Pulmonary Flashcards
First line of acute asthma treatment
B2 agonist
What are the Salbitamol dosage in :
Less than 20 kg
More than 20 kg
Less than 20 4-6 puff
More than 20 kg 8-10 puffa
Most effective preventer n may used as a reliver
Once daily example is :ciclesonide what category does it go under ?
Inhaled cortico steriods
Ciclesonide side effects
Orppharengeal thrush
Growth suppression
Effect take 1-2 weeks for it to work
Montelukast why do we use it if inhaled cortico steriod is better ?
Excellent saftey profile
Better adherence to treatment since its tableta
Combination inhaler is used for what?
As a preventer of asthma
Like. Salmetrol (b agonist ) + fluticasone (steriod )
Pram usage in clincal practice?
Decrease the lenght of stay
Decrease the bronchodilator use
No adverse outcome