Cleft Lip and Palate Flashcards
The ________ is the most common malformation in the oral
and maxillofacial region.
Cleft lip and palate
What problem does the scar tissue that forms in the palate after surgical procedures?
Restricted growth of maxilla
Development of the upper lip is characterized by fusion of the
_______ with the _________ (4
to 7 Weeks of Gestation)
maxillary processes and medial nasal prominences.
Cleft Lip develops when there is failure of fusion of medial nasal
process and maxillary processes in __-___ wk of gestations
4-7 weeks
What muscle is most affected in cleft lip? Oriented parallel to edge of cleft?
Orbicularis oris
What muscle is most affected in cleft palate? Oriented longitudinally
Levator veli palatini
What muscle/ part of the oral cavity is altered causing escape of air into nasal cavity and problems during speech and swallowing?
Velum/Soft palate
Primary palatal repair surgery that is performed to close the palatal cleft defect results in scar tissue formation of the soft palate (velum). This results in compromised function of the velopharyngeal mechanism.
During VPI, the velopharyngeal mechanism is incapable of separating the oral and nasal cavities during swallowing and speech.
Velopharyngeal incompetence
What people group are more likely to have cleft lip and palate?1-4
Native americans, Asians, Caucasians, Africans
Left or right side more common for cleft lip and palate?
- _________ is a treatment option provided for patient’s with complete cleft lip and palate (both unilateral and bilateral).
*treatment begins in the first week of life and lasts until the patient is going to undergo primary lip repair surgery( i.e in 3 to 4 months time).
- The main goal of treatment is to reduce the severity of the cleft prior to the Primary lip surgery by closing the gaps between the lips/alveolar ridge and also improving the symmetry of the nose.
- The treatment greatly helps the surgeon to perform the primary lip repair with more ease as there is less tension across the cleft margins following the Treatment. Subsequently, the patient has minimal postoperative scar and very favorable aesthetic result following the primary lip surgery.
Naso-alveolar molding
What is the most commonly used flap to achieve proper lip position in cleft lip?
Millard’s rotation advancement flap
What is the most common procedure done to close cleft palate?
Von Langenbeck Palatoplasty
- __________ may be recommended to resolve
velopharyngeal incompetence after patients prove unable to
achieve significant speech improvements through speech therapy
alone. - Other requirements to qualify for the surgery include a short and
immobile or easily fatigued palate.
The goals of surgery are to eliminate the symptoms of
hypernasality and eliminate audible nasal emissions without
causing complete obstruction of the velopharyngeal port,
allowing for nasal breathing and nasal resonance. - has been the most common method for
secondary management of VPI .
- Done before eruption of the permanent canine
- Usually when the root of the canine is 1/3 to 2/3 formed
- Usually between ages 9 – 11 Yrs
- In CLP dental age is usually behind chronological age
- 3 layered closure (Nasal Layer, Bone graft and Oral Layer)
- Provide bone for the eruption and/or orthodontic repositioning of teeth
- Closure of oro-nasal fistulas
- Support and elevation of the alar base
- Stabilization of the pre-maxilla in bilateral cases
- Provide continuity of the alveolar ridge
Secondary alveolar bone grafting