Pulmonary Ventilation and Circulation Flashcards
- what are they
- potential pathology
- involves which step of the O2 transport system
- what would you hear with auscultation
outside coverings of lungs potential pathology -pleurisy/pleuritis O2 system -step 3? friction rub sound with auscultation
what are aventitious breaths?
abnormal sounds that are heard over a patient’s lungs and airways
- crackles (rales)
- wheezes
- pleural rubs and stridor
lung tissue
- made of
- benefit of this composition
primarily elastic connective tissue
elasticity of healthy lungs helps reduce the work of breathing
bronchopulmonary segments
- _____ vs. _____
- separated by…
- served by own _____
- receives air from an individual _____
R vs. L separated by connective tissue septa served by own artery and vein receives air from an individual bronchus clinical relevance
R bronchopulmonary segments
upper -apical -anterior -posterior middle -lateral -medial lower (base) -anterior -superior -lateral -posterior -medial
L bronchopulmonary segments
upper -apical posterior -anterior -superior (lingula) -inferior (lingula) lower (base) -anterior -superior -lateral -posterior
upper respiratory tract
- location
- components
from nasal and oral orifices to the false vocal cords in the larynx
- nose
- nasal cavity
- pharynx (naso-, oro-, laryngo-)
- larynx
lower respiratory tract
- location
- components
from level of true vocal cords to the alveoli components -trachea -R and L primary bronchi -second, tertiary, etc. bronchi -bronchioles -terminal bronchioles -respiratory bronchioles -alveolar duct --> alveolar sacs --> alveoli
lower respiratory tract
-divided into what 2 regions
conducting and respiratory zones
conducting zone
trachea through terminal bronchioles
conducting zone
- trachea bifurcates at about…
- bifurcates into…
- these divide into…
trachea bifurcates at about T7
bifurcates into R and L main bronchi
main bronchi divide into lobar bronchi
conducting zone: lobar bronchi
- how many
- divides into…
3 on R, 2 on L
divides into segmental bronchi (tertiary)
conducting zone
-about how many order of branching air passageways
about 23
conducting zone: bronchioles
< 1 mm diameter
conducting zone: terminal bronchioles
< 0.5 mm in diameter
where and what is the anatomic dead space?
conducting zone + upper airway
space in respiratory passage where gas exchange does not occur
about 150 ml’s
transition into respiratory zone
begins where terminal bronchioles feed into respiratory bronchioles
respiratory zone
- contains ____ air at rest
- holds up to _____ with max inspiration
2.5 L air at rest
up to 4-6 L with max inspiration
- walls composed of…
- external surface covered by…
walls composed of a single layer of Type I cells - squamous epithelial - surrounded by basement membrane
external surface covered by a “web” of capillaries
respiratory membrane
-composed of
composed of
- alveolar epithelial cells
- capillary walls
- fused basement membrane
how much O2 and CO2 leaves and enters the alveoli per minute, respectively
250 ml O2 leaves alveoli to blood
200 ml CO2 diffuse from blood to gas in alveoli per minute
alveoli type II cells
secrete surfactant
what is a pathology that can affect the efficiency of the alveoli
pulmonary edema
anatomical dead space
volume of all the space of the respiratory system other than alveoli and their closely related gas exchange areas