PTCB Book Ch. 2 Flashcards
What does HIPAA do?
Enforces Confidentiality
Who can you give patient information to?
a.) Other care providers
b.) Those that the patient has signed a release of information for.
c.) To a third party payer in order to receive correct payment.
d.) The patient for his or her own use through a signed release of info.
e.) To public health officials when it poses a threat to public health
What does the Joint Commission do?
Certifies and accredits healthcare organizations
What does the FDA do?
Supervises and regulates
What does the FDA regulate?
a.) food
b.) medications (OTC and RX only)
c.) tobacco
d.) dietary supplements
e.) vaccines
f.) biological drug products
g.) blood transfusions
h.) medical devices
I.) cosmetics
What does the DEA do?
a.) enforces laws related to drug use
b.) educates public about drugs
c.) funds state and local law in order to cut down on drug crimes
d.) break up drug related crap
What does the Controlled substances act of 1970 do?
1.) creates drug classifications
2.) says we’re in charge of drugs to make sure you don’t abuse them.
What does the prescription Drug marketing Act do?
Makes sure that drugs are safe and ensures that customer get quality medications
What does the USP-NF do?
Provides regulations and standards for medications
What does the US NRC do?
creates standards to provide safety from radiation
What does the Americans with disabilities 1990 act do?
Prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities
What does the poison Prevention packaging act of 1970 do?
Sets rules about the packaging of drugs to ensure that children won’t get in them.
What does the Consumer Products safety commission (CPSC) of 1970 do?
Protects the public from unnecessary risks associated with manufactured products (has jurisdiction over medical containers), issues recalls, and researches customer complaints
What does the Orange Book contain?
a.) List of approved medications
b.) drug ingredients
c.) proprietary names
d.) applicants
e.) application #
What does the CDC do?
a.) Prevent and control the spread of communicable disease
b.) educates public about spreadable disease
c.) studies public health risks
What are some compounding and manufacturing medications violations?
a.) Compounding drugs in anticipation of prescriptions (making them before they’re asked for)
b.) Compound drugs that have been removed from market. (make drugs that are no longer on market)
c.) Compound drugs with non-FDA approved medications (make with unapproved ingredients)
d.) Compound drugs using commercial scale manufacturing or testing equipment (make drugs with incorrect equipment)
e.) Compound drugs for third party resale (make drugs to sell)
f.) Compound drugs that are commercially available (make ibuprofen when they can buy it off shelf)
How long does it take to FDA approval for new medications?
about 12 years
How long does a prescription have to be kept on file?
At least 5 years
What does prescription records have to contain?
a.) date dispensed
b.) drug name
c.) drug strength
d.) drug dosage form
e.) patient’s name
f.) quantity dispensed
g.) Patient’s address
How should you group saved prescription records?
The CIIs by themselves and the CIII-CV together
Valid Controlled Substance Prescriptions have to have?
a.) Patient’s full name
b.) patient’s address
c.) Date written
d.) Prescriber info (Including DEA number)
e.) Drug info (name, dosage, strength)
f.) prescribed quantity
g.) refills (if any)
h.) directions for use
I.) handwritten signature of prescriber
What are the CII fax requirements (Situations in which fax is accepted)?
a.) Patient in long-term facility
b.) patient in community based care
c.) patient is in hospice program
d.) the recipient of compounded home infusion or IV pain therapy
What is required for a CII faxed prescription?
Signature of Prescriber
What is required for CII verbal prescription?
a.) Has to be an emergency
b.) Doctor has to write a legitimate prescription and send it to the pharmacy in the next 7 days
Should CIIs be filled alongside non-CIIs?
NO, CIIs should be filled seperately
Who can make changes to a CII medications?
Pharmacist ONLY
How do you order CIIs from a pharmacy warehouse?
Use DEA form 222
What do you do with the copies of the DEA form 222?
Send the GREEN copy to the local DEA office
Keep the brown one in your records
Can you transfer CII prescriptions electronically?
Yes, but records of it must be kept in the pharmacy
Besides ordering medications, what can the DEA form 222 be used for?
a.) Transfer CII meds between locations
b.) send medications back to wholesaler
Can alterations be made to the DEA form 222?
