergency Vehicles
A solid stream is a fire stream produced from a fixed orifice, smoothbore nozzle.
- Solid Stream has the ability to reach areas other streams might not reach.
- Solid Stream nozzles are designed so that the shape of the water in the nozzle is gradually reduced until it reaches a point short distance from outlet.
- At this point, the nozzle becomes a cylindrical bore whose length is from one to 1 1/2 times its diameter.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
When solid stream nozzles are used on hand lines, they should be operated at 50 PSI nozzle pressure.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
A solid stream master stream device should be operated at 80 PSI.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
The following terms are important to know when discussing the mechanical principles of fog streams:
Periphery - the line bounding a rounded surface; the outward boundary of an object distinguished from its internal regions.
Deflection - A turning or state of being turned; A turning from a straight line or given course; a bending; A deviation.
Impinge - to strike or dash about or against; clashing with a sharp collision; to come together with force.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
A FOG STREAM may be produced by deflection at the periphery or by impinging jets of water or by a combination of these.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
The reach of the FOG STREAM is directly dependent on the width of the stream, the size of the water droplets, wind, and the amount of water flowing.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
When water is discharged at angles to the direct line of discharge, the reaction forces largely balance each other, thus reducing nozzle reaction.
This balancing of forces is the reason why FOG PATTERNS are easier to handle then solid or straight stream patterns.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
FOG NOZZLES - Constant Flow
- Constant flow nozzles are designed to flow a specific amount of water at a specific nozzle discharge pressure on all stream patterns.
- Most constant flow nozzles utilize a periphery-deflected stream.
- Most constant flow nozzles are also equipped with an adjustable pattern setting.
- Most constant flow nozzles are intended to be operated at a novel pressure of 100 psi. Although there are number of lower pressure nozzles that operate at 50 to 75 PSI for special applications touches high-rise firefighting.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
Most constant flow nozzles are intended to be operated at a novel pressure of 100 psi. Although there are number of lower pressure nozzles that operate at 50 to 75 PSI for special applications touches high-rise firefighting.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
FOG NOZZLES - Manually Adjustable Nozzles
A refinement of the constant flow nozzle is the adjustable gallonage nozzle.
This nozzle has a number of constant flow settings, enabling the firefighter to select a flowrate that Best suits the existing conditions.
Most of these nozzles are designed to supply the gallonage mark on each setting at a nozzle pressure of 100 psi.
The driver/operator must know the flow at which the novel is set in order to properly supply the hoseline and nozzle.
The minimum flow setting for interior structural firefighting is 95 to 100 GPM.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
The minimum flow setting for interior structural firefighting is 95 to 100 GPM.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
FOG NOZZLES - Automatic Nozzles
The most common variable flow nozzles in use today are automatic nozzles.
Automatic nozzles, also referred to as constant pressure nozzles or multi purpose nozzles, are basically variable flow nozzles with pattern change capabilities and the ability to maintain the same nozzle pressure.
If the gallonage supplied to the novel changes, the automatic novel maintains approximately the same nozzle pressure and pattern.
This feature is made possible by a baffle that moves automatically, varying the spacing between the baffle and the throat.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
A stream from an automatic nozzle can appear adequate, but may not be supplying sufficient water for extinguishment or protection.
It should be the goal of the driver/operator to provide an acceptable flow of water at the discharge pressure for which the nozzle is designed.
Most fog nozzles are designed for a 100 psi discharge pressure. However, some fog nozzles may be designed for lower pressures such as 50 to 75 PSI. These are commonly used in high-rise firefighting.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
Make sure that adequate pump discharge pressures are used to supply those lines equipped with automatic nozzles.
Nozzles receiving inadequate pressures may not provide the volume of water needed to sufficiently cool a burning fuel even though the stream looks adequate.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
Within design limits, an automatic nozzle serves as a pressure regulator for the pumper as lines are added or shutdown.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
Within its design limits, and automatic nozzle maintains a constant nozzle pressure of approximately 100 psi, I’ll matter how much the pump discharge pressure is about this figure.
