Public Law Flashcards
Derogation of an Article
Derogation is permitted if:
1. War or **public emergency which threatens life of nation **(NOT economic downturn); and
2. Derogation is a proportionate response (only used to extent strictly necessary)
Derogation is never allowed in relation to:
* Right to life (A2)
* Torture (A3)
* Slavery (A4)
* Retrospective Criminal Offences (A7)
Test for standing under JR and HRA
HRA: C must be directly affected by the unlawful act
JR: C must have sufficient interest in the decision
Sufficient interest means able to produce eveidence of wrongdoing or pressure group with expertise and prominence.
A pressure group can only bring a claim under HRA if their own rights have been impacted (not behalf of another)
When should a minister make a statement of compatibility
- Writing
- Before second reading of a Bill
If unable to do so, must explicitly state thier inability to do so (never make a statement of incompatibility)
Limitation period for HRA claim
1 year of unlawful act (unless exension granted on equitable grounds)
Court obligation in relation to ECtHR decisions
UK Court must take into account ECtHR judgment but MAY depart if it woudl conflict with a fundamental feature of domestic law
(i.e. mirror principle is not followed strictly)
When will a private company be considered a ‘functional’ public authority under HRA?
- Performing a public function
- Complying with statutory obligations
Test and effect of direct bias in judicial review
Direct Bias: Decision maker has a financial interest in the outcome of the decision (actual influence does not need to be proven / size of interest is irrelevant)
Effect: Decision is automatically invalidated
Effect of a Declaration of Incompatibility on remedy
C will not obtain a direct remedy because the public authority’s statutory defence remains operative (i.e. PA has a statutory defence)
Appeal process from County Court
DDJ or DJ –> CJ in CC
CJ –> High Court (as of right)
How would you ascertain from an Act if it expressly repeals any earlier statutes
Is the high court binding on itself?
Permissions to appeal from HC to CoA
CoA only (High Court cannot permit)
Which judge hears murder case?
High Court Judge in CC
When is a quashing order or mandatory order more appropriate?
Quashing Order: PA has made a decision which is wronog
Mandatory Order: forces PA to to make a decision again
Usually Quashing Order (to set aside) and Mandatory ORder (re make decision) are made together
When might a remedy for JR be refused?
Remedies are disccretionary. therefore, may be refused even if C has followed all correct procedures. The grant is subject to the court being satisfied there is no good reason for its refusal