Public Affairs Policy and Regulations - NAVEDTRA 142119A Flashcards
Public affairs is an essential component of mission accomplishment T/F?
Where does the authority for public affairs activity come from?
The Secretary of Defense
What kind of information will be made available to the public, Congress, and the news media?
Accurate, Truthful, Timely
In the DoN, public affairs is a function of ____.
Public Affairs does not have a role in maintaining public confidence T/F?
The government function of building and maintaining relationships with constituent groups served is known as?
Public Affairs and Public Information
When may the DoD classify information for the purpose of precluding its release?
Information may be withheld when which of the following conditions exists?
A journaliast requests information on Fifth Fleet ship movements.
Propaganda has a role in DoD and DoN public affairs programs T/F?
Sara Lauren, the campaign manager for city councilman candidate Derek Bowling, calls you for permission to distribute bumper stickers at your naval station. As PAO, how should you handle this situation?
Politely deny the request, per DoD policy, the military cannot be linked to political candidates
DoD military and civilian employees acting in their official capacity may contact a political campaign?
Only when necessary in connection with scheduling, advance, logistics, security and legal compliance matters
Public affairs personnel regardless of whether or not they are currently assigned in a media relations assignment represent the military at all times, even when they are off duty, and must adhere to a higher standard of discretion in expressing their views publically?
One of the civilians on your team tells you he wants to run for city councilman in next year’s election. What guidance should you give him?
“Call the command judge advocate to find out about possible legal ramifications.”
Navy personnel may fundraise for a specific political party at a Navy command or organization T/F?
The public affairs organization within the DoN is designed to ____.
Provide the maximum flow of factual information
Who is responsible for estbalishling DoN public affairs policy and directing its implementation?
Who is responsible for coordinating, planning, and implementing public affairs policies and programs for the DoN?
Who has the direct responsibility to the Commandant of the Marine Corps for development, planning, and implementation of public affairs programs within the USMC?
Who is responsible for the public affairs program at any Navy command?
The commander
Which of the following is not a responsibility of a command’s PAO?
Ensure all command public affairs personnel receive periodic training in the performance of public affairs functions.
Who attends to the needs of dinstinguished visitors?
Protocol officer
Who is authorized to act as an official Navy or Marine Corps spokesperson?
Military or civilian public affairs personnel
Who may not authorize the release of information for the Navy or Marine Corps?
Contract public affairs personnel
What is the default position when releasing information?
Disclosure as the default
Distorting the facts or publishing inaccurate information creates a sense of _____ with internal and external audiences.
Accidents and incidents requiring the submission of an Operational Report (OPREP) require the PAO to submit a release to the designated public affairs office within how long?
60 minutes
Information associated with a ‘’ or ‘’ domain can be interpreted by the public as reflecting official Navy or Marine Corps policies and/or positions T/F?
FOIA stands for?
The Freedom of Information Act
What are the pieces of information required when submitting a FOIA request?
Cites or implies FOIA, Reasonable description of the information being sought, Willingness to pay fees up to a certain amount
DoD and DoN policy forbid the release of information and records deemed to be of interest to the public in the most expeditious manner predictable (T/F)?
Who bears the burden of justifying withholding information requested under FOIA?
Whomever advocates the withholding of information
The Privacy Act of 1974 as amended protects ____.
An individual’s privacy from unwarranted invasion by the government
PAOs should not delete personal information from records as soon as it is no longer needed (T/F)?
Under how many conditions does the Privacy Act allow for disclosure of personal data without the consent of the individual?
Which piece of information cannot be released on federal employees and military personnel?
The duty status of a Navy member may not be released because it could compromise the safety of the individual (T/F)?
If Capt. Hoffman posted lewd photos of a party he hosted on Facebook and they later become evidence in an investigation into his personal conduct, should he have an expectation of privacy for those photos?
Which of the following statements best describesthe privacy rights of a deceased service member?
The Privacy Act remains in effect for surviving relatives as well as interested parties X
Which of the following questions should be considered when a balancing test is performed?
