Comquest Q Bank 3 Flashcards
When do we put someone in the hospital for suicide concerns?
Plan and intent
What is the best initial step in management of actinic keratosis and what can it turn into potentially?
What is one of the most common newborn foot abnormalities?
Metatarsus adductus
All metatarsal abruptly deviate toward midline without ROM issues of the foot or ankle
Two ways to describe hydatiform moles or molar pregnancy On US?
Also whats up with the uterus?
Multiple small cysts or snowstorm appearance/cluster of grapes
Uterine size is greater than dates
Difference between a colles and smith fracture?
Colles fracture is falling on outstretched hand. You fall on the palm side and break distal radius and it displaces dorsally
Smith is falling on a flexed wrist, so the back of your hand. Break distal radius but radius displaces ventrally
Where is the conduction disturbance in 1st degree block, second degree type 1, second degree type 2, and 3rd degree or complete block?
SA to AV
AV node
Purkinje system
SA to AV
What is Samters triad and what is the dx?
Asthma, nasal polyps, and aspirin intolerance
What are we thinking with pregnant lady and Itchy blisters?
Pemphigoid gestation
First line treatment for fungal vaginal infection is?
First line treatment for bacterial vaginal infection is?
First line treatment for trichomoniasis vaginal infection?
At what week is gestational debates screened for?
At what week is group B strep screened for?
When is the Rhogam shot given?
28 weeks
36 weeks
28 weeks is Rh negative and within 72 hours after birth
First line treatment for general anxiety disorder is?
Aspirated pneumonia usually has consolidation in what part of the lung?
Right inferior lobe
3 major criteria for diagnosis of Ehler Danilo’s Syndrome?
What is the main mutation for the disease?
Wide, atrophic scars
Stretchy skin
Joint laxity
Collagen 5a1 and 5a2
What to always remember in the setting of small cell lung carcinoma, in whatever setting?
SIADH, so they are hyponatremic and urine osmolarity is up
Isolated dyspepsia should cause evaluation of what?
Infection of H pylori
When should we suspect language delay in a child?
What is first line treatment?
No babble by 1 and no speaking by 2
Hearing evaluation
What is imaging choice with suspected mastitis?
What is the best way to confirm mal rotation and volvulus?
Upper GI series
When is surgical removal of parathyroid gland indicated?
Hyperparathyroid with the following: Less than 50 Kidney stones High calcium Osteoporosis essentially
4 ways to confirm diagnosis of diabetes?
Fasting glucose over 126 on 2 visits
A1C over 6.5 on two visits
2 hour oral glucose test over 200
Random glucose over 200 but needs to have symptoms
Why do we need to put diabetic patients on ace inhibitors?
To prevent hyper filtration injury to the kidney
What is the first line treatment for premature ejaculation?
GFR of stage 1,2,3a,3b,4,5 chronic kidney disease?
What stage do patients start to experience complications/symptoms?
Over 90 60-89 45-59 30-44 15-29 Below 15 Stage 3
What med to use for corneal abrasions with contact lenses and corneal abrasions without contact lenses?
Cipro drops
PolymyxinB drops