Endocrinology - 8% Flashcards
Overactive parathyroid gland - secrete too much PTH = incr level of Ca
increase PTH => bone breakdown => Ca rise
Primary - d/t parathyroid adenoma
Secondary - physiologic resposnse to hypoCa or Vit D deficiency (MCC kidney disease)
Sxs: same as hypercalcemia
- bone loss (incr PTH and Ca abs from bones) = pain in bones
- renal loss of Ca = kidney stones
- incr GI abs of Ca = abd groans
- irritability, psychosis, depression = moans
- Incr Ca, PTH, decr phosphorus
- urine - hyperphosphaturia, hypercalciuria
- Primary = surgical resection, if all 4, remove 3.5 glands
- Secondary = replace cause (vit D/Ca supp)
- if Ca very high = IV fluids, Lasix, calcitonin
- tx osteoporosis with bisphosphonates
Adrenal Carcinoma
Adrenal Cortical Cancer - rare, considered as ddx for any adrenal mass, esp > 4cm
usu incidental - 80% non functional adenomas; 15% functional (pheochromocytomas, aldosteronoma, cortisol producing adenomas)
- Labs
- Plasma fractionated metanephrines r/o pheochromo
- 24 hr urinary free cortisol or dex suppress test
- Serum K, aldosterone
- DHEA-S = virilization/excess androgens
- CT >4cm, high attenuation, calcifications, central necrosis, irregular shape
- MRI to distinguish btwn adenoma, pheochromo, ACC
- Adrenalectomy - complete surgical excision w/ negative margins
Production of too much thyroxin hormone - increase metabolism
Eti - MCC Grave’s disease (autoimmune), toxic adenoma, thyroiditis, pregnancy, amiodarone
- weight loss, anxiety
- warm, moist skin
- insomnia
- fine tremor, muscle cramp, hyperreflexia
- amenorrhea
- tachycardia/palpitations
- Graves - diffuse goiter w/ bruit, exopthalmos, pretibial myxedema
- heat Intolerance
- TSH low and T4 high - primary disease
- TSH high and T4 high - secondary dz
- Anti-thyrotropin antibodies
- RA Iodine uptake = increased uptake in
- Graves = diffusely high uptake
- Toxic Multinodular goiter = Discrete areas of high uptake
- BB symptomatic
- Methimazole
- Propylthiouracil (PTU) - safe for pregnancies in the first trimester, then switch to Methimazole
- Thyroidectomy - complication recurrent laryngeal
Thyroid Carcinoma
MCC = radiation exposure
Papillary carcinoma is MC, thyroid adenoma MC benign nodule; young F 40-60
nodules must be >1cm to be palpated
- US - malignant if
- microcalcifications, hypoechogenicity, Irregular nodule margins,
- lesions > 1 cm biopsied
Thyroid uptake scan
- cancerous lesion do NOT take up iodine “cold”
- non-cancerous lesion will take up iodine “hot”
- FNA to culture
Catecholamin secreting adrenal tumor - secretes NorEpi and Epi
a/w Neurofibromatosis Type 1, MEN 2A/2B
Sxs - 5Ps
- Pressure - HTN
- Pain - HA
- Perspiration - excessive sweating
- Palpitations
- Pallor
- 24 hr catecholamines w/ metabolites - metanephrine and vanillylmandelic acid
- MRI or CT of abd
- complete adrenalectomy
- a blockade - phenoxybenzamine or phentolamine x 7-14 d followed by BB for HTN control
- do NOT give BB first = life threatening HTN
Thyroid Nodules
- Palpable nodule > 1cm
- Confirm with US
- if TSH low =>
- Thyroid Radioiodine Uptake or Scintigraphy scan
- malignant wont take up iodine = nonfunctional “cold”
- Confirm with FNA
- Thyroid Radioiodine Uptake or Scintigraphy scan
- if TSH normal or high => FNA if
- microcalc, irreg margins
- next to recurrent laryngeal n. or LNs
- malignant- thyroidectomy
- benign - f/u in 6 mos
- unsatisfactory specimen - FNA repeat 1-4 wks to mirror structure
six to 12 wks of fatigue not unusual during recovery from surgery
- Hypothyroidism
- DM
- Pituitary insufficiency
- Hypercalcemia
- Adrenal insufficiency
- Chronic Renal or hepatic failure
- CBC - anemia
- Chem panel
- Hyperthyroidism
- Pheochromocytoma
- Anxiety
- Structural Heart disease (CAD, CMO, Afib/flutter, AV stenosis, MV prolapse, SSS, WPW)
- Hypoglycemia
- Drugs - cocaine, amphetamines, caffeine
- Eletrophysiology for structural heart dz
- HP, EKG, echo, exercise testng
- CMP, CBC, TSH, U tox