Pulmonary Flashcards
- Lower resp track infection, viral, usually rsv or influenza, Starts as URI -> progresses
- CXR: peribronchial thickening, bronchial wall thickening, hyperexpansion, patchy atelectasis
- Supportive care - not recommending using bronchodilators, rac epi or corticosteroids
- Infection of subglottic airway, larynx, trachea, bronchi
- Common causes - para flu t1 and t2
- Mucosal airway edema ->epithelial necrosis -> decreased airway diameter and increased air resistance
- Barky cough, worse at night
- XR: lateral neck film with “steeple sign”***
- Humidified or cool mist, rac epi, heliox
- dexamethasone 0.6mg/kg IV/IM x1*
- Chronic reversible disorder resulting in inflammation, bronchoconstriction, airway hype-responsiveness
- Triggers: extrinsic (allergic), intrinsic (infection, viral more likely), exercise induced
Status asthmaticus
- Progressively worsening bronchospasm/ airway flow obstruction unresponsive to standard therapy
- Cough, esp at night that wakes child up, Pulsus paradoxus (mod/severe) r/t lower airway obstruction, Fever if associated with infectious trigger
- CXR: hyperinflation, flattened diaphragms, peribronchial thickening, narrowed cardiac silhouette -> air-trapping
- **anticipate hypocarbia/ respiratory alkalosis when compensating -> normal or rising CO2 measurement shows unable to compensate
- Mgmnt: supplemental O2, inhaled beta agonists (albuterol, levalbuterol - bronchial smooth muscle relaxation, reduce histamine release), corticosteroids (decrease inflammation), anticholinergic (atrovent - bronchodilation), magnesium sulfate (smooth muscle relaxation … hypotension), heliox (low density gas, facilitates oxygen delivery), invasive ventilation (allow permissive hypercapnia)
- *ketamine for induction –> bronchodilator effects**
-Bordatella pertussis - grm neg coccobacillus, toxin mediated disease (paralyzed cilia, causes inflammation), aerosolized droplets, v contagious, high risk when starting vaccinations
-3 stages: catarrhal, paroxysmal (cough at night, paroxysmal coughing spams, young infants present with apnea**), convalescence
-Diagnosis: DFA, PCR, CBC (leukocytosis, lymphocyte predominance)
-ABX: erythromycin (avoid in infants <1mo r/t hypertrophic, pyloric stenosis), clarithromycin, azithromycin ***
Post exposure antimicrobial prophylaxis for all persons within 21d of exposure
- H. Influenzae, staph aureus, strep pneumo
- severe inflammation of epiglottis, may obstruct breathing - sudden onset of symptoms, difficulty swallowing, drooling, dysphasia, tripod position
- XR: enlarged epiglottis and distended hypopharynx “thumbprint sign”**
- Avoid noxious stimuli, humidified O2, IVF, systemic steroids, abx (3rd gen cephalosporin plus vancomycin)
Retropharyngeal abscess
- Strep pyogenes, staph aureus, h flu
- follows trauma or infection, ages 1-5yr
- sore throat, fever, dysphagia, trismus, leukocytosis
- CT scan with IV contrast
- surgical drainage, broad spectrum ABX
Peritonsillar abscess
- local cellulitis progresses to abscess, older children/adolescents
- strep pyogenes, staph aureus, h flu
- swollen tonsils with uvula deviation (may obstruct airway), leukocytosis, threat culture for group a strep
- CT scan with IV contrast
- surgical drainage, ABX (ampicillin-sulbactam, clindamycin, vancomycin)**
Obstructive sleep apnea
- cessation of airflow
- d/t hypertrophy of tonsils +- adenoids, craniofacial abnormalities, neurological abnormalities, decreased muscle tone, genetic disorders
- snoring, restless sleep, morning headaches (from chronic CO2 retention), pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale / right sided heart failure
- tx: tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, cpap, bipap
- upper airway lacking cartilaginous rigidity (floppy), associated with feeding problems, expiratory stridor and cough, worse with agitation, harsh and barky cough, decreased symptoms when prone
- direct visualization when awake with flexible bronchoscope for airway collapse
- observation in most cases, resolution before 18months in most cases
