Pulmonary Diseases and Conditions Flashcards
Obstructive lung disease (within COPD)
Destruction of the alveolar-capillary membranes distal to terminal bronchioles, resulting in dilatation of terminal air spaces, and this reduces surface area of the lung
Lose elasticity/recoil of lungs, taking you to higher FVC
EPP moves farther along airways to alveoli, causing ariway collapse
Tau (R x C) is increased so can’t count on passive exhalation anymore and have to use accessory muscles
Barrel chest, difficulty breathing out, increasing expiratory flow does NOT prevent airways from collapsing
Emphysema worse in upper lobes than in lower lobes
Examples of obstructive lung disease
Upper airway?
Examples of restrictive lung disease
Pulmonary fibrosis
Chest wall deformity
Neuromuscular weakness
Lung volumes in obstructive lung disease
TLC, FRC, RV increased
FEV1/FVC ratio is decreased (normal is 80%)
Remember: hyperinflation, air trapping
Lung volumes in restrictive lung disease
TLC, FRC, RV decreased because lungs are smaller
FEV1/FVC same or larger
Lungs are less compliant and thus more elastic
Viral disease that causes muscle weakness that leads to restrictive lung disease
Iron lung was a negative pressure ventilator to aid patients in breathing
Interstitial fibrosis
Stiff lungs
Can result in mechanical problems (alveolar hypoventilation) but also thickening can cause diffusion abnormality because of thickening of alveolar walls
On exercise PaO2 falls because of inadequate time for oxygen diffusion (this doesn’t happen very commonly)
High altitude
Lower barometric pressure, so therefore 21% O2 concentration is lower O2 pressure, so you get lower PAO2 because of altitude
Also at high altitude, CO will increase (widening pulse pressure)
Also pulmonary arteries will constrict (hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction)
Pulmonary embolism
Happens in people who are immobile for a long time, previously healthy, estrogen therapy, “bad cold” at onset of symptoms is actually PE, causes rapid deterioration
Pulmonary vascular resistance is increased
If no pulmonary infarction, PE can even be asymptomatic, or difficult to diagnose
Necrotizing infection of bronchi
Dilated bronchi that have destruction of muscle and elastic tissue
Green/yellow sputum
Smokers, CF, congenital, poor ciliary motility, breathing in food particles
Obstructive lung disease
Honeycomb change
Multiple abnormal airspaces surrounded by dense collagen (pink)
Thick wall spaces
Seen in end stage pulmonary fibrosis, life expectancy only 3 years once you see honeycomb change
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Two components: emphysema and airway inflammation
Lungs and chest get big–barrel chest
Lungs very gray/black because of anthrocrotic pigment
Destruction of alveoli
Emphysema worse in upper lobes than lower lobes
Diseases caused by smoking
Chronic bronchitis
Respiratory bronchiolitis
Desquamative interstitial pneumonia
Eosinophilic granuloma
Chronic bronchitis
Airway inflammation causes increased glands and secretions (mucous in the airway)
Interstitial lung disease (ILD)
200 different diseases with different causes but similar symptoms (inflammation and fibrosis)
Not that common
Most important is Usual Interstitial Pneumonia, usually affects lower lobe (spatially and temporally heterogeneous)