Pulmonology Flashcards
Status asthmaticus
Medical emergency: An extremely severe asthma attack
Severe dyspnea accesory muscle use
Absent lung sounds
DX of asthma
PFTs: Dec FEV1 / FEV
reversed with bronchodialators
Methacholine challenge if normal at time of test
Not for DX but likely to have eosinophilia / allergen skin testing / atopy
FOr excrcise induced asthma with known triggers, you can use :
Cromolyn sulfate
When someone arrives to ED with likely asthma exacerbation, how do you work them up?
What to do after treatment?
If refractory or severe?
When to intubate?
PE BMP (CO2 retention) ABG PEFR (Peak expiratoryy flow rate) CXR (to rule out other causes of dyspnia)
Duonebs (Albuterol / ipratropium)
Repeat after initial tx: BMP (CO2 retention) ABG PEFR Sats
If refractory or severe: Racemic Epi nebs SubQ epi IV mag
Intubate if:
Rising CO2 Decreasing pH
absence of lung sounds
In ER, after you treat asthma, what to do with them
after 3 hours of neb tx:
No imp- ICU
Total imp - home
anywhere inbetween gets admitted (steroids and nebs)
Classification of asthma
<2/wk <2/month
Mild persistant:
>2/wk >2/month
Moderate persisitant:
Daily >1 / wk
*Start seeing drops below 80% of FEV1
Daily Daily
Treatment for each classification of asthma
Intermittant - SABA
Mild persistant - ICS
Moderate Persistant - LABA OR Leukotriene inhib
Severe persistant - inc ICS dose
Refractory - PO steroids
Stats of COPD
20% of smokers get COPD but 90%of COPDers were smokers
Genetic (alpha 1) and environmental factors influence the disease
Chronic Bronchitis Definition
productive cough >3 months of two consectutive years
Sequllae of COPD
Cliliary loss Inc mucouse Smooth muscle hypertrphy (narrowning) Loss of elasticity *Inc pulmonary htn
Presentation of COPDer (lots)
Smoking (40 Pyear
Age >45
Chronic cough Smoker Cyanosis (blue) Edema / RHF / Clubbing air trapping / barrel chest pursed lips/ prolonged exp Weight loss* accesory muscle use*
Labs -
Low 02
high CO2
PFT: dec FEV1, Dec FEV1/FVC
CBC inc RBCs.
RAD/RVH in ECG from core pulmonale
Flattened diaphragm
translucent lung fliedls
COPDER acronym
an aconym to recall all treatments and goals for COPD patient
C corticosteroids - no change in mortality UNLESS infection
O oxygen (saves life)
P prevention (pneumovax Q5yr, flu shot, smoking cessation) savesl lifes
D dialation
E - skip
R - rehab - excercise - increases tolerance. no change in mortality
Profession of COPD treatments
First line:
LAMA (ipro / tio)
02 as needed
Steroids - IV or PO depending on severity
Intubate / ventilate
COPD exacerbation
Signs: drop in CO2 or inc in cough prod
O2 (dont stress dec in hypoxic drive here)
Duonebs (ipra / alb)
IV steroids (no taper is req for COPD)
ABX if purulent sputum* / if sputum increased.
- amoxicillin
- Doxy
- Azithro
VIrchows Triad
Venous Stasis
Hypercoagulable State
Endothelial Damage