Acutely respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
- injury to alveolar capillary membrane
- stages: exudative (injury to alveolar capillary barrier, increased pulmonary congestion, pulmonary edema, depletion of surfactant), proliferative (healing begins), fibrotic (remodeling, fibrotic scarring) –> leads to pulmonary hypertension, bronchoconstriction, hypovolemia, increased pulmonary vascular resistance
- ABG with PaO2/FiO2 ration <200 (predicts shunt), CXR with bilateral infiltrates
- Mgmnt: supportive care, ventilation (permissive hypercapnia, low tidal volumes, avoid PIP >30)
Cystic fibrosis
- autosomal recessive multi system disorder
- abnormal protein impairs movement of salt and water across epithelial walls in exocrine glands–> sticky secretions
- meconium ileus, cholestatic jaundice, nasal polyps, pancreatic insufficiency, chronic metabolic alkalosis
- Mgmnt: airway clearance techniques, high calorie unrestricted fat diet, pancreatic enzymes
Pulmonary embolism
- materials traveling in blood stream become lodged in pulmonary artery bed, thromboembolism most common
- decreased perfusion to affected alveolar units distal to emboli -> increased alveolar dead space -> impaired ability to eliminate CO2 -> ventilation/perfusion mismatch
- pleuritic chest pain, sense of doom, elevated d dimers**
- VQ scan, helical CT scan (useful if other lung disease present), evaluate for DVT
- Mgmnt: anticoagulation, thrombolysis, thrombectomy
Tracheoesophageal fistula
- congenital or acquired communication between trachea and esophagus
- associated GU defects (horseshoe kidney, polycystic kidney), GI defects (imperforated anus, duodenal atresia, malrotation), MSK defects, VATER syndrome (vertebral/vascular, anal atresia, tracheoesophageal fistula, esophageal atresia, renal or radial anomalies)
- symptoms worse with feeding
- pre-op: reduce risk of aspiration (continuous auctioning and gastric decompression) –> operative repair
ABG interpretation
Normal Values
- pH: 7.35-7.45
- CO2: 35-45
- HCO3: 22-26
- PaO2: 80-100
-measurement of oxygenation, ventilation, acid/base status
Respiratory acidosis
-CO2 retention: hypoventilation, CNS depression, trauma, COPD
Respiratory alkalosis
-excess CO2 loss: hyperventilation, anxiety, pain, fever, excessive ventilatory support
Metabolic acidosis
- increased acids: diabetic ketoacidosis, renal failure, lactic acidosis
- loss of base: diarrhea***
Metabolic alkalosis
- excess base: excess antacids, citrate in blood transfusions, sodium bicarbonate administration
- loss of acids: vomiting***, NG suctioning
Non-invasive ventilation
- positive pressure ventilation increases surface area available to participate in gas exchange, can stent open upper airways
- continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP): one set pressure throughout respiratory cycle
- bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP): higher pressure during inspiration, lower pressure in between respirations, keeps lungs open for entire respiratory cycle, can be timed or spontaneous
Invasive ventilation
- provide positive pressure and oxygenation, override work of breathing, monitor with capnography
- pressure support only: no rate, two leaves of pressure (one for inspiration and one for end of expiration and in between breaths)
- pressure control pressure support: set pressure with each breath, volume of breath depends of lung compliance
- volume control pressure support: set volume with each breath –> high pressure to achieve set volume indicate poor lung compliance
Invasive ventilator adjustments to eliminate more CO2
- increase rate (blow off more CO2)
- increase pressure control (increase size of breath delivered)
- increase tidal volume (increase size of breath delivered)
- decrease inspiratory time (shorter time for inspiration allows more time for expiration)
Invasive ventilator adjustments to increase oxygenation
- increase FiO2
- increase positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP)
- increase inspiratory time (increases mean airway pressure)