Pulp Anatomy and Root Morphology I & II (Ye's Version) Flashcards
What is pulp?
The soft tissue component of the tooth and it occupies the internal cavities of the tooth
In general the outline of the PULP tissue resembles the _________ _______ of the tooth
External outline
The pulp originates from the ________ tissue
Functions of the pulp: (just the names)
- 4.
- Formative
- Nutritive
- Sensory
- Defensive
What is the 1. FORMATIVE (primary function) of pulp?
Involved in forming dentin and secondary dentin. Secondary dentin is formed throughout life and therfore the pulp cavity of an individual reduces in size throughout life.
What is the 2. NUTRITIVE function of pulp?
BLOOD supply to the tooth
What is the 3. SENSORY function of pulp?
NERVE supply to tooth
What is the 4. DEFENSIVE function of pulp?
Forms reparative dentin in response to mechanical, thermal, chemical, and bacterial insults. A severe injury may result in the formation of so much reparative dentin that the pulp chamber and canal is completely obliterated.
Internal anatomy of the Root:
The PULP CHAMBER consists of a _______, _______, and 4 ________.
ROOF, FLOOR, 4 WALLS - Mesial, Distal, Buccal, Lingual
Internal anatomy of the Root:
The PULP/ROOT CANAL extends from the floor of the _________ to the _______ ________
Pulp chamber to the apical foramen
Internal anatomy of the Root:
What is the apical foramen?
The opening of the root canal located at or near the tip of the root. The neurovascular bundle enters the root canal through here.
Internal anatomy of the Root:
The _______________ bundle enters the root canal through the _______ ________?
Neurovascular bundle; Apical foramen
Internal anatomy of the Root:
What is apical constriction?
The narrowest point of the root canal - usually 1/2 mm from (more coronal) the apical foramen
Internal anatomy of the Root:
What are lateral (supplemental) canals?
Small branches of the main canal that come off at the right angles to the main canal
Internal anatomy of the Root:
What are accessory canals?
Small branches in the apical 1/3 of the root that angle down from the main canal. Accessory canals are alos found in the furcation region of molars.