How common is allergic rhinitis?
Very common… b/t 10-40% of children experience rhinitis as the most common manifestation of allergic disease
What features on PE suggest chronic allergic rhinitis? (7)
1- congestion
2-“allergic facies” : open mouth, midface hypoplasia
3- “allergic salute”: nasal crease on bridge of nose from chronic upward rubbing of nose with palm
4- diminished sense of taste/smell
5- allergic “shiners” (dark circles under eyes)
6- increased infraorbital folds
7- cobblestoning of conjunctiva/posterior oropharynx
List the major risk factors for allergic rhinitis
1- +FMHx
2- heavy maternal cigarette smoking during first year of life
3- early introduction of solid foods
4- individuals born during pollen season
5- higher serum IgE levels (>100 IU/mL before age 6)
6- atopic dermatitis (eczema)
How does the time of year help identify the potential cause of allergic rhinitis?
- Tree pollen: onset of growing season
- Grass pollen: onset of growing season (after trees)
- Weed pollen: late-summer pollen peak (most common in north/central america = ragweed)
- Fungal: span growing season
- Household animal allergens (dust mites/indoor fungi): increase when windows//doors closed -i.e. colder months, or in areas of high humidity
Which variables affect allergy skin testing? (5)
- Test Site (reactivity order = forearmspecific than> intradermal)
What is RAST? When is it indicated?
“radioallergosorbent test”
=in vitro lab test to quantify the pt’s allergen-specific IgE
(RAST antigen binds to the allergen of interest)
indicated in pts w/ severe skin disorders or risk of severe rxn to skin testing
What are the Pros and Cons of In vitro vs. skin testing for allergies?
In vitro:
- no risk anaphylaxis
- more $$$
Skin testing:
- less $
- more sensitive
- results available immediately
What are the Tx recommendations for children w/ chronic allergic rhinitis?
- change/control environment to avoid allergen
- pharmacotherapy: antihistamines, LTRAs, intranasal steroids, topical cromolyn
- immunotherapy: for pts sub-optimally controlled by 1st 2 measures OR w/ severe sxs
List the major indoor allergens (4)
- dust mites
- mold
- animal dander
- cockroach
How to get rid of cat allergen at home?
- remove upholstered furniture, carpet, etc.
- get new bedding covers + plastic mattress cover
- limit cat’s roaming areas, esp in bdrm
- high efficiency air filter
- ?felinectomy
List the allergy testing methods in order of sensitivity
intradermal > epicutaneous (skin prick) > RAST
What are key questions during Hx taking to Dx allergic rhinitis?
Environmental Hx
Assoc Sxs
How to decrease house dust mite levels at home?
- replace mattress and pillow casings (plastic)
- wash bedding q 1-2 wks in hot water
- get rid of stuffed animals, books, and other sources of HDM in bdrm
- dust hard surfaces and vacuum carpets regularly
- reduce indoor humidity (<45%)
When is immunotherapy indicated? When is it contraindicated?
- in some pts to Tx hymenoptera venom sensitivity to prevent life-threatening rxns (bees, wasps, etc)
- for IgE-mediated diseases when avoidance and meds have sub-optimal results
DO NOT give to pt w/ unstable asthma w/ FEV1 <70%
How common is exercise-induced bronchospasm in children w/ allergic rhinitis?
up to 40% of kids with AR (but no asthma) had abN PFTs in response to exercise