pulse rate , blood pressure , BMI , peak flow Flashcards
What is pulse rate
the number of heart contractions in one minute (60-100bpm)
what is blood pressure
measures the pressure of blood as it circulates in the body
what is peak flow
measures how well your lungs can expel air if lower than 80% exercise .
high pulse rate (4 examples short term)
falls , shortness of breath , sweating and feeling weak
the blood pumps around the body to quickly
high pulse rate effects (1 example long term)
heart attacks
due to the heart being unable to pump the blood fast enough
Low peak flow 4 examples (short term)
airways narrow
harder to exercise
lungs become weak
easily out of breath/dizzy
Low peak flow ( 2 examples long term)
disease and strokes
not being able to exercise leads to fat build up
High blood pressure (3 examples and short term)
dizziness , fainting , falling
due to blood not being able to reach the brain easily
High blood pressure(2 examples and why long term)
heart attack- arteries narrow blood has to pump harder
strokes - arteries narrow blood clots in the brain
High BMI (2 examples short term)
high BMI leads to high blood pressure - fat restricting harder to exercise
High BMI ( 3 long term)
arthritis - pressure on joints
strokes - fat causes blood clots
Low BMI (3 examples short term)
infection depression tiredness
not getting enough nutrients
low BMI ( 5 examples long term)
ed anaemia Rickets weak bones stunted growth