Is the information available from other credible sources?
You’re the PAO at Navy Region Japan and a BM2 is accused of attacking a Japanese national just outside the gate in a widely reported incident. He is being charged under the UMCJ rather than Japanese law. Can you release his name?
No, because the public’s interest does not outweigh his right to privacy until a verdict is rendered
A senior officer at your command is under investigation of embezzling funds. Can you release her name?
No, because the public’s interest does not outweigh her right to privacy until a verdict is rendered
A senior officer at your command was found guilty of embezzling funds. Can you release her name?
Yes, the public’s interest in proven wrongdoing of a serious and intentional nature outweighs her right to privacy
Expectation of privacy an individual has due to his/her official position and contact with the public that best matches a flag or general officer?
Diminished expectation of privacy
Expectation of privacy an individual has due to his/her official position and contact with the public that best matches a GS-12 visual information specialist?
Reasonable Expectation of Privacy
Expectation of privacy an individual has due to his/her official position and contact with the public that best matches a CMC?
Diminished expectation of privacy
Expectation of privacy an individual has due to his/her official position and contact with the public that best matches an OIC?
Diminished expectation of privacy
Expectation of privacy an individual has due to his/her official position and contact with the public that best matches an LPO?
Reasonable Expectation of Privacy
Expectation of privacy an individual has due to his/her official position and contact with the public that best matches a DIVO?
Reasonable Expectation of Privacy
Expectation of privacy an individual has due to his/her official position and contact with the public that best matches a Reserve Unit XO?
Diminished expectation of privacy
Expectation of privacy an individual has due to his/her official position and contact with the public that best matches a senior executive service civilian?
Diminished Expectation of Privacy
Who shall ensure the public affairs officer has access to policy and the necessary security clearance to access classified information to best serve the government’s interests?
The commanding officer
“Security at the source” means that the person communicating, regardless of medium used to communicate, is responsible for protecting classified information from unauthorized disclosure T/F?
Which of the following can declassify and approve classified information for public release?
An officially designated security review analyst, An appropriate subject matter expert, The original classification authority
Who should be notified immediately if classified information is inadvertently disclosed to a news media representative?
The command security manager
A Navy aircraft crashes at Naval Air Facility El Centro, exposing several pieces of highly classified electronic equipment. Naval Air Facility El Centro officials should prioritize its crash response in which of the following ways?
Rescue the crew, perform damage control, protect classified equipment, preserve the site for investigation and release public information
Because of extenuating circumstances, Naval Air Facility El Centro officials are unable to remove the classified equipment from the crash site. What should be done in this case?
Cover the equipment with an opaque or non-transparent material
A Navy helicopter crashes in a residential neighborhood exposing classified equipment. What should the on-scene PAO do to lessen the chances of the media photographing the classified equipment?
Contact civilian law enforcement officials and request permission for Navy personnel to cordon off the area and cover the equipment
If a CO determines classified material has been photographed at an accident scene, the camera will be confiscated. When this occurs, what should the on-scene PAO convey to the photographer?
The command has no intention of restraining or limiting news coverage and the command only is interested in retrieving any classified information that may have been obtained inadvertently
A naval station PAO confiscated the camera of a local newspaper photographer because it contained classified materials photographed at an accident scene on base and he refused to delete the photos. What, if anything, should the PAO do to compensate the photographer?
Give the photographer another chance to photograph the unclassified accident scene
You are the PAO at an off-base accident scene where there is exposed classified material. You tell the five news photographers in attendance they may take pictures of the area ONLY once all of classified material is moved/covered (approximately 10 minutes from now). One of the photographers disregards your statement and starts photographing the scene. Which of the following actions should you take first?
Inform the photographer that taking photos of the scene without permission violates federal law
Who should a PAO call if a camera is confiscated because it contains images of classified material?
If there is no classified information exposed at an accident site outside of military jurisdiction, the senior Navy or Marine Corps official present should support media coverage T/F?
