Pulse-Echo Flashcards
Relating to or using signals or information represented by a continuously variable physical quantity such as spatial position or voltage.
Increases the strength of all electrical signals in the receiver prior to further processing (receiver gain)
A signal processing operation where the amplified voltage signal representing an ultrasound echo is converted into a binary number
Analog to digital conversion
This introduces a set of time delays across the individual elements
Beam Former
This means the system has two stable equilibrium states. Something that is bistable can be resting in either of the two states. These rest stays need not be symmetric with respect to stored energy.
A display device
Cathode-Ray Tube
Creating very long sound pulses containing a wide range of frequencies, distributing energy over a broad frequency range
Coded Excitation
This is used to make the image uniformly bright from top to bottom.
The phase of the wave when the molecules are pushed together.
The ability of the imaging system to differentiate between body tissues and display them as different shades of gray.
Contrast Resolution
Retains the actual amplitudes of echo voltages
To allow for greater amplification of the weaker echoes returning from deeper within the body
Depth-Gain Compensation
And electronic device for converting digital signals to analog form
Digital to analog converter
This allows the range of echoes or shades of gray displayed on the screen to be decreased. This will remove low-level echoes from the display and result in an image with more contrast.
Dynamic Range
______ = PRF / Lines per Frame. Depends on the PRF and the number of scan lines per image.
Frame Rate