Pulse Rate Flashcards
What is the normal pulse rate range?
60 - 80 bmp
What is arrhythmia?
Abnormal heart rate
What is tachycardia?
Pulse rate higher than normal (>100bpm)
What are the types of tachycardia?
- Sinus: rhythm originating from SAN with elevated impulse rate
- Ventricular: rapid heart beat from improper electrical heart activity, starts in ventricles
- Supraventricular: improper electrical activity of heart, starts at/above AVN
What is pyrexia?
High temperature
What are some causes of tachycardia?
After stimulants
Some medical conditions e.g. hyperthyroidism
What is bradycardia?
HR below 50bpm
What are some causes of bradycardia?
Medical conditions e.g. hypothyroidism/MI
Hypoxia (body/region deprived of adequate O2)
What is irregular HR, and when can it occur?
No normal rhythm, can occur in normal hearts and also in some types of heart disease e.g. atrial fibrillation, MI injury
What is pulse amplitude?
Pulse strength and elasticity of artery wall, may be strong or “bounding” (= possible infection), or weak/ “thready” (= shock/ hypovolaemia (low fluid levels))
How do you record radial/brachial pulse?
1) Use 2 fingers, press firmly over area at base of thumb (radial) or on inside of elbow (brachial)
2) Record rate by counting # beats in 30s then x2 for bpm
3) If pulse irregular, measure for full minute
4) Document immediately, refer back to doctor/nurse if something abnormal
Where are the pulse points?