A television videographer inadvertently took video of classified equipment at an accident site on Navy property. The PAO confiscated the camera. When, if ever, should a videographer be detained at a Navy facility because his camera is confiscated?
After a security review of the digital footage, the naval station’s security officer believes there is still classified material on the camera. To whom should the PAO forward the footage for further review?
Director, NCIS, Washington DC orCMC Intelligence/Counterintelligence/Human Intelligence Branch (HQMC Code: IO/IOC) depending upon whether it is a Navy or Marine Corps issue
Release decision that best matches confirmation of ships and aircraft plainly visible to the public?
Release decision that best matches future plans, operations or ship’s movement?
Not releaseable
Release decision that best matches intelligence methods, targets and results?
Not releaseable
Release decision that best matches types and general amounts of ordnance expended?
Release decision that best matches detailed information about vulnerabilities or weaknesses?
Not releaseable
Release decision that best matches location and activities of special operations forces?
Not releaseable
Why must classified aspects of equipment, procedures and operations be protected from disclosure?
Disclosure jeopardizes future operations, may violate host nation and allied sensitivities, and disclosure may cause harm to our troops
Specific numbers of personnel in units, equipment and supplies along with specific operating methods or tactics may be released without regard for operational security T/F?
For which of the following types of persons under control must the requirements of the Third Geneva Convention of 1949 be met?
Enemy prisoners of war
All imagery of all types of persons under control is always non-releasable T/F?
Release decision that best matches area of body injured?
Requires signed patient authorization
Release decision that best matches factual circumstances surrounding injury?
Requires signed patient authorization
Release decision that best matches patient’s location or room number?
Requires signed patient authorization
Release decision that best matches one-word description of condition?
Does not require a signed patient authorization
A magazine reporter asks you, the PAO Naval Hospital Portsmouth, for the injuries and the medical condition of a group of Sailors injured during firefighting training. What should you tell the reporter?
The one-word condition description without referencing otherwise identifying the Sailors
When, if ever, can a media photographer take still photos of an active duty patient in a Navy medical treatment facility?
When the patient gives written consent
You are the PAO for a hospital ship on a humanitarian mission and the medical team is providing care to host nation nationals ashore. The MCs are:
Allowed to photograph host nation citizens receiving treatment because HIPAA provisions do not apply to them when the care is provided in a country other than the United States
When releasing information on military justice matters, which is the most important consideration?
The individual’s rights
What are the possible results of the unauthorized disclosure of details on matters under investigation or referred to a court-martial?
Hampering the defendant’s case, a violation of the rights of the accused, undue influence on the litigation process, and a violation of the Department of Justice guidelines on trial publicity
After approval is granted by the proper authority, when should a PAO release details about an investigation?
When it is complete
An investigation into the collapse of a communications tower on a naval station is in progress. The PAO must ensure that statements to the media during the investigation will NOT imply the release of all findings T/F?
Release authority that best matches the investigation report for a plane that crashed on base?
Commander, Naval Safety Center
Release decision that best matches the investigation report for the report on mold in privately owned Navy housing?
Office of the Judge Advocate General, Claims and Tort Litigation
Release decision that best matches the investigation report on the possible compromise of classified information?
Director, NCIS
Release decision that best matches the investigation report on a senior leader abusing his/her position for personal gain?
Naval Inspector General
One of your MCs is working on a command video and he wants to use a popular hit song in the background. Under what circumstances can he do so?
When the command has the written permission of the copyright holder
The CO of USS Warrington is looking for a way to stay abreast of news stories that may affect the mission of the ship. For this purpose, which of the following methods should the PAO use?
Select and distribute pertinent press clips
When responding to an inquiry from a member of Congress, what is the definition of a timely response?
Responding with an interim reply within five working days and responding with a full reply within 10 working days
What individual is responsible, in close coordination with CHINFO, for overseeing all public affairs matters regarding naval nuclear propulsion?
