Pulmonary Flashcards
Coughing up of blood or blood stained mucus from bronchi, larynx, trachea, or lungs
- Bronchitis - 50% hemoptysis, dry cough, cough w/ phlegm
- Tumor mass - 20% hemoptysis, CP, rib pain, tobacco hx, wt loss, clubbing
- TB - 8% hemptysis, CP, sweating
- Bronchiectasis, pulm cath, trauma, pulm hemorrhage
tx cause
Lung Carcinoma
- Adenocarcinoma - 35-40% cases, MCC
- non smoker, incidental finding, small peripheral lesion
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma - 25-35% cases
- bronchial, centrally located
- Smoker, hemoptysis*, abn CXR w/ large central solitary tumor
- Large Cell
- fast doubling, does not respond to surgery
Small Cell
- v aggressive, smokers, mets usu at dx
- a/w ACTH and ADH (hypoNa and hyperCa)
- lambert-eaton myasthenic syndrome - muscle weakness d/t ACTH and ADH
- CXR - mediastinal mass or LN
- CXR with dx
- bronch and biopsy for central - FNA
- stage 1-2 = surgery
- Stage 3 = chemo then sx
- Stage 4 = palliative
- can’t be tx with sx - just chemo
Weight Loss, Fatigue
- COPD - fatigue, SOB, dry cough
- Chronic fatigue - fatigue, anxiety, muscle pain
- Sarcoidosis - fatigue, eye redness, skin rash, swollen LN, hilar lymphadenopathy
- Interstitial Lung dz - SOB, tachypnea, wt loss, chronic cough, fatigue
- Pulm HTN - fatigue, can’t exercise, edema
- TB - fatigue, wt loss, hemoptysis, nt swts
- HIV - fatigue, wt loss nt swts, opportunistic infx
- Sleep apnea: fatigue, episodes of apnea, weight gain, snoring
- Rheumatoid arthritis: weight loss, fatigue, joint pain
- Hyperthyroidism: weight loss, fatigue, excessive sweating
- Type 1 diabetes: weight loss, fatigue, hunger
- Type 2 diabetes: weight loss, fatigue, excess thirst, excessive hunger
- Clinical depression/Seasonal affective disorder: fatigue, agitation, anxiety
- Anorexia: weight loss, irregular menstruation, underweight
- Insomnia: fatigue, sleeping difficulty, daytime sleepiness
- Anemia: SOB, pallor, brittle nails, tachycardia, lightheadedness, fatigue
- Anxiety disorder: fatigue, anxiety, excessive worry
Pleural Effusion
Accumulation of excess fluids in pleura space
- dyspnea
- vague discomfort or sharp pain that worsens during inspiration
Determine whether pleurocentesis
- exudative (infection, malignancy, immune) or
- transudative (transient changes in hydrostatic pressure - cirrhosis, CHF, nephrotic syndrome, ascites, hypoalbuminemia
Lateral decubitis CXR
- Isolated L Pleural effusion = exudative
- R sided = transudative
Chest CT
Thoracentesis - gold std and tx
Light’s Criteria
Pleural Effusion
Pleurocentesis to determine if Pleural fluid is exudative:
- Pleural fluid protein / serum protein >0.5
- Pleural fluid LDH / Serum LDH >0.6
- Pleural fluid LDH > 2/3
Exudative - infection, malignancy, immune,
MCC - pna, CA, PE, TB
Collapsed lung caused by accumulation of air in pleural space
Spontaneous vs traumatic
- primary - abs of underlying dz (tall, thin, male age 10-30 at greater risk)
- Secondary - presence of underlying dz (COPD, asthma, CF, ILD)
Tension PTX
- Excessive pressure builds up around lungs - can cause heart to stop CO = shock
- Acute onset ipsilateral chest pain and dyspnea - decreased tactile fremitus
- deviated trachea - to opposite side
- hyperresonance
- Diminished breath sounds
Tx - depends on size
- small < 15% of diameter of hemithorax - resolves spontaneously w/o chest tube placement
- large > 15% diameter & symptomatic - chest tube placement
- Serial CXR q 24 hrs until resolve
- Tension PTX
- needle decompression = 2nd ICS, midclavicular
- Chest tube after
Postoperative PNA
3rd MC complication for all procedures; incr M&M
- HA PNA - develops w/in48-72 hrs after admission
- Ventilator associated PNA - w/in 48-72 hrs after endotracheal intubation
MSSA, S aureus, S pneumo, H influ => Pna w/in 4 to 7 da of hospitalization
Pseudomonas, MRSA, enteric G neg => MC w/ incr’ing LOS
Risk Factors
- > 70yo
- abd or thoracic sx
- functional debilitation
- CXR or CT
- bronch or blood cultures
- empirically chosen abx
- pip tazo
- Cefepime
- Levo
- Imipenem, Meropenem
- Vanc or Linezolid - if MRSA
- Asthma: SOB, flare-ups, wheezing
- COPD: SOB, fatigue, dry cough
- Pneumonia: SOB, fever, coughing
- Congestive heart failure: SOB, water retention, weight gain
- Acid reflux: SOB, nausea, epigastric pain
- Pneumothorax: tachypnea, shallow bread, SOB
- Pulmonary embolism: SOB, tachycardia, tachypnea, chest pain
- Foreign body aspiration: SOM, inspiratory stridor (if high in the airway), wheezing and decreased breath sounds in if low in airway
- Interstitial lung disease: SOB, tachypnea, weight loss, chronic cough, fatigue
- Obesity: SOB in the supine position, sleep apnea, weight gain, fatigue
- Pulmonary hypertension: SOB, fatigue, edema, cough, dizziness, hypotension
- Sarcoidosis: fatigue, eye redness, skin rash, swollen lymph nodes, hilar lymphadenopathy
- Tuberculosis: SOB, hemoptysis, fatigue, fever, weight loss, night sweats
- Anemia: SOB, pallor, brittle nails, tachycardia, lightheadedness, fatigue
- Cardiomyopathy: SOB, fatigue, edema, weight gain
- Pericarditis: SOB, fever, chest pain
- Epiglottitis: dysphagia, drooling, respiratory distress
- Generalized anxiety disorder: fatigue, SOB, irritability, fear, emotional distress, palpitations
- Myasthenia gravis: ptosis, weak chewing, easily fatigued, SOB, weakness in everyday activity (brushing hair)
- Fractured Rib: SOB, chest pain, trauma
- Sudden blood loss