PU505: Health Behavior Unit 1 Introduction Flashcards
Why is understanding and being able to use theories essential?
They provide the foundation for professional practice.
What does theories help us accomplish?
Solve problems and formulate programs, interventions, projects, and policies.
What type of theory or model can explain, predict, or suggest ways to change behavior by focusing on factors within people that affect their behavior, such as knowledge, skills, attitudes, beliefs, and past experiences?
Intrapersonal theories or models
What is a theory from a health promotion and disease prevention perspective?
It represents an interrelated set of propositions that serve to explain health behavior or provide a systemic method of guiding health promotion practice.
“Theory, then, provides a framework for explaining phenomena and may serve as the basis for further research as well as practice application”
Simply put, theories explain behavior and thus can suggest ways to achieve behavior change.
What is a a set of assumptions developed to explain why something happens and to predict its occurrence?
A theory
It is “ a set of interrelated concepts, definitions, and propositions that present a systematic view of events or situations by specifying relations among variables in order to explain and predict events or situations.”
What is a a composite, a mixture of ideas or concepts taken from any number of theories and used together?
A model.
This can help us understand a specific problem in a particular setting which one theory may not be able to do alone.
What theory belongs at the interpersonal level?
Social cognitive theory
What type of theory or model can explain, predict, and suggest ways to change behavior by focusing on factors within social systems (communities, organizations, institutions, and public policies) that influence behavior, such as rules, regulations, legislation, norms, and policies?
Community-level theories
What are the three different types or levels of influence within theories and models?
What theories and models belong in the intrapersonal level? (6)
The health belief model
The theory of reasoned action/planned behavior
The self-efficacy theory
The attribution theory
The protection motivation theory
The transtheoretical model
What are theories and models that explain, predict, and suggest ways to change behavior by focusing on factors related to the influence that other people have on a person’s behavior?
These other people can be family, friends, coworkers, healthcare providers, and clergy, influence behavior when they share their thoughts advice, and feelings and when they provide emotional support assistance.
Interpersonal theories and models
What is a common theory used at addressing behavior at the interpersonal level?
Social Cognitive Theory
What do community-level models and theories attempt to explain, predict, and suggest ways for?
To change behavior by focusing on factors within social systems (communities, organizations, institutions, and public policies) that influence behavior, such as rules, regulations, legislation, norms, and policies.
Changing a social system from one that maintains and supports unhealthy behaviors to on that supports health behaviors ultimately supports individual behavior change.
What are some common community-level theories?
Diffusion of Innovation Theory
Social Ecological Model
Social Capital Theory
Why are theories even born?
They are born from the need to solve a problem or find an explanation that would account for some repeatedly observed occurence.
What is the goal of theory development?
To identify a few principles that can account for (explain) a large range of phenomena.
Scientific inquiry is a cyclical process where theory and data can be regarded as either starting points or endpoints. In a spiral-shaped process of research, inductive and deductive phases of inquiry follow each other. The starting points are ideas, hypotheses, or conceptual frameworks that guide future research. Endpoints are attained when there is a well-substantiated explanation of a particular facet of reality based upon empirical evidence
What does the development of theory begin with? (2)
Inductive reasoning and qualitative methods.
Inductive reasoning, if you recall, starts with specific observations or evidence and moves to a conclusion.
For example, using inductive reasoning we observe that COVID-19 is transmitted through respiratory droplets, and we observe that masks and social distancing reduce exposure to respiratory droplets. Therefore, we conclude that masks and social distancing reduce or prevent the spread of COVID-19.
What is the difference of deductive reasoning compared to inductive reasoning?
Deductive reasoning starts with the conclusion–masks and social distancing reduce or prevent the transmission of COVID-19–and seek the observations to support the conclusion–masks and social distancing reduce or prevent the spread of disease through droplet transmission.
COVID-19 is spread through droplet transmission.