(Pt.2) Connective Tissue Types Flashcards
What is the major difference with the types of connective tissue
- major difference reflect cell types, types and relative amounts of fiber
What is Mesenchyme
- fluid ground substance with fine sparse fibers and star shaped mesenchymal cells
What are the types of Connective tissue
Connective tissue proper
What are the subclasses of Connective tissue proper
- Areolar
- Adipose
- Reticular
- dense regular
- dense irregular
- elastic
What is areolar connective tissue (ct proper)
- most widely distributed in body
- Universal packing material btw tissues
- CT, epithelia rest upon
- present in all mucous, mem as lamina propia
What are the functions of areolar ct
• Supporting/ binding other tissues (Job of tibers)
• holding body Fluids (grnd sub role)
- defend against infection (Via activity of WBC’s/macrophages)
• Storing nutrients as Fat in adipocytes (fat Cells)
What does adipose ct structural appearance look like and what does it’s appearance allow it to do
Struct ft, loose arrangement of fibers & because loose nature:
- Provide reservoir of water/Salts for surrounding body tissues
- hold more fluid than entire blood Stream
- where, all body Cells retain nutrients/release waste
What are the cells of Areolar CT
- fibroblast (Predominant)
- Macrophages (many)
- adipocytes (Singly)
- Mast Cells (sometimes)
What is the Ground Substance like of Areolar CT
- Viscous like molasses (be ,high conc. of hyaluronic acid)
- hinder movemntofCellS
- wbes secrete enzyme (hyaluronidase) to liquify
What is Adipose CT (CT Proper)
- Similar to are Areolar CT
- nutrient Storing, greater
- richly Vascularized (high metabolic activity)
- Shock absorber, energy Storage site and Usually in SubCutaneous tissue
What is the matrix like of Adipose Tissue
- matrix, Scanty and cells packed close together
What does fat do, and it’s a poor what (about Adipose tissue)
stop heat loss from body fat is a poor Conductor
What are the other sites, fat build (Adipose tissue)
- Kidney, abdomen, hips, behind eyeballs
- Small amounts serve local nutrient needs of highly active organs
(heart, lymph nodes, within muscles)
What is White fat, and what does it do (adipose tissue)
white fat white (adipose tissue)
- store nutrients mainly for Other cells
What is brown fat, and it’s location
Brown Fat (Brown adipose tissue) - richly Vascular, mainly on baby’s back
Where is the location of brown fat for adults (adipose tissue)
- collar bone, neck, spine, abdomen
What is Reticular Connective Tissue (CT proper)
- resemble Areolar CT
- Fibers widely distributed in body
- limited in certain sites
What kind of fibers does Reticular CT have what are they doing in the matrix
- only reticular fibers in matrix that form a delicate
network which fibroblasts
called reticular cells are scattered
What does Reticular CT form
labyrinth like Stroma/internal
frame work that can support many free blood cells, Spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow
What do all Connective Tissue- Proper Dense CT have
- all have Fibers tht are prominent element, so
called fibrous CT
What is Dense Regular Connective Tissue and what fibers does it have
- Closely Packed abundant of collagen fiber that are parallel and running
in the same direction - great resistance to tension
- Few cells other than Fibroblast and poorly
Can Dense Regular CT stretch
- Collagen fibers are
Slightly wavy, it can
stretch a little but once Straighten out theres
no further give
What does Dense Regular CT form with its enormous tensile strength
With enormous tensile strength, it forms:
- tendons: cords that attach muscle to bone
- ligaments: bind bones together at Joints, more stretchy and elastic fibers
- aponeuroses: flat sheet like tendons tht attach other
muscles to muscle or to bones
What is Dense irregular CT (CT proper)
-Same Struct as regular variety, but collagen fibers are much thicker/ arranged
irregularly, meaning run in
all directions
What does Dense irregular CT form
- form sheets in body area, where tension is exerted in different directions
- form fibrous joint capsules and Fibrous coverings that cover some organs (Kidneys,
bones, cartilages, muscles, nerves)
Where is dense irregular CT found
Skin, as leathery dermis
What is Elastic Connective Tissue
- dense regular CT in a few ligament Structures, like those connecting adjacent vertebrae, being very elastic
Where is Elastic CT found
In the walls of many large arteries (stretchy sheets)
What is Cartilage
- stand up to both tension/compression
- qualities of bone and dense CT
- Tougn but Flexible
Does Cartilage have nerve fibers
- Lack nerve fibers and avascular
What is the ground substance and matrix of Cartilage like
- ground substance, quite firm (high GAG, hyaluronic acid and firm bound collagen fibers)
- matrix : exceptional amount of tissue Fluid
What does movement of tissue help with for Cartilage
rebound after compressed
and help nourish cells
What are the three varieties of Cartilage
- elastic
- hyaline
- reticular
- each dominated by a certain fiber
What is Hyaline Cartilage
- Most abundant Cartilage in
body - Provide firm support W Some pliability
What fibers does hyaline cartilage contain, and explain its matrix
- large # of collagen Fibers, not apparent
- matrix appear glassy (hyal 5 glass,transparent) blue-white
when viewed by unaided eye
What are the cells in hyaline cartilage
- Chondrocytes (1-10% volume)
Where is hyaline cartilage found
- end of long bone (as articulated cartilage)
- support tip of nose
- connect rib to sternum
- support most of respiratory system passages
- make most of embryonic skeleton before bone
What is Elastic Cartilage and what fibers it contains
- histology ally identical to hyaline cartilage
- more elastic fibers
Where is Elastic Cartilage found
- where strength and exceptional stretchability are needed
- skeleton of external ear/ epiglottis
What is Fibrocartilage
-structuraly intermediate btw hyaline. C/ dense regular CT
What are the cells, fibers of fibrocartilage, and what it look like
- rows of chondrocytes (cartilage feature) alternate with rows of thick collagen fibers (characteristic of dense regular CT)
Where is fibrocartilage found
- found where strong support and ability to withstand heavy pressure are required, because resist both compression/tension very well
- intervertebral discs
What is Bone
- because rocklike hardness, it has exceptional ability to protect/ Support body Structures
- bones of the skeleton provide cavities for Storing Fat / Synthesizing blood cells
- Similar to cartilage, but more rigid/ harder
What is the fiber in bone, and does it do for the matrix
- in addition to more abundant collagen fibers, bone has an added matrix element, inorganic calcium Salts (bone Salts)
What is the cell of Bone and what does it do
- osteocytes
-osteoblast make organic portion of matrix
, the bone salts are deposited on and between the Fibers
Where do mature bone cells reside
- Lacunae (matrix, they’ve made)
What do cross sections of bone tissue show
- closely packed units called Osteons that look like tree rings
Does the bone have blood vessels
- Yes unlike cartilage, it’s well supplied by invading blood vessels
What is Blood
- fluid w/in blood vessels
- most atypical CT
- doesn’t connect things or
give mechanical support
Why is blood classified as connective tissue
- Classified as CT because it develop from mesenchyme and consist of blood cells, surrounded by non
living Fluid matrix Called
blood plasma
What are the cells of blood
- Vast majority of blood cells are red blood cells or enthrocytes, but scattered wbc’s and platelets
(needed 4 blood clotting) are
also seen
What are the fibers of blood
- fibers are soluble protein molecules that precipitate, Forming visible fiber like Structures during blood
What is the function of Blood
- function as transport vehicle for Cardio Vascular System