PU520: Principles of Epidemiology Unit 7 Infectious Disease and Outbreak Investigation Flashcards
What is defined as a disease due to an infectious agent? Such agents include bacteria and viruses.
Infectious disease
What is a disease transmitted by direct or indirect contact with a host that is the source of the pathogenic agent?
Contagious disease
What is an illness due to a specific infectious agent or its toxic products that arises through transmission of such agent or products from an infected person, animal, or reservoir to a susceptible host, either directly or indirectly through an intermediate plant or animal host, vector, or the inanimate environment?
Communicable disease
Some writers use the terms infectious disease and communicable dis-ease as synonyms. Technically speaking, these terms can have different meanings.
What is an infection caused by a parasite, which “… is an animal or vegetable organism that lives on or in another and derives its nourishment therefrom.”?
Parasitic disease
What is a defined as the entry and development or multiplication or an infectious agent in the body or persons or animals?
What is the epidemiologic triangle?
It includes three major factors - agent, host, and environment - and is one of the longstanding models used to describe the etiology of infectious diseases.
Although this model has been applied to the field of infectious disease epidemiology, it also provides a frame-work for organizing the causality of some other types of health outcomes, such as those associated with the environment.
Considering the epidemiologic triangle, what is an agent?
An agent refers to “[a] factor (e.g., a microorganism, chemical substance, form of radiation, mechanical, behavioral, social agent or process) whose presence, excessive presence, or (in deficiency diseases) relative absence is essential for the occurrence of a disease.
A disease may have a single agent, a number of independent alternative agents (at least one of which must be present), or a complex of two or more factors whose combined presence is essential for or contributes to the development of the disease or other outcome.
Considering the epidemiologic triangle, what is the term environment?
The term environment is defined as the domain in which disease-causing agents may exist, survive, or originate; it consists of all that which is external to the individual human host.
Considering the epidemiologic triangle, what is a host?
The host is [a] person or other living animal, including birds and arthropods, that affords subsistence or lodgment to an infectious agent under natural conditions.
A human host is a person who is afflicted with a disease; or, from the epidemiologic perspective, the term host denotes an affected group or population.
What does infectivity refer to?
It refers to the capacity of an agent to enter and multiply in a susceptible host and thus produce infection or disease.
What does the term virulence refer to?
It refers to the severity of the disease product (i.e., whether the disease has severe clinical manifestations or is fatal in a large number of cases)
What is a toxin?
It usually refers to a toxic substance (a material that is harmful to biologic systems) made by living organisms.
Foodborne intoxications are examples of illness caused by the actions of microbial toxins.
What is a host characteristic that can limit the ability of an infectious disease agent to produce infection?
This refers to the host’s ability to resist infection by an agent. This status is usually associated with the presence of antibodies or cells having a specific action on the microorganism concerned with a particular infectious disease or on its toxin.
What is the difference between active and passive immunity?
Active immunity refers to the immunity that the host has developed as a result of natural infection with a microbial agent. This can also be used to describe immunity gained by an injection of a vaccine (immunization) that contains an antigen (a substance that stimulates antibody formation).
Examples of antigens are live or attenuated microbial agents. (Jenner’s development of an immunization against smallpox was an early example of using a vaccination to protect against a disease.)
Active immunity is usually of long duration and is measured in years.
Passive immunity refers to the immunity that is acquired from antibodies produced by another person or animal.
For instance, the newborn infant’s natural immunity conferred trans-placentally from its mother. Another example is artificial immunity that is conferred by injections of antibodies contained in immune serums from animals or humans. Passive immunity is of short duration, lasting from a few days to several months.
What does herd immunity mean?
Denotes the resistance (opposite of susceptibility) of an entire community to an infectious agent as a result of the immunity of a large proportion of individuals in that community to the agent.
Herd immunity can limit epidemics in the population even when not every member of the population has been vaccinated.
A clinically apparent disease is one that produces observable clinical signs and symptoms. What does the term incubation period denote?
What terms may be used when the infection does not show obvious clinical signs or symptoms?
This term refers to the time interval between invasion by an infectious agent and the appearance of the first sign or symptom of the disease.
Subclinical, also called inapparent.
For example, hepatitis A infections among children and the early phases of infection with HIV are largely asymptomatic. Nevertheless, individuals who have inapparent infections can transmit them to others; thus inapparent infections are epidemiologically significant and part of the spectrum of infection.