Psychosis Flashcards
What is psychosis
A severe mental disorder where there is loss of contact with reality
lack of insight
Psychosis symptoms
Though disorder
Inappropriate emotional reactions
What are the following definitions:
- hallucinations
- pseudohallucinations
- illusions
- depersonalisation
- derealisation
- passivity phenoma
Hallucinatins - sensory perception in any of the modalities that occur without a real stimulus
Pseudohallucinations - same as hallucinations but pt knows its not real
Illusion - misinterpretations of actual stimulus
Depersonalisation - pt feels like they not their true self and are someone different
Derealisation - sense the world around them is not true reality
Passivity phenomena - perceiving that their thoughts, feelings, actions are being controlled by some outside agency/person
Psychosis DDx
Organic cause e.g. NMDA encephalitis
Drug induced - recreational drug use
Bipolar affective disorder
Psychotic depression
Epidemiology of schizophrenia
Males - late adolescence or mid twenties
What is schizophrenia
Type of psychosis - Chronic illness with acute relpases
Schizophrenia management
Typical / first gen - haloperidol, chlorpromazine
Atypical / second gen - olanzapine, risperidone
RF for schizophrenia
Hx of trauma
Poor physical health
Financial situation
Relationship status
Social support