As pump discharge pressure is increased, the nozzle automatically enlarges it’s effective opening size within range of the nozzle to match the flow.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
High-pressure fog nozzles operate at pressures up to 800 PSI.
They develop a fog stream with a considerable forward velocity but deliver a relatively low volume of water.
High pressure nozzles and lines are best suited for fighting wildland fires.
These lines are not recommended for structural firefighting because they generally only flow in the neighborhood of 8 to 15 GPM.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
These nozzles may be of solid, fog, impinging, or broken stream type.
Generally 350 GPM is the maximum amount of water that can safely flow through a hand line nozzle.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
The term master stream is applied to any fire stream that is too large to be controlled without mechanical aid.
Master streams maybe either solid or fog streams; both utilize a nozzle of sufficient size to deliver a higher flow.
SMOOTHBORE master streams are usually operated at 80 PSI FOG master streams at 100 psi.
Master stream flows are usually 350 GPM or greater.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
There are four basic categories of master stream devices: Monitor Turret pipe Deluge set Elevated master Stream
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
The fixed monitor, sometimes called a deck gun or turret, Is permanently mounted to the apparatus.
The combination is also mounted to the apparatus.
-It can be used there as a trip or removed and used as a portable monitor.
The portable monitor can be carried to the location where it is needed.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
Turret Pipe
A Turret Pipe is mounted on the fire apparatus deck and is connected directly to the pump by permanent piping.
The Turret Pipe is also sometimes called the Deck Gun or Deck Pipe.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
Deluge Set
The Deluge Set consists of a short length of large diameter hose with a large nozzle or large play pipe supported at the discharge end by a tripod.
There is a Siamese connection at the supply end. The direction and angle of the stream cannot be changed well the deluge set is discharging water.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
Nozzle Pressure and Reaction
Water is discharged from a nozzle at a given pressure, A force pushes back on the firefighter handling the hose line.
This counterforce, known as NOZZLE REACTION, clearly illustrates Newton’s third law of motion.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
Nearly all fog nozzles are designed to operate at a nozzle pressure of 100 psi.
About this pressure, hand lines equipped with fog nozzles become too difficult to handle.
This pressure (100 psi) is manageable and acceptable for both hand lines and master streams.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
In most cases, 50 psi is used as the nozzle pressure for solid stream headlines equipped with up to 1 1/2 inch nozzles.
If greater reach and volume are needed, the nozzle pressure may be raised to 65 PSI without becoming unmanageable.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
Solid stream nozzles used on aerial devices should be limited to a nozzle pressure of 80 psi and fog nozzles Limited to 100 psi in order to limit the stress placed on the aerial device.
Chapter 7
Fire Hose Nozzles and Flow Rates
Where should the pumper be stopped in relation to the
hydrant when using a side intake connection?
p. 111
A.) Far away from
B.) Just past
C.) In front of
D.) Just short
D.) Just short
How many large cylinders are typically carried in the
cascade system?
p. 122
A.) 4 to 12
B.) 1 to 8
C.) 2 to 4
D.) 6 to 10
A.) 4 to 12
- What can be done to prevent potential kinks in the soft intake hose?
p. 111
A.) Use sexless couplings
B.) Tie it off
C.) Put twists in it
D.) Remove the outer sleeve
C.) Put twists in it
- What angle should the vehicle be aimed when using a front or rear intake connection?
p. 112
A.) 60 degrees
B.) 115 degrees
C.) 45 degrees
D.) 90 degrees
C.) 45 degrees
- Which are engine-driven appliances used to refill SCBA
cylinders with atmospheric air?
p. 122
A.) Air supplying units
B.) SCBA refill stations
C.) Cascade systems
D.) Breathing-air compressors
D.) Breathing-air compressors
- How long (feet) are intake hose sections commonly?
p. 111
A.) 30 to 70
B.) 10 to 50
C.) 20 to 60
D.) 40 to 80
B.) 10 to 50
- How far behind the shielding apparatus should additional apparatus be placed?
p. 126
A.) 250 to 300 feet
B.) 150 to 200 feet
C.) 300 to 350 feet
D.) 200 to 250 feet
B.) 150 to 200 feet
- What is another name for the hot zone?