Director, Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program
During a port visit to New Zealand, the PAO of USS Hawaii (SSN 776) is asked by a local reporter if the ship is carrying nuclear weapons. The PAO should respond by making which of the following statements?
“It is U.S. policy to neither confirm nor deny the presence or absence of nuclear weapons at any general or specific location.”
What individual is initially responsible for the public affairs aspect of a nuclear weapons incident in the U.S. and its territories and possessions?
Who is responsible for supervising, administering and controlling activities relating to trademarks and copyrights for the DON seal, the Navy Emblem and other indicators?
Chief of Naval Research
The term “indicator” is any Department of the Navy word; symbol; ship, aircraft or other platform name; designator, logo, unit or squadron patch; sound; slogan, phrase; official seal; emblem; domain name; name of any historical battle; or other official adopted visual or auditory identifier in use or intended to be used by the Department of the Navy T/F?
The editor of a civilian magazine contacts you for permission to reprint and to copyright a story written by one of your MCs for during working hours. What should you tell the editor?
Reprint the story only as a non-copyrighted work
What is the Navy and Marine Corps assurance that the Department of the Navy remains accountable to the public?
An open and ambitious public information policy
At what level will information be released?
From the lowest appropriate level of command unless other guidance dictates
Information can be withheld arbitrarily or merely to avoid criticism or embarrassment (T/F)?
Public affairs is a function of ____?
Commanders will not use or allow disinformation activities, including disinforming the media about military capabilities and intentions, in ways that could influence decision makers and public opinion (T/F)?
When restricted by law, security classification or privacy statutes, public affairs personnel will take which action?
Seek unrestricted information that may satisfy news media needs
Public affairs professionals will interact with the media in which of the following manners?
Act as liaisons, but not interfere with the media and the reporting process, expedite the flow of information, and ensure accurate coverage
What is the primary means of disseminating information to local, national and international publics?
Through the mass media (TV, radio, newspapers)
Commands will not contribute to misinformation by neglecting to consider releasing information pertinent to establishing the character and context of an issue (T/F)?
What should a PAO do if the command cannot release information requested by the media by their deadline?
Release the best information available by the deadline and prepare to release additional information as it becomes available
A Navy van en route to a commercial airport was struck by a car and all four Sailors aboard were killed. A local television crew obtained copies of their TAD orders at the accident scene and plans to air the names of the Sailors in a live remote broadcast. The Sailors’ next of kin have not been notified. As the cognizant PAO, what, if anything, should you do?
Make a professional appeal to the crew not to air the names until 24 hours after the next of kin have been notified
Department of the Navy commands must treat persons who gather and publish news by non-traditional means such as bloggers and other Internet-based media, as news media representatives to ensure which of the following?
Consistency in relations across external information organizations and representatives
News media representatives are granted the privileges of which paygrade for berthing, messing and transportation?
An O-4
Who is responsible for moving and carrying the media’s equipment when covering Navy and Marine Corps events and units?
The media representatives themselves
Which of these best matches how the DON PA Policy & Regulations describe the length of a media visit?
A part of a day up to a week
Who normally assigns escorts for media visits?
The unit commander
Fleet commanders have approval authority for all media embarks except which of the following?
National media and International media
San Diego-based USS Boxer will get underway in two weeks for operations off the West Coast. Christine Hodges, a reporter for a major U.S. daily newspaper, is scheduled for a one-day media embark, but wishes to stay overnight. What action, if any, should Boxer’s PAO take?
Notify and get permission from Third Fleet Public Affairs
Who has approval authority for public affairs travel arranged by the Navy and Marine Corps in conjunction with another Federal department or agency or with a foreign government?
Where should (a) Navy command and (b) Marine Corps commands provide feedback/after action reports via the chain of command as soon as possible after a media embark is completed?
Which of these best matches how the DON PA Policy & Regulations describe the length of a media embed?
More than 7 days
The personal safety of reporters is a reason for excluding them from observing any phase of military operations (T/F)?
Who must understand the ground rules for embedded media?
