Psychosexual stages Flashcards
The basics
personality development in children during these 5 stages ( erogenous)
Must klaar conflict in one stage before progress to next
conflict leads to fixation
infants sex drive is what allows it to dala
Oral -1
anal -1-3
genital-adolescence to adulthood
incestuous fantasies (mad)
sex instinct
sex role
Oral stage
conflict = weaning
enogenous zone = mouth
sucking and spitting
0-1 years old
Mother becomes source of frustration and satisfaction
dependent on mother
2 - ways of behaving =
- oral incorporative (take in )(= oral passive
oral aggro (spit out) = oral agro
Anal stage
1-3 years old
erogenus zone = anus
conflict = control of bodily needs
postpone gratification
Anal retentive or agro personality
Phallic stage
3-6 years
erogenous zone = genitals
conflict genitals
exploring playmates genitals
oedipus and electra conplex
fear of castration
penis envy - doesn’t ever get fixed , weak super ego
poorly resolved conflicts can lead to narcissism in relationships
male = vain
female = too much women to conquer man
conflicts of which stages form adult personality and what does it form
first 3.
forms id, ego ,superego , and neurotic and moral anxiety
Latency period
age 6-12
conflict ego vs superego
no erogenous zone
sex instincts dormant and sublimated in hobbies
genital stage
conflict = sexual interest
with puberty
if no fixations -> probs normal life