p. 128
A.) Limited-access zone
B.) Support zone
C.) Exclusion zone
D.) Reduction zone
C.) Exclusion zone
- Which type of operations are required when water will be
supplied from a lake or pong?
p. 107
A.) Tandem
B.) Drafting
C.) Pumping
D.) Hydrant
B.) Drafting
- How many sides of the incident scene should the command vehicle be able to view ideally?
p. 121
A.) 4
B.) 3
C.) 2
D.) 5
C.) 2
- How many lanes next to the incident on the highway should be closed as a minimum?
p. 126
A.) 3
B.) 2
C.) 1
D.) 4
C.) 1
- What is a man made barrier that prevents fire from
surrounding and trapping the apparatus during wildland
fire attack?
p. 116
A.) Center point
B.) Anchor point
C.) Shoulder point
D.) Grounded point
B.) Anchor point
- What is the first thing that needs to be done when placing the intake hose directly into the static water source?
p. 109
A.) Uncap the suction end of the hose
B.) Place the supply end in the source
C.) Stop short of the source
D.) Remove the strainer
C.) Stop short of the source
- What should be used when navigating an apparatus through smoky conditions at a wildland fire?
p. 117
A.) Tester
B.) Anchor
C.) Spotter
D.) Bridger
C.) Spotter
- What percentage of the calls that most fire departments
respond to are emergency medical incidents?
p. 130
A.) 40%
B.) 20%
C.) 80%
D.) 60%
D.) 60%
- How should engines be delivered to urban structures they are assigned to protect?
p. 116
A.) Backed in from first known turnaround
B.) Driven in from first known turnaround
C.) Driven in from last known turnaround
D.) Backed in from last known turnaround
D.) Backed in from last known turnaround
- Which of the following is NOT generally seen as a purpose
of the private water supply system?
p. 160
A.) To provide water for fire protection and manufacturing
B.) To provide water strictly for human consumption
C.) To provide water for sanitary and fire protection purposes
D.) To provide water strictly for fire protection purposes
B.) To provide water strictly for human consumption
- What is the quantity of heat absorbed by a substance when it changes from a liquid to a vapor?
p. 137
A.) Exposed surface area
B.) Latent heat of vaporization
C.) Specific heat
D.) Specific gravity
B.) Latent heat of vaporization
- What should be the minimum number of primary feeders that should be run from the source of supply to the high-risk districts of the community to ensure sufficient water?
p. 157
A.) 2
B.) 1
C.) 4
D.) 3
A.) 2
- Which of the following factors determines the amount of heat a combustible object can produce?
p. 137
A.) Physical form of the object
B.) The general air to oxygen supply
C.) Material from which it is composed
D.) The amount of exposed surface area
C.) Material from which it is composed
The RATE at which the object gives off heat depends upon such factors as its physical form, amount of surface exposed, and air or oxygen supply.
- How much does water at 212 degrees Fahrenheit expand from its original volume?
p. 138
A.) 1,700 times
B.) 1,300 times
C.) 1,500 times
D.) 1,000 times
A.) 1,700 times
- What are the network of intermediate-sized pipes within the grid system?
p. 157
A.) Primary feeders
B.) Reducers
C.) Secondary feeders
D.) Distributors
C.) Secondary feeders
- Where must residual pressure be identified?
p. 146
A.) It cannot be identified
B.) At the pressure reading location
C.) Along the hoselines being used
D.) At the flow hydrant
B.) At the pressure reading location
- What is considered standard atmospheric pressure?
p. 143
A.) 29.9 psi
B.) 14.7 psi
C.) 16.3 psi
D.) 22.5 psi
B.) 14.7 psi
- According to the third principle of pressure how is
pressure applied to a confined fluid from without
p. 142
A.) In the original direction of application
B.) Downward and then outward
C.) Randomly within the container
D.) Equally in all directions
D.) Equally in all directions
- Which principle of pressure states that the pressure at
thee bottom of a vessel is independent of the shape of the vessel?
p. 143
A.) Sixth
B.) Third
C.) Fourth
D.) Fifth
A.) Sixth
- How many pounds does a 1-square-inch column of water 1 foot high equal?
