PT exam Flashcards
Auscultation - Vesicular (normal breath sounds)
a soft rustling sound heard throughout all of inspiration and the beginning of expiration
Auscultation - Bronchial
a more hollow, echoing sound normally found only over the right superior anterior thorax
corresponds to an area over the right main stem bronchi
All of inspiration and most of expiration are heard with bronchial breath sounds
Auscultation - Decreased
A very distant sound not normally heard over a healthy thorax - allows only some of the inspiration to be heard
Often associated with obstructive lung diseases
Adventitious sounds - Crackles (Rales, Crepitations)
Crackling sound usually heard during inspiration that indicates pathology
Atelectasis, fibrosis, pulmonary edema
Adventitious sounds - Wheezes
musically pitched sound usually heard with expiration caused by airways obstruction (asthma, COPD, foreign body aspiration)
Can be heard with inspiration too if severe airway constriction
Vocal sounds - Egophany
nasal or bleating sound heard during auscultation
E sounds are transmitted to sound like A
Vocal sounds - Bronchophony
intense, clear sound during auscultation, even at lung bases
Vocal sounds - whispered pectoriloquy
occurs when whispered sounds are heard clearly with auscultation
Chest x-ray
2D radiograph to detect the presence of abnormal materal (exudate, blood) or a change in pulmonary parenchyma (fibrosis, collapse)
cross section of body
V/Q scan
matches the ventilation pattern of the lung to the perfusion pattern to identify presence of pulmonary emboli
continuous x ray beam allows observation of diaphragmatic excursion
Arterial blood gas (ABG) indicates adequacy of what
Alveolar ventilation - by determining pH, HCO3, and partial pressure of CO2
Arterial oxygenation - by determining partial pressure of oxygen in relation to inspired oxygen
Sputum studies - Gram stain
immediate identification of the category of bacteria and its appearance
Sputum studies - Culture and sensitivity
identifies the specific bacteria as well as the organisms susceptibility to various antibiotics