Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance Flashcards
Starling equation and +/- signs
Jv = Kf [(Pc - Pi) - (pic - pii)]
If driving force is + then filtration (movement of fluid out into interstitum)
If driving force is - then reabsorption (movement of fluid into capillaries)
Pc + means pressure out of capillaries (favor filtration)
Pi - means pressure out of capillaries
pic + means fluid into capillaries
pii + means fluid out of capillaries (favor filtration)
How would we increase filtration with Starling forces?
Increase Pc or decrease pic
When the volume of interstitial fluid exceeds the ability of lymphatics to return it to the circulation
Get edema when (1) increased filtration, or (2) impairment of lymphatic drainage
Types of capillaries
Continuous (capillaries of muscle; extreme case is BBB)
Fenestrated (capillaries of kidney, intestine, endocrine gland; special case is glomerulus–specialized for high filtration)
Discontinuous (capillaries of bone marrow, spleen, liver)
What determines Pc (pressure inside the capillary)?
Venous pressure, NOT mean arterial pressure! This is because of autoregulation of arteriolar sphincter tone
What 3 safety factors minimize potential edema?
1) When filtration increases, lymph flow increases to keep up with it and carry off extra fluid
2) When filtration increases, that dilutes interstitial proteins, which causes water to flow back into capillary (increased difference in oncotic pressures)
3) When filtration increases, Pi increases, which reduces difference in pressure and causes water to flow back into capillary
Note: water does not necessarily flow BACK into capillary as I stated, but it does at least reduce the filtration rate
When does increased Pc cause edema?
Remember, Pc increases when VENOUS pressure increases, not when MAP increases!
Increased renal retention of Na+ causes increased plasma volume
Obstruction such as hepatic cirrhosis or deep venous thrombosis
Static exercising muscle can block flow
When does decreased oncotic pressure in the capillary cause edema?
Hypoalbuminemia could happen because of leaky glomeruli or decreased albumin synthesis by the liver
Note: have to get really low albumin (2 gm/dL compared to normal 3.7-4.6) in order to see obvious edema
When does increased water conductivity (Lp) and/or decreased protein selectivity cause edema?
Causes more protein to leak into interstitum, reducing oncotic pressure
Burns, trauma, inflammation, sepsis and allergic reactions cause this
When does lymphatic obstruction cause edema?
When lymphatics obstructed, get fluid filtered into interstitum that is not removed. Also because of stagnation, plasma proteins leave capillary and equilibrate across capillary wall
Cancer itself or biopsy/removal of lymph nodes can cause this.
Causes of hypovolemia
GI losses (vomiting, diarrhea)
Renal losses (diuresis, adrenal insufficiency, salt wasting nephropathy)
Skin losses (burns, sweat)
“Third-spacing” (internal bleeding, peritonitis)
Causes of hypervolemia
Congestive heart failure
Nephrotic syndrome
Can plasma osmolality of [Na+] tell you about a person’s volume status?
Weight, CV status (blood pressure, HR, etc) can
Hypovolemic hyponatremia
Decreased volume state and decreased [Na+]
Vomiting, diarrhea, hemorrhage, third-spacing
Since you have severe water loss, volume stimuli for ADH release override osmotic stimuli AND this water loss is stimulus for thirst, so you get volume increase without [Na+] increase
When get back to a good volume, Na+ input will volume expand the ECF (using aldosterone?)
Hypervolemic hyponatremia
Increased volume and decreased {Na+]
Severely reduced EFFECTIVE circulatory volume: body THINKS there is decreased volume when there’s not (CHF), body has decreased oncotic pressure (hypoalbuminemia in nephrotic syndrome), or get too much vasodilation (cirrhosis)
Volume stimuli for ADH release override osmotic stimuli AND this water loss is stimulus for thirst, so you get volume increase without [Na+] increase