Pts with diabetes Flashcards
Type 1 Diabetes
-bodys own immune system attack the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin
Type 2 Diabetes
the pancreas does not produce enough insulin and or the bodies tissues do not respond properly to the actions of insulin -insulin resisatant
Gestational diabetes
diabetes with first onset or recognition during pregnancy
-will put women at baby at higher risk of DM later in life
pre diabetes
when a persons blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not enough to be diagnosed with type 2
complications of diabetes are _________vascular and _______vascular
microvascular and macrovasular
what are some microvascular complications of diabetes
- retinopathy
- nephropathy (renal disease/failure)
- neuropathy can lead to foot problems
what are some macorvascular complications of diabetes
- stroke
- heart disease and hypertension
- peripheral vascular disease
- ulcers and amputation
_________ is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease
diabetes, 80% of people with diabetes will die from cardiovascular disease
Signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia
Blood glucose less then 4 mmol/L condusion-change in LOC sweating rapid pulse tremors
signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia
Blood glucose greater than 7 polyuria polyphagia polydipsia glucosuria weight loss fatiuge
Major categories for management of diabetes
- Exercise
- Nutrition
- monitoring
- pharmacological therapy
- Education
blood glucose monitoring is important for
-self detection and prevention of hypo/hyperglycemia
fasting blood glucose
to measure amount of glucose in blood at time of sample collection
glucose tolerance test
done after FBG, the patient drinks a standard solution of glucose to challenge their system -followed by specific intervals to track “glucose challenge”
diabetic ABCS for managment
A1c less than or equal to 6.5%
BP less than or equal to 130/80
Cholesterol-LDL-C less than 2.5 mmol/L