Pulmonary Circulation, Ventilation-Perfusion Flashcards
What are there variations in, in regards to lungs?
Lung ventilation
Lung perfusion
What needs to occur for effective gas exchange?
Ventilation and perfusion need to be closely matched
What is ventilation?
The change in volume through the respiratory cucle
Is air evenly distributed through the lungs?
Where does more gas end up in the lungs?
Base of the lung than the apex
Why does the base of the lung change more in volume than the apex?
The lower ribs are more curved and mobile than the upper
This means the diaphragm extends the lower lobes more and as there is greater compliance
Gravity has a small role as the weight of the lung pulls down on pleura, so the apex has a more negative intrapleural pressure
What two circuits nourish lung tissue?
What are bronchial arteries a branch of?
Descending aorta
Where does the bronchial circulation join?
Joins with pulmonary veins thus diluting the oxygenated blood with deoxygenated blood
What is the function of the bronchial circulation?
Supply oxygen to lung parenchyma
Airway smooth muscle
Pulmonary arteries and veins
Warming inspired air
How much blood enters the pulmonary circulation?
5L every minute
What does one heart beat do?
Replaces entire pulmonary circulation
What are the two keys to pressures in pulmonary circulation?
The pulmonary circulation is a low pressure, low resistance system
Able to recruit more vessels with only a small increase in arterial pulmonary pressure
What is the mean arterial pressure in the pulmonary circulation?
What is blood flow through the pulmonary circulation dependent on?
Balance between alveolar pressure and blood pressure
Called transmural pressure