Public Opinion Flashcards
A political ideology that does not favor government efforts to employ everyone, favors equality of opportunity, and does not favor protest-tolerance, marijuana-legalization, or protecting the rights of the accused.
People with a disproportionate amount of a valued resource.
gender gap
Differences between the political views of men and women.
John Q. Public
The average man or woman on the street..
A political ideology that favors government efforts to employ everyone, strong federal action for school desegregation, equality of results, protest-tolerance, marijuana-legalization, and protecting the rights of the accused.
Followers of a political ideology that is conservative on economic matters and liberal on social issues.
Middle America
A phrase used to refer to Americans who have moved out of poverty yet not achieved great wealth.
New class
People whose advantages stem not so much from their connections with business as from the growth of government.
A standard of right and proper conduct.
Identification with a political party.
political elite
A person who possesses a disproportionate share of political power.
political ideology
A coherent and consistent set of beliefs dealing with a country’s ruler.
A survey of public opinion.
Followers of a political ideology that is liberal on economic matters and conservative on social ones.
pure conservatism
A political ideology that is conservative on both economic and personal conduct.
pure liberalism
A political ideology that is liberal on both economic and personal conduct.
random sample
A sample selected in such a way that any member of the population being surveyed has an equal chance of being selected.
religious tradition
The values associated with the traditional major religious denominations in the United States.
sampling error
The difference between the results from two different samples of the same population.
silent majority
A term referring to people, whatever their economic status, who uphold traditional values.
social status
A measure of one’s social standing.