Pulm Flashcards
Which bacterial pneumonia causes:
low NA+ (hyponatremia), GI symptoms (diarrhea) and high fever
Legionella pneumonia
Which bacterial pneumonia?
(+) cold agglutinins, bullous myringitis
Pleural effusion:
What are the 3 components of Light’s criteria?
( If at least one of the following three criteria is present, the fluid is defined as an exudate)
Elevated protein + elevated LDH= exudate
- Pleural fluid protein/serum protein ratio > 0.5
- Pleural fluid LDH/serum LDH ratio greater than 0.6
- Pleural fluid LDH > two-thirds the upper limits of the laboratory normal serum LDH
Pleural effusions:
- Isolated left sided pleural effusion is likely ______ (exudative/transudative)
- Right sided think _________ (exudative/transudative)
- Isolated left sided pleural effusion is likely Exudative
- Right sided think Transudative
is tactile fremitus increased or decreased in pleural effusion? In pneumonia?
Pleural effusion: decreased
PNA: increased
(both have dullness to percussion)
classic triad of PE caused by fat emboli
neurologic abnormalities
petechial rash
What criteria is used to determine likelihood of PE?
Well’s Criteria
>4= PE likely, consider imaging
<4= PE unlikely, Get D-dimer to r/o
What will ABG show during PE
resp alkalosis due to tachypnea and hyperventilation
What lung disease?
CT: Diffuse, patchy fibrosis with pleural honeycombing, reticular opacities
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
What lab abnormalities are seen in sarcoidosis
- Hypercalcemia
- ACE 4x normal
- Elev. ESR
What is the leading cause of death in patients with sarcoidosis
pulm fibrosis
Etiology of Hyaline membrane disease
Insufficient surfactant
What does CXR show in bronchiectasis
“Tram-tracks”, CXR shows plate-like atelectasis
What type of sputum is seen in ARDS
pinky frothy sputum
What is the underlying abnormality in ARDS
increased permeability of the alveolar capillary membranes, which leads to the development of protein-rich pulmonary edema