Physiology of Respiration Flashcards
Eupnea definition
normal breathing, normal respiratory rate and rhythm
apneustic breathing
indicative of end of life
stoppage of breathing
increased ventilation
- occurs normally with exercise
- increased rate, rhythm, depth of breathing
brainstem respiratory center
- primary groups of neurons
- location of each
dorsal respiratory group (DRG) -medulla pneumotaxis center (PRG) -pons (pontine respiratory group) ventral respiratory group (VRG) -medulla
- function
- neurons lie in…
control of inspiration
neurons line in nucleus of the tractus solitarius
-receive sensory information from _____ nerves, including signals from…
vagal and glossopharyngeal nerves signals from -peripheral chemoreceptors -baroreceptors -types of receptors in the lungs
basic rhythm or respiration
- primarily set in…
- how does it occur?
primarily set in dorsal respiratory group
APs from the dorsal respiratory group “ramp up” and signal the inspiratory muscles (primarily the diaphragm) to contract
-signals travel along the reticulospinal tracts in the spinal cord to the phrenic nerve and intercostal nerves
signals stop suddenly for about 3 seconds which stops stimulating the diaphragm to contract - time for passive recoil
basic rhythm of respiration
-why is the “ramp up” good rather than all APs being sent at once?
allows for gradual inspiration
inspiratory ramp
- what are the 2 points of control of the ramp
- how can these points be manipulated
rate of increase of the ramp signal
-ramp can occur quickly when needed for rapid breathing
end of ramping
-provides limit to time of inspiration - usual method for controlling rate or respiration
pneuotaxic center
signals DRG
-determines the “turn off” point of the inspiratory ramp; limits inspiration
strong pneumotaxic signal =
short lung filling time
limiting the ramp time _____ the inspiratory time and _____ the expiratory time
-this leads to
shortens inspiratory, shortens expiratory
overall increase rate of breathing
-when is it active
normally inactive during quiet breathing
with increased need for ventilation, ventral neuron group contributes to inspiration and expiration
how can respiratory muscle fibers be recruited
increase signals from DRG to VRG
what is the Hering-Breuer Reflex
-when is it active?
stretch receptors in the walls of bronchi and bronchioles send signals to DRG when overstretched
-turns off ramp
this increases the respiratory rate, similar to the response of the pneumotixic center
appears to function with tidal volume > 15500 mL
-protective response
what molecules are we primarily concerned with when it comes to regulating ventilation
acute effect of increased CO2 and H+
- what area is primarily affected
- -what is the primary stimulus
- -what happens as a result?
chemosensitive area
- in the medulla
- strongly affected by changes in blood PCO2 or [H+]
- -[H+] primary stimulus but presents across the blood brain barrier as a direct effect of [CO2]
- stimulates other parts of the respiratory
how does H+ get into the medulla?
CO2 + H2O –> H2CO3- –> H+ + CO3-
long-term control of excitation by [CO2]
effect of increased [CO2] decreases over subsequent 1-2 days
- renal adjustment
- -released bicarbonate
bottom line for regulation of [CO2]
change in blood [CO2] has strong acute effect on controlling respiratory drive but weak chronic effect after a few days’ adaptation
role of oxygen in respiratory control
no direct effect on respiratory center
oxygen-hemoglobin buffer system ensures adequate O2 delivery through wide range of PO2
there are mechanisms to assure O2 delivery when blood O2 falls too low
peripheral chemoreceptor system
- primarily respond to…
- transmit signals to…
- rapid response to…
primarily respond to changes in blood O2
transmit nervous signals to the respiratory center (DRG)
vagus takes signal from aortic bodies
glossopharyngeal takes signal from carotid bodies
rapid response to low arterial PO2
-especially if PO2 falls between 30-60 mmHg
[CO2] and [H+] peripheral receptor response
- how strong?
- how fast?
- -why might this be important
much less powerful than their direct effects on the respiratory center
peripheral effects of CO2 occur 5x fast than central effects
-might offer important role at onset of exercise