Public Health Short Flashcards
a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
science and art of conserving and promoting healthful, wholesome, and comfortable vision.
Visual hygiene
the science of the preservation of health; sanitary science; a system of principles or rules designed for the promotion of health.
embodiment of the principles, which aid in the undertaking of the causes and sources of ocular infection and disease.
Visual sanitation
use of sanitary measures; science of sanitary condition, cleanliness and free from dirt, germs, etc.
• (prevalence- frequentness/frequency,commoness)
It is UNITED NATIONS specialized agency for
– established on April 7,1948.
• Approve the WHO programme and the budget for the following biennium( a period of two years) and to decide major policy questions.
is the principal health agency
in the Philippines
Department of health
Responsible for ensuring access to basic public health services to all Filipinos through the provision of quality health care and regulation of providers of health goods and services.
Department of health
• DOH is both stakeholder in the health sector and policy and regulatory body for health.
• As a major player, DOH is technical resource, a catalyst for health policy and a political sponsor and advocate for health issues in behalf on the health sector.
DOH Officers:
• Composed of about
17 central offices,
16 centers for Health Development located in various Regions,
70 hospitals
4 attached agencies.
The leader of Health for all in the Philippines.
Guarantee equitable, sustainable and quality health for all Filipinos, especially the poor, and to lead the quest for excellence in Health.
- is implementing the national health insurance law, administers the MEDICARE program for both public and private sectors.
coordinates and manages the dangerous drugs control program
Phases of optometric preventive care
- setting the stage to prevent the onset of vision conditions so that they will not be detrimental to the full development or utilization of the patients potential and that visual performance can be raised and enhanced to optimum level
- preventing or reversing the ongoing vision deterioration, so that any interference with the patients potential would be reserved and visual performance can be raised above minimum levels.
- preventing an existing vision condition from further deteriorating to ameliorate the seriousness of the disability and dependence resulting from reduced potentials so minimum levels of visual performance are maintained.
• To promote health and hygiene
• To measure and record the V.A. of the members of the community under his responsibility
• To prevent eye diseases at an early stage
a. Give treatment in very simple cases and minor conditions
b. Take the first step to restore health
c. Refer the patient to the nearest physicians immediately in severe or complicated cases.
To collaborate in health activities for the prevention of blindness,immunization program, environmental sanitation, maternal and child supervision, accident prevention, etc.
To participate in community education
Secondary eyecare
• Located in hospitals without large technical facilities
• This level of care is carried out by physicians specializing in ophthalmology
• This level of care participate actively in promotion of health, research,preventive ophthalmology and education of primary- level personnel in its area
Tertiary Eye Care
• This include of entire complex structure of medical nd surgical care performed by medical specialist in ophthalmology using highly specialized technology and apparatus
• This level of care is represented by the institute of ophthalmology or at specialized department of hospital
• The personnel in this level of care should participate actively in preventive ophthalmology responsible for education on training of personnel who work at other levels of care.
a major public health problem because they cause disability,suffering and loss of productivity
affects more than 120M people and the second most prevalent chronic health problem in the population.
Vision disorder
If VD is left undetected and untreated, they lead to sensory performance handicaps, for example:
A. Impairing learning and psychological development in children
B. Increasing industrial and motor vehicle accidents in adults
C. Possibly hastening senility and social isolation in elderly.
VD can result from:
- Developmental problems
- Uncoordinated growth of the elements in the eye
- Diseases processes such as inflammation and degeneration
- Changes in the anatomy and physiology of the eye
90% of all problems that people have with their eyes result from refractive errors, strabismus, amblyopia and presbyopia.
Less than 10% of vision problems result from diseases such as senile cataracts, age-related macular degenerations, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma.
may result from developmental vision problems, uncoordinated growth, or disease processes.
• The VA or VF are subnormal and uncorrectable with conventional spectacle or contact lenses
Low vision
- defined legally as VA less than 20/200 or worse in the better eye with best ophthalmic correction or VF less than 20 degrees in diameter.
A child around age 1-3 with VD that interfere with the image in one eye may develop a visual handicap,such as AMBLYOPIA.
– About 5% of children age 3-5 and 25% of children aged 6-17 have vision problems, although they will usually not be aware of them.
Child with VD
Affects child psychological and physical development and ability to learn.
– Development may be impaired and may also negatively affect the childs behavior.
Children who are considered to be juvenile delinquents have higher percentage of significant disorders than other children.
This, ofcourse, does not prove that uncorrected or untreated VD cause children to become delinquents.
However, it may be a contributing factor.
effect of VD in adolescents
➢Educational development may be required ➢Limit career choices
➢They may develop poor self-esteem
➢They may suffer eye injuries or lose their vision in sporting accidents
Vd in adults
Poor quality of life
Poor productivity at work
They will not participate in community activities
Vd in elderly
➢May lose their independence
➢May suffer from sensory deprivation such inability to read
watch television
move about unaided or see the faces of friends and family.
• Amblyopia can be avoided by screening young children for: ___ (3)
• The use of safety spectacles or other types of perosnal protective equipment to prevent damage to the eye from ___ (3)
• The use of protective ophthalmic materials to reflect or absorb UV radiation to prevent___.
unequal refractive errors between their eyes
occlusion of the ocular media.
high-speed particles
Prevention of vd
• Vision screening in schools, industries and clinics
• Preventing the transmission of infectious diseases and the early detection and treatment of systemic disease.
• Early detection,diagnosis and treatment may minimize or eliminate the visual impairment, disability or blindness that can result from VD.
• The prevention of the consequences of untreated VD is obviously very important.
This disorders affects individuals by reducing their visual acuity, visual fields, color vision or stereopsis, which will hinder or impair their performance.
fortunately most VD can be treated, though not cured.