Public Health Flashcards
Health promotion & prevention
World leader in public health
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Protects the public health by monitoring safety and security of drugs, medical devices, food supply & cosmetics.
Food & Drug Administration
What does the FDA NOT monitor?
Provides programs for the elderly, some disabilities, and poor Americans.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Provides health resources to underserved persons and builds healthcare workforce.
Health Resources and Services Administration
Carries out provisions of the Older American Act of 1965
Administration on Aging
Responsible for programs for needy children and families
Administration for Children and Families
Federal agency for research on health care quality, costs, outcomes, and safety.
Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality
Prevents harmful exposure and diseases related to toxic substances.
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Prevention and treatment of addictive and mental disorders
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration
Federal agency for medical research
National Institutes of Health
What are the 3 Major Causes of Unintentional Injuries?
- MVA (40%)
- Poisonings (18%; 80% in home)
- Falls (17%; most in homes)
Other deaths in order of prevalence?
Other Transport
MC Unintentional Injuries in the Workplace?
- Sprain/Strain (27%)
- Lacerations
- Punctures
- Amputations
- Avulsions
Injuries that keep a worker away from work beyond the day of injury?
Disabling Injuries
MC type of work injury with repeated trauma responsible for 65% of these?
Musculoskeletal occupational injuries
4 Respiratory disorders associated with occupational injuries
What is associated with many deaths in the agriculture industry?
Farm Machinery (tractor)
What are the Workplace Violence Risk Factors?
- Contact with the public
- Exchange of money or products
- Working alone at night
- Guard Jobs
Forestalling the onset of illness or injury during the pathogenesis period
Primary Prevention
Early diagnosis and prompt treatment of diseases before the disease becomes advanced and disability becomes severe via Health Screenings, Early Detection, Early Intervention.
Secondary Prevention
Retraining, re-education, and rehabilitation of someone who has already incurred a disability.
Tertiary Prevention
Number of new cases in a given area, or population in a given period of time.
Total number of cases in a given area, or population in a given period of time.