psycotherapy Flashcards
What is the goal of family therapies involving paradoxical directives?
To shift how family members solve problems and interact.
Describe a paradoxical directive used in family therapy.
A couple was asked to increase their arguing to learn more about their love for one another.
What is the goal of structural family therapy?
To change how family members arrange and organize interactions.
Provide an example of successful structural family therapy.
Minuchin and colleagues treated a 14-year-old girl named Laura who obtained her father’s attention by refusing to eat.
What is the focus of behavioral therapists?
Specific problem behaviors and the variables that maintain them.
What are the two forms of conditioning emphasized in behavioral approaches?
Classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
What is systematic desensitization and how is it used?
It is a form of exposure therapy where clients are gradually exposed to what they fear in a stepwise manner.
What is the principle behind systematic desensitization?
Reciprocal inhibition, which states that we can’t experience two conflicting responses simultaneously.
What is exposure therapy and what is its goal?
Confronting clients with what they fear to reduce the fear.
Describe the process of flooding in exposure therapy.
Exposing clients to the stimuli they fear the most for prolonged periods.
What is modeling in therapy?
Observational learning where clients learn from modeling therapist’s positive behaviors.
How is modeling used in assertion training?
To facilitate the expression of thoughts and feelings in a forthright and socially appropriate manner.
What are the core assumptions shared by all cognitive-behavioral therapies?
- Cognitions are identifiable and measurable. 2. Cognitions are key in both healthy and unhealthy psychological functioning. 3. Irrational beliefs or thinking can be replaced by more rational and adaptive cognitions.
What is Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and who developed it?
It’s a therapy that emphasizes changing how we think and act, developed by Albert Ellis.
What are the primary goals of assertion training?
To facilitate the expression of thoughts and feelings in a forthright and socially appropriate manner and to ensure that clients aren’t taken advantage of, ignored, or denied their legitimate rights.
What is stress inoculation training and how is it used?
It’s a therapy where therapists teach clients to prepare for and cope with future stressful life events.
Describe the third wave of cognitive-behavioral therapies.
Therapies that focus on acceptance rather than changing maladaptive behaviors and negative thoughts.