The media escort, the media, and the embedded unit
When commercial facilities/options for transmitting media products are unavailable, how will news media representatives transmit their products?
The embedded unit’s commander will provide communication support via military communications systems
When may a media organization terminate a media embed?
At any time
When executives from news media organizations embark on Navy or Marine Corps ships and aircraft as part of a distinguished visitor program and their visit will generate news, how will they be treated?
As working members of the media
Which of the following would disallow (or prevent) the military from providing transportation to the media?
Commercial transportation options are available
When justifying military travel for the coverage of a emergent news, what points should you address?
The public affairs purpose and the need for military carrier
The PAO of USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) based in Bremerton, Wash., received a request from a local television station to cover an event while the ship is underway for local operations. Who may authorize COD transportation for the news team?
The CO of USS Gerald R. Ford
How much advance coordination is required for media travel?
Depends on many variables
The Internet is a ____ tool for both internal and external use.
Which of the following are factors for evaluating requests for support to entertainment media, documentaries and other external productions?
Informational value, Authenticity, and Impact on an accurate image of the U.S. Military
Which organization(s) is(are) the sole authority to approve DoD assistance to entertainment media, documentary and other external productions?
Which organization(s) is(are) approve and coordinate naval involvement with the entertainment industry?
You are a public affairs officer and receive a request for your command to support a documentary. Which of the following actions should you take first?
Contact NAVINFO West or Marine Corps PA (LA) as appropriate
Individual units have decisional authority and may promise to support an entertainment production (T/F)?
Which document details specific requests for support and identifies the respective responsibilities of the parties involved in a production?
Production agreement
When a commercial film produced with Navy or Marine Corps support is screened, which of the following activities at the theater must be approved by CHINFO or DIRPA?
Units providing exhibits, Recruiters coordinating displays of recruiting materials, Personal appearances of Department of the Navy military and civilian personnel
Navy and Marine Corps personnel may participate in external productions as a private citizen in which of the following situations?
When they are in an unofficial and off-duty status, When they are not representing the Navy or Marine Corps, When he/she is not wearing his/her uniform
If an individual Sailor or Marine appears in an external production as a private citizen, in addition to not wearing his/her uniform, care should be taken not to imply endorsement or DON nor DoD sponsorship of the production (T/F)?
If an individual Sailor or Marine attends an external production as a member of the audience, he/she must obtain the approval of his/her chain of command, even if he/she may be selected as a participant during the broadcast (T/F)?
If a Sailor or Marine is hired by a production company to perform as actors or “extras,” who is involved in the contractual arrangements for pay?
OASD(PA) via CHINFO or DIRPA as appropriate
Commercial enterprises requesting to use Navy and Marine Corps members, equipment and facilities for advertising purposes, must submit their requests to which organization?
While portraying a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marine Corps, an actor in a theatrical or motion picture production may wear the uniform of that armed force if the portrayal does not tend to discredit that armed force?
A proactive community outreach program should promote which of the following public attitudes?
A productive community outreach dialogue involving Navy and civilian leaders positively impacts which of the following areas?
Increasing public awareness and understanding of the Navy and Marine Corps
Which of the following factors are considered when a command is determining whether it participates in a community outreach event?
Available funds, Operational priorities, and Ethics
Navy personnel may not participate in community outreach events that result in which of the following outcomes?
Preferential treatment
Naval Station Nearby Island is invited to participate in the annual Diversity Festival organized by local city officials. The festival, held three miles from the station, celebrates the great diversity in American heritage. The Navy’s world-renowned marlinespike seamanship demonstration team is scheduled to appear. Admission to the festival is $5. You are the PAO.
In a planning meeting, the manager of the festival informs you proceeds generated by the Navy-manned food booth will benefit a local non-profit literacy action group. What should you tell the manager?
The Navy cannot appear to endorse the literacy action group and cannot participate
Naval Station Nearby Island is invited to participate in the annual Diversity Festival organized by local city officials. The festival, held three miles from the station, celebrates the great diversity in American heritage. The Navy’s world-renowned marlinespike seamanship demonstration team is scheduled to appear. Admission to the festival is $5. You are the PAO.