p. 141
A.) 59.8
B.) 43.4
C.) 37.4
D.) 62.5
D.) 62.5
- What is the part of the total pressure lost while forcing water through pipe, fittings, fire hose and adapters?
p. 147
A.) Flow loss
B.) Friction loss
C.) Static loss
D.) Pressure loss
B.) Friction loss
- What is the specific gravity value of most flammable
p. 139
A.) Less than 1
B.) More than 1
C.) No value for specific gravity
D.) 1
A.) Less than 1
- What is the pressure in an open vessel proportional to according to the fourth principle of pressure?
p. 142
A.) Volume
B.) Area
C.) Height
D.) Depth
D.) Depth
- Which type of system use one or more pumps that take water from the primary source and discharge it through the filtration and treatment process?
p. 152
A.) Direct pumping
B.) Combination
C.) Pressurized
D.) Gravity
A.) Direct pumping
- What is pressure in a water system before water flows from a hydrant called?
p. 145
A.) Head pressure
B.) Residual pressure
C.) Operating pressure
D.) Static pressure
D.) Static pressure
- How often is it recommended that cross-connecting mains be placed in the business and industrial districts?
p. 157
A.) 800 feet
B.) 600 feet
C.) 400 feet
D.) 200 feet
B.) 600 feet
- What is the most commonly used valve in the public water distribution system?
p. 158
A.) Indicating
B.) Butterfly
C.) Gated
D.) Nonindicating
D.) Nonindicating
- What does the fifth principle of pressure deal with?
p. 143
A.) Density
B.) Depth
C.) Volume
D.) Height
A.) Density
- What is the speed at which a fluid travels often referred to?
p. 141
A.) Viscosity
B.) Force
C.) Velocity
D.) Pressure
C.) Velocity
- What is the minimum recommended size for fire hydrant supply mains in residential areas?
p. 157
A.) 8 inches
B.) 12 inches
C.) 6 inches
D.) 10 inches
C.) 6 inches
- What is any pressure less than atmospheric pressure
p. 144 A.) Overt B.) Vacuum C.) Perfect vacuum D.) Negative
B.) Vacuum
- How many Btu’s are required to convert each pound of water to steam after it has reached its boiling point?
p. 137
A.) 630
B.) 100
C.) 970
D.) 212
C.) 970
- Which principle of friction loss states that when hoses
are the same size, friction loss varies approximately with
the square of the increase in the velocity of the flow?
p. 147
A.) Fourth
B.) First
C.) Second
D.) Third
C.) Second
- What timeframe is used to determine the maximum daily consumption of water for an area?
p. 159
A.) 4-year
B.) 1-year
C.) 3-year
D.) 2-year
C.) 3-year
- What is generally the safest maximum amount of water that can be flowed through a handline nozzle?
p. 171
A.) 450 gpm
B.) 350 gpm
C.) 150 gpm
D.) 250 gpm
B.) 350 gpm
- Which nozzle pressures on the automatic nozzles are most commonly used in high-rise firefighting?
p. 170
A.) 75 to 100 psi
B.) 50 to 75 psi
C.) 100 to 125 psi
D.) 25 to 50 psi
B.) 50 to 75 psi
- Which type of monitor is permanently attached to the
p. 172
A.) Deluge
B.) Portable
C.) Combination
D.) Fixed
D.) Fixed
- Which type of nozzles are designed to flow a specific
amount of water at a specific nozzle discharge pressure on all stream patterns?
p. 168
A.) Constant flow
B.) Manually adjustable
C.) Automatic
D.) High-pressure
A.) Constant flow
- Which type of heat is the water curtain nozzle effective against?
p. 176
A.) Convected
B.) Radiated
C.) Conducted
D.) Absorbed
A.) Convected
- What are the most commonly used variable flow nozzles in use today?
p. 169
A.) Ball-valve
B.) Automatic
C.) Manual
D.) Rotary control
B.) Automatic
- Where is the ladder pipe generally attached when
p. 174
A.) Underside of ladder
B.) End of waterway
C.) Top of turntable
D.) Side of apparatus
B.) End of waterway
- What is the generally accepted maximum nozzle pressure for solid streams?
