Congenital heart disease Flashcards
Esienmenger disease can develp in?
Ventral septal defect
What are the ventral septal defects clincal findings?
Pan systolic murmr
Parastrenal systolic thrill
Echo is the diagnosis tool
When symptoms of LT-to-RT shunt start ?
After 4-6 week of birth
What are the symptoms of L-R shunt defects?
Excessive scalp sweeting
Repeated chest infection
What are the pathogomonic findings in atreial septal defect ?
Fixed split second heart sound
Soft basal ejection systolic murmur
Right axis deviation (RAD) and right bundle branch block (RBBB) in EKG
What are Mangement of ASD?
Spontaneous closure
Interventional closure
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
What are the pathogomic findings ?
Continuous murmur at the base of hearr
Bounding pulse with wide pulse pressure
Mangment of PDA?
Interventional occlusion (coil) Surgical ligation
50 % of down syndrome kids have_______ and 50% of those have _______
50% of down syndrome have CHD
And 50% of those have AV canal defect
What are the pathophysiology of obstuctive heart diseases ?
Decrease cardiac output
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and CHF
What are the symptoms of obstructive heart disease?
Chest pain
Exertional dyapnea
What are the Clinical findings in coarctation of aorta?
CHF if severe
Low PB
Weak n absent pulse in lower limb
Hypertention of uperlimb
Pulmonary stenosis clinical findings?
Exertional dyspnea
Cheat pain
Right ventricular hypertrophy
Harsh basal ejection systolic murmur
Precordial bulge or heave
What js the management of pulmonary stenosis ?
Balloon valvuplasty
What are the cyanotic heart disease that are associated with increased pulmonary blood flow ?
Truncus Ar