Pt eval in Conscious Sedation Flashcards
A tool to gather written information about the patient’s
Completed by the patient or the patient’s guardian
Simple format which is easy to understand
Two standard formats:
Med Hx Questionnaire
An opportunity to review the responses made on the written
medical questionnaire
Obtain detailed information about specific responses
Cross check any inconsistent responses
Should be conducted by the person planning
and administering the anesthetic (That’s you, doctor!!)
Gain greater insight to the magnitude of the problem
Identifies treatment risk
Patient interview
What classification is used to determine airway?
Mallampati class ____
Wide open airway
Class 1
Mallampati class ____
Very narrowed airway
Class 4
What is the most important part of IV sedation is _______
Rigid smooth plastic
Anatomically shaped
Multiple suction ports
Controlled suction
Yankaur Suction Tip
Monitoring of concentration or partial pressure of CO2
Graph of expiratory CO2 by expired volume
Advantage of capnography
Breath to breath ventilation data
Respiratory effort
Real-time feedback on treatment ( i.e. IV med administration)
Measures oxygen saturation of arterial blood
Determine percentage of oxyhemoglobin in capillaries
Operates on 650nm and 950nm wave length
Pulse oximeter
No Airtight Seal
Significant Air Dilution
Cannot Be Scavenged
No N2O, Inhalation Agents
No Reservoir Bag
Often Uncomfortable
Nasal Cannula
Commonplace in Office
Less Air Dilution
Less Volume Needed
Reservoir Bag
May Be Scavenged
Nasal hood
Etiology of ______________
Poor Airway Classification
Relaxation of Soft Tissues
Retraction of the Tongue
Depressing the Mandible
Inadequate Airway Support
Airway Obstruction
Displaces the prolapsed
tongue from the posterior
pharyngeal wall
Eliminates obstruction
Can be used for conscious
or unconscious patient
Head tilt chin lift
Double Lumen Airway
Blindly Inserted
Ventilate Patient Regardless of
Tracheal or Esophageal
Difficult Airway
Can’t Ventilate
Failed Intubation
Can’t Move Head/Neck
No Laryngoscope
Significant Upper Airway
Versatile airway tool offering:
Ease of insertion
○ Quick insertion requiring no laryngoscopy
Low incidence of sore throat and trauma
Minimizes gastric insufflation
Does protect from aspiration
King Laryngeal Tube (LT)
Intended as an Improved
Alternative to the Traditional
Face Mask
Minimizes Trauma
Simplifies Securing the
Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA)
Palpate the Cricothyroid
Skin Incision over the
Cricothyroid Membrane
Insert Scalpel Handle and Rotate
90 Degrees
Insert Endotracheal Tube
Inflate Cuff and Ventilate
Should Be Used With Each Patient
Prevents Teeth/Debris From Entering
Helps Absorb Excess Irrigation Fluid
Provides Additional Reaction Time
Oral Pharyngeal Partition