p. 178
A.) 65 psi
B.) 50 psi
C.) 80 psi
D.) 95 psi
A.) 65 psi
- What pressure should solid stream nozzles be operated at when used on the end of handlines?
p. 166
A.) 80 psi
B.) 50 psi
C.) 40 psi
D.) 90 psi
B.) 50 psi
- What part of the automatic nozzle moves automatically to maintain approximately the same nozzle pressure when the gallonage supplied to the automatic nozzle changes?
p. 169
A.) Baffle
B.) Valve
C.) Stem
D.) Throat
A.) Baffle
- What is the constant amount that is used to determine the flow from a solid stream nozzle?
p. 166
A.) 32.7
B.) 41.7
C.) 14.7
D.) 29.7
D.) 29.7
- What pressure should a solid stream master stream device be operated at?
p. 166
A.) 50 psi
B.) 90 psi
C.) 80 psi
D.) 40 psi
C.) 80 psi
- What should pump discharge pressures be rounded to when creating a pump charts?
p. 255
A.) 3 psi
B.) 10 psi
C.) 5 psi
D.) 7 psi
C.) 5 psi
- What is subtracted from the first two numbers of the gpm flow to obtain a sufficiently accurate friction loss
figure per 100 feet of 2 1/2-inch using the GPM flowing
p. 260
A.) 20
B.) 10
C.) 15
D.) 25
B.) 10
- Which method does NOT work for the metric system of
p. 260
A.) Pump chart
B.) GPM flowing
C.) Condensed “Q” formula
D.) Hand method
B.) GPM flowing
How far from the valve control for the discharge is the
flowmeter mounted?
p. 253
A.) 2 inches
B.) 8 inches
C.) 4 inches
D.) 6 inches
D.) 6 inches
- What do electronic hydraulic calculators use to calculate flow pressure requirements in most cases?
p. 254
A.) Friction loss for the specific hoseline
B.) Value put in by the driver/operator
C.) Number of floors involved
D.) Average hose friction loss
D.) Average hose friction loss
- Which size hoseline would friction loss NOT be able to
calculated with the condensed “Q” formula?
p. 258
A.) 3-inch
B.) 2-inch
C.) 2 1/2-inch
D.) 4-inch
B.) 2-inch
- What is the maximum incremental readout a flowmeter can provide?
p. 252
A.) 20 gpm
B.) 5 gpm
C.) 15 gpm
D.) 10 gpm
D.) 10 gpm
- What size piping should be used to supply 1 1/2-inch
p. 288
A.) 4-inch
B.) 1-inch
C.) 2-inch
D.) 3-inch
C.) 2-inch
- What is the most ideal way to ensure that good fire
streams are being delivered when using more than one
p. 289
A.) Proper calculations
B.) Constant feedback from the nozzle
C.) Individual line gauges
D.) Educated guesswork
C.) Individual line gauges
- What is the most important consideration to take when
selecting the pump mounting arrangement?
p. 280
A.) Space required
B.) Ease of maintenance
C.) System cost
D.) Use of the system
D.) Use of the system
- How can the pump’s temperature be determined?
p. 278
A.) Touch the suction inlet valve
B.) Touch the discharging water
C.) Touch the discharge manifold
D.) Touch the direct pump intake pipe
D.) Touch the direct pump intake pipe
- Which is one of the most common types of pumps used to prime centrifugal pumps?
p. 269
A.) Double-acting piston
B.) Rotary gear
C.) Single-acting piston
D.) Rotary vane
D.) Rotary vane
- At what pressure does the pump in a multi-stage
centrifugal fire pump receive its maximum flow rating?
p. 274
A.) 150 psi
B.) 250 psi
C.) 100 psi
D.) 200 psi
A.) 150 psi
- How long after the discharge pressure rises must the
pressure control device operate according to NFPA 1901?
p. 293
A.) 5 to 20 seconds
B.) 2 to 12 seconds
C.) 7 to 25 seconds
D.) 3 to 10 seconds
D.) 3 to 10 seconds