Pulmonary Flashcards
3 common presenting signs of asthma?
Cough, SOB and wheezing
2 things heard on auscultation for asthma?
Decreased lung sounds and hyper resonance
How do we diagnose asthma?
Do a pulmonary function test. If it shows obstructive with the ratio being reduced then this is an abnormal test. Then try to rescue them with broncho dilator and if they are reversed, they have asthma. If the PFT is normal, try to induce them with methyl choline. If you cause them to have asthma, they have it.
3 things to treat an asthma attack?
O2, nebulizer and oral steroids
When can someone be sent home vs. sent to ICU for an asthma attack?
Don’t need 02, are not wheezing and PEFR is over 70%
O2 need is rising, build up of co2, and PEFR is less than 50%
3 big dog treatments for acute asthma attack if it isn’t getting better?
Racemic epi, sub q epi, and mg
What is the only way to diagnose COPD and what will it show?
PFT, obstructive, FEV1/FVC down
What is the qualifier for giving o2?
What is the goal of
Spo2 less than 88 or PaO2 less than 55
Two things to prevent COPD?
Stop smoking
Flue and pneumonia vaccines
How to treat COPD exacerbation?
Antibiotics, doxy and azithromycin
Dilators, albuterol and ipratropium
Why do we want to keep COPD folks at 88-92 oxygen?
Their Respiratory drive is driven by hypoxia and not hypercapnia, so we want their o2 a little lower to help with that.
3 symptoms to look for for an acute COPD exacerbation?
Cough, wheeze and sputum
Typical presenting patient with lung cancer?
First step when we think someone has lung cancer?
fever, weight loss, coughing up blood, old man who has smoked for a long time.
If you see a mass, what to do next?
CT to localize the cancer
How do you take a biopsy if the lesion is by the large proximal airways?
What about if the lesion is out in the periphery?
Middle of the lung?
EBUS, basically a broncoscopy with US
CT guided percutaneous needle bx
video assisted thorascopic surgery
What is another way we can get a diagnosis of lung cancer from another pulmonary conditon?
did a thorancentesis for effusion, sent the fluid to path and found out cancer. stage 4
How do we stage lung cancer?
first thing to do with lung cancer?
What is primary prevention of lung cancer all about?
How do we screen for lung cancer and who gets it?
30 pack year hx of smoking
quit less than 15 years
low dose ct
4 factors that lead us to think a lung nodule is not cancer?
less than 8 mm
smooth surface
no smoking
less than 45
4 factors that lead us to think a lung nodule is cancer?
bigger than 2 cm
spiculated surface
hx of smoking
greater than 70
first step when you find a pulmonary nodule?
look at old films because if it has not grown/changed for 2 years, its a stable nodule and you can stop
If it is new or has changed, what do we do?
unstable nodule.
low risk factor pt., serial CTs
high risk factor pt, biopsy