No, if a mistake is made, then you have to start all over again.
Do CIIs have refills?
CIII-CV are allowed how many refills?
5 max
Do CII med prescriptions have an expiration date?
Do CIII_CV prescriptions have an expiration date?
6 months
Medications that are not scheduled have how many refills?
Unlimited, but the prescription expires in a year
In order to take Thalidomide what do you have to do?
a.) Get a pregnancy test
b.) Register
c.) receive mandatory counseling
d.) Get regular pregnancy tests and counceling
In order to take Isotretinoin what do you have to do?
a.) register
b.) get a pregnancy test
c.) stick to two types of birth control
d.) keep all appointments as scheduled
In order to take Clozapine, what do you have to do?
a.) track white blood cells
b.) track neutrophils
What is a drug diversion?
Using a medication for anything other than its intended use
How do you tell if a prescription is forged?
a.) patient may give contradictory info
b.) is written on uncommon form
c.) medication doesn’t match usual dose
d.) if wrong abbreviations or terminology is used
e.) dosing errors
f.) No quantity or refills (erased)
g.) two different inks
h.) CII refills
I.) Quantity #s
How do you mail prescriptions?
Use a padded envelope and stuff bottle with cotton in order to ensure that pills don’t break
What does a FDA recall level 1 mean?
Serious side effects even death
What does a FDA recall level 2 mean?
Temporary health problems
What does a FDA recall level 3 mean?
violated FDA regulation, likely no harm
How should you dispose of unwanted medications?
a.) use a take back program
b.) put drug in a sealed baggy with used coffee grounds or kitty litter
What does the state board of pharmacy do?
a.) certifies pharmacies, pharmacists, and technicians
b.) eases communication
c.) Inspects and grades pharmacies to ensure that they are meeting standards
What does the NABP do?
a.) helps state board of pharmacy
b.) facilitates movement of licenses across state lines
c.) Provides examinations to assess pharmacist’s competence
What is a MSDS?
a material safety data sheet
What does a MSDS contain?
Contains info about materials, chemical compounds, physical features, proper procedures, proper precautions
What should you do in the case of a chemical spill (IN ORDER)?
a.) Warn of spill
b.) remove contaminated clothes and flush exposed skin
c.) Refer to SDS
d.) Don PPE
e.) For small or medium spills, use absorption skill kit. For large spills, use local procedures and policies
f.) Once spill is absorbed, put it in appropriate chemical spill bags
g.) Decontaminate area with water and detergent
h.) report spill to supervisor
What counts as hazardous waste?
a.) expired med
b.) incorrectly compounded medications
c.) products contaminated with bodily fluids
d.) items used to dispense or compound hazardous materials
How do you use an eye irrigation station?
a.) hold eyes open and position over water spout
b.) Have someone turn the station on for you.
c.) have someone call for emergency assistance
d.) flush eye til substance is removes, at least 15 minutes
What should you do in the case of accidental skin contact with hazardous chemicals? (IN ORDER)
a.) Notify supervisor
b.) removed contaminated clothes
c.) run cool water over affected area for at least 15 min
d.) if burned, cover area with dry, sterile dressing
e.) if second or third degree burn, get medical help immediately
What should you do if you ingest hazardous materials? (IN ORDER)
a.) Notify Supervisor
b.) Identify ingested material
c.) Find SDS for material and find info for treatment
d.) Induce vomiting if SDS says to
e.) Call for emergency medical services immediately
What should you do for inhalation of hazardous materials?
a.) Notify supervisor
b.) Evacuate to fresh air
c.) Make sure inhaler can still breathe
d.) Call for emergency medical assistance
What should you do for a first degree burn?
Run it under cool water for at least 15 mins
What does a first degree burn look like?
Area is red, swollen, irritated, but outer layer is still intact
What should you do for a second degree burn?
Run under cool water for 15 mins, unless it’s really big, then get immediate medical assistance
What does a second degree burn look like?
Outer layer of skin is damaged, blistering, severe pain, swelling
What should you do for a third degree burn?
call 911 immediately, elevate burn above heart, and cover with moist, cool bandages
What does a third degree burn look like?
Outer layer of skin is gone. It may appear white or charred
How many contact hours are necessary to recertify?
20 contact hours