Diversity Festival organizers may list the marlinespike seamanship demonstration team as the main attraction in promotional materials (T/F)?
The Navy has been invited to participate in this year’s Cantonment Interstate Fair. The fair will last 10 days. Navy participation in this event will be limited to what extent?
Providing an exhibit
The Navy Band Mid-South may perform at a mall to attract customers, when, if ever?
Navy participation decision applicable to a prayer breakfast sponsored by the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association?
Navy participation decision applicable to a Labor Day barbeque supported by local Democrats?
Not Authorized
Navy participation decision applicable to a broadly promoted community fish fry held on property owned by a major contractor?
Not Authorized
Navy participation decision applicable to a Veterans Day exhibit held at a private commercial building?
Navy support in a community program is NOT authorized under which of the following circumstances?
When Navy support could be construed as competition with commercial businesses
In which of the following capacities may military personnel in uniform be used outside of military bases and ships for a community engagement event?
Guest speaker
Navy support of a fund-raising event, in most cases, is limited to which of the following campaigns?
When, if ever, should a command give preferential treatment to a group during a fund- raising drive?
Individual service members may volunteer on the behalf of the charities of their choice in a personal capacity and out of uniform (T/F)?
MCCM Morton died while on active duty at Naval Station Great Lakes. Who should be contacted and have full responsibility of MCCM Morton’s funeral honors?
U.S. Air Force
Navy participation has been requested for Governor DePate’s inauguration ceremony. In what capacity may Navy personnel be involved in the ceremony?
Color guard members
When may a CO authorize Navy participation in a local parade?
When it is sponsored by the community as a whole
Depending on its overall community outreach value, Naval Air Station Oceana may be authorized to participate in a fashion show sponsored by a local department store (T/F)?
Can the government at any time incur any additional costs by participating in community- sponsored activities? If yes, when?
Yes, for logistics support, shipping exhibits, utilities, travel, meals and lodging.
A naval air station is planning to participate in a community outreach event. Who should provide funding for the event?
The Naval Air Station
A tornado kills six people and seriously injures 35 others in a city three miles from Naval Station Ensley. Which of the following responses by the CO of Naval Station Ensley is appropriate?
Offer and provide assistance, and keep CHINFO apprised of the situation
A representative of the Salvation Army contacts the PAO of a naval air station requesting storage space for donated clothing. The clothing is for several hundred people left homeless by a hurricane in a nearby city. What publication should the PAO refer to regarding the conditions and exceptions governing the commander’s emergency response?
DoD Directive 3025.18 of 29 December 2010
The Marine Corps may loan property to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in keeping with which of the following stipulations?
The property must be returned to the Marine Corps after use
When can the president authorize Navy participation in an interagency program?
When international outreach will be strengthened
MC1 Smith may solicit prizes for the annual command holiday party (T/F)?
You’re responsible for planning a welcome ceremony for your ship’s arrival in Vietnam and have been asked to provide refreshments for the distinguished visitors and other attendees. How do you pay for them?
Use Official Representation Funds (ORF)
An active duty service member can accept money for a speech/presentation, if given in a private capacity, with a disclaimer, and does not include information obtained as a result of their official access to government information not generally available to the public (T/F)?
The city of Pembroke Pines wishes to borrow Navy equipment for a display in its new visitors center. The Navy may grant this request under which of the following circumstances?
The equipment does not pose a safety hazard to people and property
A civilian group may borrow Marine Corps equipment if similar commercial equipment is available (T/F)?
The New Hampton fire chief calls you, the PAO of Naval Air Station New Hampton, requesting the use of the station’s only crash and salvage truck for a static display during fire safety week. How should you respond to this request?
Disapprove the request because the truck is vital to the mission of the naval air station
For which of the following reasons would an NJROTC group be allowed to use an open mess facility on a Navy installation?
