The Rhetoric—Aristotle’s “Rational World” Paradigm
What are the 4 reasons Aristotle provided for why we should study rhetoric?
- Self-defense
- Popular audience (Large groups)
- Learning opposing arguments
- A tool ($, health, millitary strat)
The Rhetoric—Aristotle’s “Rational World” Paradigm
What are the “conditions” under which using rhetoric is useful?
Under conditions of uncertainty
The Rhetoric—Aristotle’s “Rational World” Paradigm
What is Aristotle’s definition of rhetoric?
“Ability to observe in any given situation all of the avalible means of persuasion”
The Rhetoric—Aristotle’s “Rational World” Paradigm
What is DEductive reasoning (the enthymeme)?
- The sole premise of knowledge
- General to specific
- Enthymeme form : Major premise, minor premise, and conclusion
Upside down triangle, If A=B, If C=A, Then C=B
The Rhetoric—Aristotle’s “Rational World” Paradigm
What is INductive reasoning (the example)?
- Example
- Form: Specific to Generalization
Regular triangle
The Narrative Paradigm— Walter Fisher
Humans as storytellers (homo narrans vs. homo sapiens)
idk how to phrase this question
Homo sapien
Latin for “wise man”
Aristotle’s Rational World Paradigm -
Homo narrans
Latin for “narrating man”
Fisher’s Narrative Paradigm
“Humans are more persuaded by a good story than by a good argument.”
The Narrative Paradigm— Walter Fisher
What does Fisher claims his Narrative Paradigm shifts our focus from and to?
Rational World Paradigm
Who “owns” the logos?
Eristic & Polemic
Narrative Paradigm
What stories do we believe and why?
The Narrative Paradigm— Walter Fisher
What does Fisher’s Narrative Paradigm suggests we are more persuaded by?
(logical arguments vs. a good story)
A good story
doesn’t go against the other theory?
The Narrative Paradigm— Walter Fisher
What is Fisher’s attitude toward logic and reason (Aristotle’s “Rational World”)?
Does not reject logic and reason but believes they are overly emphasized in Aristotle’s “Rational World Paradigm”
doesn’t reject or claim superiority
The Narrative Paradigm— Walter Fisher
Define: Narrative, in this context
Any verbal or non-verbal account with a sequence of events to which listeners assign meaning
The Narrative Paradigm— Walter Fisher
Define: Narrative Rationality, in this context
- The big picture
- Means of judging the narratives we hear, read, and tell
The Narrative Paradigm— Walter Fisher
What are the 2 principles of narrative rationality;
- Coherence -The internal consistency of a narratice
- Fidelity - The truthfulness of a narrative (rings true)
The Narrative Paradigm— Walter Fisher
Define: Fidelity, in this context
- Truthfulness or realiability of a narrative
- Stories with fidelity have the “ring of truth” to them for their listeners
The Narrative Paradigm— Walter Fisher
What are the 3 types of coherence?
- Structural - Degree to which elements of the story flow smoothly (Does everything fit?)
- Material - Degree of congruence between one story and other stories that seem related to it
- Characterological - Degree to which character in a story are believable
Dramatism— Kenneth Burke
What is Symbolic action (defined)?
- Symbol use = Action
- Language: A mode of action
- Naming, Defining, Describing, Comparing, Contrasting, Moralizing