When visiting for Navy orientation
Commands should advocate participation in local professional or civic organizations for which of the following reasons?
To encourage favorable treatment of Navy personnel in the community
Who is the Navy’s primary point of contact for the headquarters of all national organizations?
When is higher echelon coordination (OLA, CHINFO, DIRPA) required for State or local elected official requests?
When the request has the potential for impact beyond the local level.
Members of Congress, whether or not they are candidates for reelection, may be granted access to Navy and Marine Corps ships and installations in their official capacities (T/F)?
When, if ever, may a candidate for a local political office use the base club for a campaign kickoff dinner?
Tours should be offered because they improve which of the following areas?
Public support
Which of the following individuals can normally designate a ship for general visiting?
For which of the following reasons is the term “open house” no longer used when referring to command public visits?
It implies the public has unrestricted access to the command
Visit that best matches a guided tour of the command?
Visit that best matches a visit managed by a Marine Corps recruiting district?
Visit that best matches a visit coordinated by the Chief of Legislative Affairs?
Visit that best matches a visit scheduled by a Navy Recruiting District?
Educator Oriented
Visit that best matches a visit offered by CO’s invitation?
You are the PAO of a ship scheduled for port visits to Holt, Texas, and Cozumel, Mexico, within a 10-day span. This will be the U.S. Navy’s first visit to Holt.
Which of the following attitudes should you and CO promote before residents of Holt tour the ship?
That of all crew members being goodwill ambassadors of the ship and the U.S. Navy
You are the PAO of a ship scheduled for port visits to Holt, Texas, and Cozumel, Mexico, within a 10-day span. This will be the U.S. Navy’s first visit to Holt.
Which of the following actions is recommended for the Cozumel port visit?
Brief ship’s company and embarked personnel on local customs and traditions
If a disabled visitor would like to tour the ship, how should the public affairs officer handle the request?
Allow the disabled visitor to participate in the portion of the tour with the assistance of an aide he/she provides, allow the disabled visitor to participate in the full tour with the assistance of an aide he/she provides, and provide suitable alternatives such as videos, photographs or narrated slide shows
While escorting a tour group in Cozumel, MC3 Abby discovers a local newspaper reporter in the group. The reporter is off duty and is touring solely for his own enjoyment. What special precautions, if any, should MC3 Abby take?
Treat the reporter as if he were making a bona fide news visit
The USS Aiea, currently in Norfolk, is scheduled to depart tomorrow for a guest cruise to Mayport. Six guests will be attending.
What information must be furnished to a guest cruise participant before embarking?
A statement regarding the possible withdrawal of the cruise invitation
The USS Aiea, currently in Norfolk, is scheduled to depart tomorrow for a guest cruise to Mayport. Six guests will be attending.
Before the guests are selected, Navy officials evaluate each individual’s involvement in civic, social and professional organizations. This is necessary for which of the following reasons?
To make sure the guests can relate their ship visit experiences to several associates who have a wide sphere of influence within their professions
When should the guests receive a briefing on shipboard safety and security restrictions?
Before the ship gets underway
Unclassified photography by guests should be discouraged because of the risk of photographing sensitive unclassified equipment?
Where should guests generally berth and eat their meals while aboard USS Aiea?
Officers’ country and wardroom
Which of the following privileges can be extended to the guests?
Limited use of the ship’s store, emergency dental care
A guest suffers a severe hand injury while attempting to close a watertight door. Which of the following persons should the CO notify of the incident via message?
The chain of command and the Judge Advocate General in Washington, D.C.
Which of the following items is considered most appropriate for a ship visit souvenir?
A photo CD including a photo of the guest with the CO
If the PAO of USS Aiea receives a news media query about the guest cruise, which of the following points should be emphasized?
The cruise was at no additional cost to the government
A JCOC visit is convened by which of the following individuals?
A JCOC visit is conducted for the purpose of helping which of the following groups better understand the armed forces?
Public opinion leaders
Navy and Marine commands may submit their nominations for appropriate candidates for JCOC through which organization?
Department of the Navy aviation assets support of public events shall meet which of the following requirements?
Be in the best interests of the Department of the Navy, Performed at no additional cost to the government
Which of the following is a type of aviation support?
Flyovers, Static displays, Airshows
A written request via a DD 2535 must be submitted to whom for approval for a) Navy aviation support and b) Marine Corps aviation support?
a) NAVCO and b) DIRPA
A flyover normally involves a maximum of how many aircraft?
Who is the approval authority for the performance of a civilian aviation demonstration team at a naval air facility once NAVCO determines eligibility?
The commanding office of the naval air facility
Who is normally the chief planner for national and traditional observances involving both Navy and Marine Corps units?
The DoD executive agent or primary coordinator
Local observances of Armed Forces Day should emphasize which of the following?
How the local command’s mission and people fit within the annual theme announced by OASD(PA)
Virginia’s Hampton Roads area is home to a naval station, an air force base and an army post. In this case what is the recommended procedure for conducting an Armed Forces Day observance?
Joint arrangements should be made whenever possible
Who must approve command participation in a public observance of the Memorial Day?
The local commander
A Marine Corps exhibit may be placed in which of the following locations?
Civilian shopping mall
Which of the following statements best describes the purpose of a Navy exhibit?
It is used to inform the public visually about the maritime strategy and the mission of local Navy commands
To which organization does a Navy overseas commander submit a request for an exhibit to be displayed internationally?
The appropriate geographic combatant commander
The Navy cooperated in the production of the latest blockbuster movie and the producer requested an exhibit for the theater lobby for a screening. Which organization approves the display and the personal appearances of Navy military and civilian personnel?
Exhibits will be authorized for display typically for no longer than which of the following?
3 days
A Navy band is authorized to perform at which of the following functions?
A dependent’s cruise with veterans groups aboard
A Navy band is NOT authorized to perform at which of the following functions?
At a fundraiser for Combined Federal Campaign
Department of the Navy musicians are not authorized to play at events that are commercially-sponsored, designed to increase business traffic or are associated with a particular religious, ideological or partisan political party (T/F)?
How should civilian sponsors of events in the public domain request musical support from Navy and Marine Corps bands?
By submitting a form DD 2536
The Navy Band Guam is requested to perform at a function in the public domain. Before the request is approved, the requester must certify which of the following?
That the band will not be in competition with local civilian musicians
Commanders and their staffs will follow which of the following principles when communicating about environmental matters?
Foster transparency by openly sharing information on environmental policies and programs, go beyond the requirements of the law to build trust in the Department of the Navy mission, release information in an expeditious and responsible manner when the potential for public health concerns exists
Which of the following is the goal of public involvement in environmental, safety and occupational health programs?
To inform and engage specific audiences during critical decision-making periods
Public affairs programs at all levels must understand and plan for timely and consistent public involvement that meets the letter and spirit of Federal environmental laws (T/F)?
Which of the following needs must the Navy balance as it strives to reduce its impact on the environment?
National security and environmental stewardship
Which of the primary areas of public affairs are employed when communicating about environmental issues?
Public information including media relations, community outreach, internal communication
Which of the following best describes the issue(s) the public affairs staff incorporates into the annual community outreach plan?
The spectrum of environmental challenges and opportunities
Which of the following is the intent of public affairs involving hazardous waste problems?
To present factual and timely information, to obtain community feedback and promote understanding, and to dispel rumors
When developing a community outreach plan for a hazardous waste site, the command PAO should coordinate with which of the following individuals?
The command public works officer, the environmental coordinator, and the appropriate Naval Facilities Engineering Command Engineering Field Division representatives
A community outreach plan for a Navy Installation Restoration (IR) issue should involve which of the following groups?
Interested residents, state and local officials, civic organizations
In final decision documents, the public affairs officer should ensure which of the following is included?
How community comments and contributions were considered by the decision makers and incorporated into response plans